English Cultural Studies I
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main goal of English Cultural Studies I is to provide the basic methodological tools of cultural studies and apply them to understand and analyse cultures connected to the English context.
To this end, the course aims to enable students to:
- understand a first set of cultural practices and productions by adopting the methodological approach of cultural studies applied to the English context;
- use this approach to understand and describe the key cultural concepts of the country or area being studied;
- read, analyse and interpret texts and cultural practices and productions related to the English context;
- understand the historical, political, social and cultural background related to the cultural practices studied.
To this end, the course aims to enable students to:
- understand a first set of cultural practices and productions by adopting the methodological approach of cultural studies applied to the English context;
- use this approach to understand and describe the key cultural concepts of the country or area being studied;
- read, analyse and interpret texts and cultural practices and productions related to the English context;
- understand the historical, political, social and cultural background related to the cultural practices studied.
Expected learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- use the specific language and skills of English cultural studies, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme;
- apply this subject-specific language to mediation practices, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme;
- use cultural skills to develop an aptitude for inclusion practices;
- read, critically analyse, summarise and compare cultural practices and productions of the contexts studied;
- make intercultural and interdisciplinary connections, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme.
- use the specific language and skills of English cultural studies, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme;
- apply this subject-specific language to mediation practices, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme;
- use cultural skills to develop an aptitude for inclusion practices;
- read, critically analyse, summarise and compare cultural practices and productions of the contexts studied;
- make intercultural and interdisciplinary connections, in line with the professional profile to be trained during the three-year programme.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Title: Race, class, gender and significant others in English CulturesStarting from the three main variables of British Cultural Studies (race, class & gender), the course aims to reflect on the notion of diversity and on how it is represented in various text types, all in English. The purpose of the course is to provide students with an effective, applicable methodological toolset rooted in the British context. Both "official" and institutional texts as well as artistic, musical, theatrical, and literary representations will be addressed, in order to identify effective models of interaction with the forms of diversity with which mediation has to deal. Conferences with guest lecturers, screenings, and events related to the course themes are also planned. The syllabus is divided into three units.
Mod 1 (20 hrs) - What is human and what is not
Introduction to Cultural Studies: history & development. Keywords. Forms of radical otherness. The relevance of language.
Mod 2 (20 hrs) - Border-crossing and ethnic otherness
Migration and translation. The consequences of imperial power. Different skin, different culture?
Mod 3 (20hrs) - Gendered others
Representing and analysing gendered storytelling: female empowerment, the body & desire, mothers & monsters.
Mod 1 (20 hrs) - What is human and what is not
Introduction to Cultural Studies: history & development. Keywords. Forms of radical otherness. The relevance of language.
Mod 2 (20 hrs) - Border-crossing and ethnic otherness
Migration and translation. The consequences of imperial power. Different skin, different culture?
Mod 3 (20hrs) - Gendered others
Representing and analysing gendered storytelling: female empowerment, the body & desire, mothers & monsters.
Prerequisites for admission
A general and basic knowledge of British historical institutions and contexts, particularly in relation to the development of the Empire, is assumed and thus not included in the syllabus. There is no prerequisite for methodological knowledge in Cultural Studies. As for language skills, we require the ability to understand simple texts in English, both written and in audio/video format. In addition, students should possess fundamental expressive tools, in English and/or Italian, to effectively communicate concepts and ideas.
Teaching methods
Classes will be developed on a lecture-based method but will also include collaborative and flipped-classroom activities, as well as blended learning. They will occasionally involve guest lecturers and the participation in external events. Students will be led to develop team-working abilities, congruent with the professional profile they are meant to acquire. The outputs resulting from students' work (slide presentations, podcasts, playlists, videos) will be shared with classmates.
Teaching Resources
Mod 1
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 1: "Cultural Studies: istruzioni per l'uso".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 8: "Language & the Other. Raccontare le differenze".
Excerpts from Sweet Tooth (TV show, 2021)
Laurie Anderson, "Language is a virus" (song, 1986)
Mod 2
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 2: "La chiave del discorso: le pratiche discorsive, la letteratura e il tempo".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 2: "Migration & Translation. Narrare soggettività meticce".
Black Sheep (film, Ed Perkins, 2018)
Saint Levant, "5am in Paris" (song, 2024)
Mod 3
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 4 "Gender Studies e Cultura".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 6: "Sex/Gender & the Body. Raccontare la donna".
Excerpts from House of Cards (TV series, B. Willimon, 2013)
Florence + The Machine "King" (song, 2022)
Additional study materials for non-attending students
In addition to studying the texts listed in the syllabus, non-attending students are required to:
- Complete all the activities related to chapters 2, 6, and 8 from the online extension of the textbook Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024;
- Study and be able to contextualize a text of their choice (even in Italian translation) among:
o Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (novel, 1818, 1831);
o Jospeh Conrad, Heart of Darkness (novel, 1902);
o George Orwell, 1984 (novel, 1949);
o Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (short story collection, 1979);
o Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia (novel, 1990).
Non-attending students are invited to contact the course instructors for further information.
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 1: "Cultural Studies: istruzioni per l'uso".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 8: "Language & the Other. Raccontare le differenze".
Excerpts from Sweet Tooth (TV show, 2021)
Laurie Anderson, "Language is a virus" (song, 1986)
Mod 2
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 2: "La chiave del discorso: le pratiche discorsive, la letteratura e il tempo".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 2: "Migration & Translation. Narrare soggettività meticce".
Black Sheep (film, Ed Perkins, 2018)
Saint Levant, "5am in Paris" (song, 2024)
Mod 3
Vallorani, Nicoletta (a cura di). Introduzione ai cultural Studies. Roma, Carocci, 2016, ch. 4 "Gender Studies e Cultura".
Vallorani, Nicoletta, et al (a cura di). Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024, ch. 6: "Sex/Gender & the Body. Raccontare la donna".
Excerpts from House of Cards (TV series, B. Willimon, 2013)
Florence + The Machine "King" (song, 2022)
Additional study materials for non-attending students
In addition to studying the texts listed in the syllabus, non-attending students are required to:
- Complete all the activities related to chapters 2, 6, and 8 from the online extension of the textbook Letterature e culture inglesi. Temi e (con)testi dal XIX secolo a oggi. Milano, Pearson, 2024;
- Study and be able to contextualize a text of their choice (even in Italian translation) among:
o Mary Shelley, Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus (novel, 1818, 1831);
o Jospeh Conrad, Heart of Darkness (novel, 1902);
o George Orwell, 1984 (novel, 1949);
o Angela Carter, The Bloody Chamber and Other Stories (short story collection, 1979);
o Hanif Kureishi, The Buddha of Suburbia (novel, 1990).
Non-attending students are invited to contact the course instructors for further information.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Attending students will take one or two written & oral midterm tests, assessed on a PASS or FAIL basis. The overall assessment will be determined at the end of the oral exam and will take into account the ability to interact effectively in collaborative activities and, more generally, during lessons.
Non-attending students will be assessed solely through an oral exam. Please note that the syllabus includes some additional requirements for non-attending students.
Non-attending students will be assessed solely through an oral exam. Please note that the syllabus includes some additional requirements for non-attending students.
L-LIN/10 - ENGLISH LITERATURE - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Pasolini Anna, Vallorani Nicoletta
Educational website(s)