Elements of Podology and Equine Macalcia

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
- Historical recall of shoeing practice;
- Legislation, insurance, and ethical aspects;
- Description of farriery equipment
- Approach of the horse and restraint;
- Anatomy and physiology of the equine foot;
- Gaits, symmetry, posture and conformation;
- Shoes removal and hoof trimming;
- General aspects on the pathologies of the equine foot (podotrochlear pathology, laminitis, onychomycosis, bristles, keratomas, etc.) with particular reference to the farrier-podological aspects.
- Introduction of special and orthopaedic shoeing;
- Use of "alternative" materials (resins, glues, synthetic prostheses, etc.);
Expected learning outcomes
The student at the end of the course will have acquired the basics of legislation, ethics that characterize the profession of the farrier technician. The student will have assimilated the main technical notions of the equipment commonly used for balancing, shoeing of the horse both "hot" and "cold" and will know how to relate to the horse according to established ethical principles and in a safe way. The main notions of anatomy and physiology of the equine foot are provided, using both the main anatomy texts already in use in the veterinary medicine course and 3D graphic simulation programmes, manikins and anatomical preparations. The candidate will acquire a satisfactory technical/scientific vocabulary that will allow him to relate to farriers, veterinarians and technicians in the sector. Rudiments of orthopaedic physiopathology of the main digital affections of the horse will be provided, mentioning the therapies and the main orthopaedic shoes useful for their treatment/management, also using prosthetic material.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
· Lectures: 40 hours (5 CFU).
· Practical Sessions: 16 hours (1 CFU).
· Topics Covered:
o Historical background of farriery.
o Legal, insurance, ethical, and deontological aspects.
o Description of farriery tools.
o Approaching and restraining horses.
o Anatomy and physiology of the equine foot.
o Gaits, conformation, and stance.
o Hoof trimming and shoe removal.
o Introduction to equine foot pathologies (e.g., navicular syndrome, laminitis, onychomycosis, hoof cracks, keratomas) with emphasis on farriery and podiatry implications.
o Growth-related pathologies with podiatric consequences (e.g., angular/flexural limb deformities, physitis).
o Basics of specialized and orthopedic shoeing.
o Use of alternative materials (e.g., resins, adhesives, synthetic prosthetics).
Prerequisites for admission
Students should have completed courses in Anatomy and Physiology (2nd year).
Teaching methods
· Classroom lectures.
· Individual and group practical sessions in the anatomy lab and designated stables.
Teaching Resources
· Books:
o Corrective Farriery (Vol. 1) by S. Curtis.
o Equine Podiatry by A. Floyd et al.
· Lecture Slides: Provided by instructors.
Assessment methods and Criteria
· The exam consists of a 90-minute written test with 15 multiple-choice questions, each offering five possible answers (only one correct). Questions are based on lecture slides and reference texts.
· Grading:
o Correct answers: 2 points each.
o No penalties for incorrect answers.
· Passing Grade: At least 9 correct answers (18/30).
· Results will be communicated individually via the SIFA system, and registration will require the candidate's acceptance.
VET/09 - VETERINARY CLINICAL SURGERY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Zani Davide Danilo