Educational Project Planning and Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
· To know theoretical and methodological elements of a learning process design;
· To know the theoretical framework for setting up and evaluating the training intervention;
· To acquire effective methodologies, operational tools and teaching strategies to design learning interventions.
Expected learning outcomes
Student will be able to plan a learning process, considering the expected outcomes; the better teaching strategies; the evaluation methodologies.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
Introduction to the course.
Adult learning, training and education
The "unscientific" theory of andragogy
The core terms in the pedagogical discourse (pedagogy, didactics, educational sciences)
Reflective practice activity: Reading and commenting on an episode of education
Training as experience
The importance of reflexivity in adult learning
Communities of practices: how do they work? Could they be supported?
Flipped classroom on different typologies of educational needs: general and specific (external or internal to the Hospital/Local Authority).
Different types of educational needs of healthcare professionals (perceived, taken for granted and latent)
Tools to gather the different types of educational needs.
Overview on questionnaire and interview. Differences between questionnaire and test
The focus group as a tool for analyzing educational needs.
Group work: construction of the grid for the management of a focus group on a topic chosen by the group
From training needs to learning objectives. Guilbert's objectives taxonomies.
First taxonomy: general intermediate and specific learning objectives.
Second taxonomy: knowledge, psychomotor skills and communication skills
Third taxonomy: different levels for the same area (e.g. knowledge area: remembering, integrating knowledge, finding new solutions/problem solving).
Strengths and limits of planning a course according to the learning objectives theory.
Other models for planning a course in undergraduate, graduate and continuing helathcare professionals education (according to the outcome-based theory or competence theory)
Group work: definition of the general functions of a specific healthcare professional profile; identification of some activities that correspond to a function of that professional profile; identification of the tasks that must be put in place to guarantee a certain activity).
Choosing the right methodologies when planning the training. The problem of coherence between learning objectives and methodologies.
Other elements to consider when choosing learning methodologies.
The choice of learning methodologies considering the "life" of the group of participants.
The learning methodologies according to Guilbert's III taxonomy of learning objectives.
Flipped classroom on the lesson: different typologies, strategies to plan and manage a lesson and communication skills required
How to make a lesson interactive.
Group work: how to plan a lesson
Methods to prepare/support students/professionals for learning in the field: skills lab/simulated activities; case analysis, clinical supervision
Instruments for supporting training in the field: Learning contracts, Portfolios, Cases and self-reported cases;
The complexity of the evaluation
What to evaluate? Programs, outcomes and results of training.
The assessment of learning as one of the components of the evaluation of a program results.
Tools for the objective assessment of knowledge: different types of tests.
Group work: writing a MCQ test
Evaluating clinical skills in simulated or real contexts
Methods for the assessment of clinical skills: written assessments, assessment in the field, clinical simulations (OSCE), portfolios.
The Italian system of CME
New frontiers of CME: continuing professional development and learning in the field
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge required
Teaching methods
The course is led through lectures and active teaching methodologies.
Teaching Resources
Zannini Lucia (2015), Fare formazione nei contesti di prevenzione e cura. Modelli, strumenti, narrazioni, Pensa MultiMedia Editore, Lecce-Rovato (Bs):
- Capitoli 1 e 2
Palma Manuela Laura (2016), Il dispositivo educativo. Per pensare e agire le esperienze educative, FrancoAngeli, Milano.

The uploaded documents on the Ariel teaching platform will form an integral part of the study material.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of a written test, with open questions, aimed at assessing the student's preparation, activating a critical reflection, as well as creating a link with the professional practice.
Lessons: 32 hours