Economics of Tax Evasion

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to show the students how to analyze tax evasion with regards to economic theory and empirical phenomena. A preliminary study of principles of economics of taxation and of tax distortion is followed by the analysis of tax evasion theory, in particular by studying economic models of tax evasion, the determinant of individual and collective evasion behaviours and the tools to fight and measure tax evasion. Last, the course will focus on the Italian case, paying attention to the analysis of the dimension and features of tax evasion in Italy, as well as to the policy tools implemented to fight tax evasion.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will develop critical skills to analyze the phenomenon of tax evasion; to discuss and evaluate its main features, causes, effects and the tools to fight it, by means of using the empirical and theoretic tools provided; to critically analyze the phenomenon of tax evasion in Italy.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction: course aim and structure, basic concepts
Part 1. Theory of taxation
- Basic concepts
-Tax distortions
Part 2.Tax evasion
- Economic models of tax evasion (Allingham e Sandmo, 1972; Becker, 1968)
- Analysis of individual and collective determinants of tax evasion
- Measures to fight tax evasion
- Methods to estimate tax evasion
Part 3. Tax evasion in Italy
- Description and dimension of tax evasion in Italy
- Main features of tax evasion in Italy
- Policy tools to fight tax evasion in Italy
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of elementary algebra. Knowledge of basic microeconomic and macroeconomic theory.
Students are encouraged to sit the exam of Scienze delle Finanze e Economia Applicata before taking this course.
Teaching methods
Teaching is provided by means of face-to-face lessons designed to present the theory of taxation and tax evasion, including the analysis of case studies and exercise sessions with students' participation.
Teaching Resources
To prepare the exam, the textbook is:
- Arachi, G. e D'Antoni, M. (2023), Scienza delle finanze, I ed., Bologna, Il Mulino.

Teaching material is exclusively in Italian, and most of it is downloadable from the dedicated MyAriel web site.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam, held on official exam dates. Passing grades range from 18 to 30 cum laude. Grades will be communicated through the on-line verbalization procedure and the student can refuse the grade and sit again the exam.
In the written exam the aim will be to verify:
- the knowledge of the issues related to tax evasion, as taught during the course, and the theorical and empirical tools presented
* verify the ability to assess events and public policies with autonomy
SECS-P/03 - PUBLIC ECONOMICS - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professors: Ferrario Caterina, Fiorio Carlo
wednesdays, 11-12
MS Teams - upon appointment by email
Mondays, 9:00-12:00
Office 13 DEMM