Economics of Agricultural Markets
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To develop the essential expertise on domestic and international agricultural markets and basic skills in order to work professionally.
Specific goals concern expertise on:
- conceptual and methodological framework for economic analysis of agricultural markets;
- analysis tools for agricultural markets;
- main characteristics of national and international agricultural markets;
- agricultural price discovery both at national and international level;
- key data sources of market information and analysis.
Specific goals concern expertise on:
- conceptual and methodological framework for economic analysis of agricultural markets;
- analysis tools for agricultural markets;
- main characteristics of national and international agricultural markets;
- agricultural price discovery both at national and international level;
- key data sources of market information and analysis.
Expected learning outcomes
- understanding of agricultural markets functioning and characteristics (standards, contracts, derivatives, etc.);
- ability to obtain market information;
- ability to analyze price and production trends;
- market price data processing (validation, sorting, summarization, aggregation, classification, analysis, reporting)
- ability to obtain market information;
- ability to analyze price and production trends;
- market price data processing (validation, sorting, summarization, aggregation, classification, analysis, reporting)
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Main features of agricultural products' supply and demand (seasonality, cyclicality, intermediate and final demand).
Agro-food Global Scenario (production, consumption and price evolution), the State of Food Insecurity, Mid-Term Perspective. Guide to use the investigation and update sources (websites; datasets, such as FAOSTAT, OECD, World Bank, IMF; public periodic update reports). International agro-commodity markets: main features (price formation, organized exchanges); contracts (physical and financial markets); the futures market (players, price formation mechanism, options, hedging).
Supply Grouping Institutions (Producer Associations and Organizations, Agro-food Districts, Processing and Marketing Cooperatives). Price formation (wholesale markets, commodity exchanges, inter-branch agreements, growing contracts, vertical integration, direct selling). Supply chain (definition, modeling, measurement). National agricultural supply chains (cereals, oilseeds and protein crops; fruit and vegetables; wine products; meat industry; milk and dairy products). Information sources: ag-markets analysis and dissemination (Istat, Ismea, CCIAA).
Main features of agricultural products' supply and demand (seasonality, cyclicality, intermediate and final demand).
Agro-food Global Scenario (production, consumption and price evolution), the State of Food Insecurity, Mid-Term Perspective. Guide to use the investigation and update sources (websites; datasets, such as FAOSTAT, OECD, World Bank, IMF; public periodic update reports). International agro-commodity markets: main features (price formation, organized exchanges); contracts (physical and financial markets); the futures market (players, price formation mechanism, options, hedging).
Supply Grouping Institutions (Producer Associations and Organizations, Agro-food Districts, Processing and Marketing Cooperatives). Price formation (wholesale markets, commodity exchanges, inter-branch agreements, growing contracts, vertical integration, direct selling). Supply chain (definition, modeling, measurement). National agricultural supply chains (cereals, oilseeds and protein crops; fruit and vegetables; wine products; meat industry; milk and dairy products). Information sources: ag-markets analysis and dissemination (Istat, Ismea, CCIAA).
Prerequisites for admission
Essentials of Economics. Farm management. National and international agro-food policies.
Teaching methods
he teacher will supply the teaching equipment directly for memory devices and the information to approach Reports, News and Statistics on the Web. Some lectures and seminars with agro-food market's players and experts on topics related to the course will be organized.
Teaching Resources
Zuppiroli M. Mercati finanziari delle commodity agricole, Il Mulino 2019
Slides by teacher available through ARIEL
Articles, reports and other in-depth materials downloadable from the Web
Slides by teacher available through ARIEL
Articles, reports and other in-depth materials downloadable from the Web
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will consist in an oral discussion about the teaching and in a final oral presentation (PowerPoint) of a case study. Evaluation criteria: ability to organize discursively knowledge; critical reasoning ability on the study carried out;, quality of exposure: effectiveness, linearity. language mastery.
Test score in thirties.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Test score in thirties.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Lessons: 40 hours
Frisio Dario Gianfranco
Frisio Dario GianfrancoEducational website(s)