Economic Sociology and Sociology of Organisations
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course introduces students to the analysis of the socio-economic processes characterizing contemporary societies and their organization. After a brief introduction to current economic sociology in general, the course focuses on the sociological analysis of school systems. The historical origin and the current organization of modern school systems, in their relation with the economic and political spheres, and the relevance of schooling for economic development is a core theme for current public policies. The course will give much space to the topic of economic and social inequality, and the role of schools in this respect will be discussed. Also the daily life in schools, as well as the way it relates to social life in general, will be focused upon.
Expected learning outcomes
The course provides students with the analytical tools and the substantive knowledge needed to understand the socio-economic processes taking place in contemporary societies. In particular, they will be able to understand the social, economic and political structures of current school systems, as well as their interdependencies. They will also be able to consciously interpret the data used in mass communication and /or professional contexts.
Lesson period: First trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
1. Introduction to economic sociology
2. School and society
3. Comparative education
4. School and inequality
5. Actors, processes and organization of school
2. School and society
3. Comparative education
4. School and inequality
5. Actors, processes and organization of school
Prerequisites for admission
It is necessary to have passed the exam of Methodology of Social Research
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
C. Trigilia, Sociologia economica, II, Temi e percorsi contemporanei, Il Mulino, chap. 1 and 5.
G. Ballarino, N. Panichella, Sociologia dell'istruzione, Il Mulino.
G. Ballarino, N. Panichella, Sociologia dell'istruzione, Il Mulino.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam, with open and closed questions, and exercises in elementary data analysis
Lessons: 60 hours
Ballarino Gabriele
Ballarino GabrieleEducational website(s)
Wednesday h 9-12 am. It is possible to make an appointment for other timings by writing an e-mail to [email protected]
Dept. of Social and Political Science, Room 5 first floor (above the cafeteria)