Economic and Financial Crime

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to explore the characteristics of economic crime through a multidisciplinary analytical approach that combines the criminological perspective with that of economic sociology. The links between power, economics and crime will be explored, delving into the continuum between legal and illegal, that grey area where the 'criminality of the powerful' (state apparatus, large corporations, financial companies, professionals, etc.) seems to find its maximum expression. Through the analysis of case studies, the encounter between different criminal subjectivities will be investigated, from those of finance and big business, to the world of professions, up to mafia-type forms of organized crime.
Expected learning outcomes
Students are required to demonstrate that they have acquired adequate knowledge of the theories, concepts, authors, and topics covered by the part of the programme dealing with the analysis of case studies in relation to the analytical framework proposed within the course. The use of an adequate language and the ability to read, also in a critical manner, and to link together the transversal contents examined in depth during the course will be particularly appreciated.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Third trimester
Course syllabus
The course is structured in two sections. The first one introduces the pivotal concepts, such as 'relative abundance' referring to the condition of privilege of the offenders examined and the 'criminality of the powerful', both introduced by Vincenzo Ruggiero. After outlining the theoretical framework, the second section of the course will analyze a few case studies involving high finance companies, large corporations, state apparatuses and professionals. These include the 'Tangentopoli' affair, the Parmalat crash and the case of the lawyer and deviated criminal financier Michele Sindona.
Prerequisites for admission
No specific prerequisites are required, although a basic knowledge of sociological and criminological language may facilitate understanding of the topics covered in the course.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures, meetings with experts in the topics covered in class, and active participation of the students through speeches and group works.
Teaching Resources
For the general section of the course, all students, whether attending or not, shoul d refer to the following texts:
-Ruggiero, V. (2015). Perché i potenti delinquono, Milano, Feltrinelli (Per i frequentanti: alcune parti selezionate del volume verranno indicate a lezione).
-Consiglio, S., Canonico, P., De Nito, E., & Mangia, G. (2019). Organizzazioni criminali: strategie e modelli di business nell'economia legale, Roma, Donzelli (Per i frequentanti: alcune parti selezionate del volume verranno indicate a lezione).
- Cabras, F., Dalla Chiesa, N. (2020). Potere di firma: etica delle professioni e organizzazioni mafiose, Sociologia del lavoro, 157(2), 7-32. (Disponibile sul portale on line dell'Università- Minerva )

For the case studies part of the course, we recommend a reading of your choice from the following list (students may make suggestions for alternative readings to be agreed with the lecturer):
- Stajano, C. (1991). Un eroe borghese. Feltrinelli Editore.
-Sciarrone, R. (2017). Politica e corruzione: Partiti e reti di affari da Tangentopoli a oggi, Roma, Donzelli.
-Sapelli, G. (2016). Cleptocrazia: il "meccanismo unico" della corruzione tra economia e politica, Milano, Guerini Associati.
-Ruggiero, V. (2013). I crimini dell'economia: Una lettura criminologica del pensiero economico, Milano, Feltrinelli.
-Gilioli, P.P., Cavicchioli, S., Fele, G. (1997). Rituali di degradazione. Anatomia del processo Cusani, Bologna, Il Mulino.
-della Porta, D., Vannucci, A. (2007). Mani impunite. Vecchia e nuova corruzione in Italia, Roma, Laterza.
-della Porta, D. (1992). Lo scambio occulto: casi di corruzione politica in Italia, Bologna, Il Mulino.
- Catino, M. (2022). Trovare il colpevole: la costruzione del capro espiatorio nelle organizzazioni, Bologna, Il Mulino.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a paper and an oral interview. Students are required to demonstrate that they have acquired adequate knowledge of the theories, concepts, authors, and topics covered in the course. The use of appropriate language and the ability to read, also in a critical manner, and to link together the transversal contents examined in depth during the course will be particularly appreciated.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Cabras Federica