Economic Analysis of Private Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
IUS/01 IUS/02
Learning objectives
The course's aim is to teach to students the principal categories of the economic analysis of the law and their application to the most important private law's areas.
Expected learning outcomes
- Understanding and capacity of comprehension. Student must learn a sufficient knowledge about economic analysis of the law.
- Ability to apply the knowledge acquired. Student must learn to apply the principal categories of the economic analysis of the law to the private law's institutions.
- Student must learn to analyze and argument originally about the categories taught during the course.
- Communication skills. Student must learn how to express legal concepts with property of language.
- Comprehension skills. Student must learn the main categories of the economic analysis of the law and their applications
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course program focuses on:
1) the origins and development of economic analysis of law in the Chicago school;
2) the subsequent diffusion of the same in the Italian legal culture;
3) the fundamental concepts developed by the theory of economic analysis of law and, in particular, the maximization of overall wealth, the economic balance and efficiency, game theory and market failures;
4) the analysis of the application of the aforementioned institutions originally developed in the economic field, also in the legal field, both from a theoretical and practical point of view;
5) the right of property, through the elaboration of an economic theory of property;
6) the Coase Theorem;
7) transaction costs and the search for efficient legal rules.
8) the distinction between public and private goods from an economic point of view;
9) efficient regulation of the ownership regime of the various assets;
10) contract law, from an economic point of view;
11) the search for an efficient discipline of pre-contractual information obligations, fulfillment, assignment;
12) transaction costs;
13) perfect contracts;
14) market failures;
15) civil liability, from an economic point of view, as a tool for minimizing the social cost of accidents;
16) efficient regulation of damage, causal link and guilt;
17) therefore some application problems will be solved in terms of property, contracts and civil liability.
Prerequisites for admission
Private law, Constitutional law (not for erasmus students). Exceptionally, students who have not already passed the above mentioned courses may be allowed to attend the course and take the exam afterwards.
Teaching methods
The course will be delivered in 42 hours of lessons.
During the course, after an explanation by the professors, students will discuss each issue together.
Teaching Resources
R. Cooter, U. Mattei-P.G. Monateri-R. Pardolesi-T. Ulen, Il mercato delle regole. Analisi economica del diritto civile, I. Fondamenti, Bologna, 2006.
R. Cooter, U. Mattei-P.G. Monateri-R. Pardolesi-T. Ulen, Il mercato delle regole. Analisi economica del diritto civile, II. Applicazioni, Bologna, 2006.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will consist of an oral interview (in italian) aimed at ascertaining the student's knowledge of course topics, the understanding and acquisition of appropriate lexicon, and the ability to synthesize and rework general principles and rules.
Lessons: 42 hours
Professors: Marchetti Carlo, Masieri Carlo Maria
Professors: Marchetti Carlo, Masieri Carlo Maria
Fri 14.30
Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Storia del Diritto - 1° piano