E-Government and Change Management

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Digital government (also called: electronic government or eGovernment) uses information and communication technologies (ICTs) as a fundamental operating lever, but at the same time requires a considerable organizational effort from public administrations. The design of the technologies and the design of the organizations are therefore progressively converging, until they become almost the same thing.
The course basically assumes that eGovernment cannot be considered as distinct from the organizational and management problems that public administrations have to address. For this reason, the study program offers some interpretive lenses trends that characterize the implementation of eGovernment in Italy and in other national contexts, with the warning that it is not possible to formulate forecasts or propose ""models"" universally valid. Technology offers interesting opportunities to administrations and recipients of public services, but it is the organizational and managerial system that must grasp them.
Expected learning outcomes
The course illustrates the main theories that - once applied to public administrations - offer conceptual tools useful for the explanation, exploration and assessment of organizational change at different levels. At the end of the course students will be able to use key concepts and related theories within the modernist, symbolic and post-modern perspectives. They will also have a clear understanding of the organizational implications of eGovernment and its main applications..
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The teaching program includes the presentation and discussion of the following topics:
- Introduction to the main concepts
- The organizational environment
- Technology
- Information and communication technologies and e-Government
- The organizational structure and the role of technologies
- The organizational design
- Decision making processes
- Organizational change and change management.

The teaching program dedicates a part to the analysis of the organizational implications of artificial intelligence (AI), through a case study developed by a prestigious international research center.
This case study illustrates the drivers and barriers to AI adoption by organizations and AI acceptance by public sector workers.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is open to students who have no previous knowledge of the subject.
Teaching methods
Teaching methods:
· Lectures
· Discussions
· Individual presentations prepared by the students.
Teaching Resources
The texts for the preparation of the exam are the following:
1) M. J. Hatch (2022) "Teoria dell'organizzazione", il Mulino, Bologna. The following parts should be omitted: chap. 2, chap. 6, chap. 7 and chap. 9.
2) Nurski, L. (2023) "AI adoption in the public sector: a case study", Working Paper 03/2023, Bruegel, freely downloadable by connecting to: https://www.bruegel.org/sites/default/files/2023-03/WP%2003.pdf
3) The diagrams projected in class (available on the Ariel online platform).

Text recommended for students who wish to develop their knowledge, also in view of a possible thesis assignment:
R. Albano, Y. Curzi, T.M. Fabbri. 2020 (or subsequent editions). "Organizzazione: parole chiave". Torino: Giappichelli.
N.B. For the purpose of passing the written exam, the aforementioned text is NOT to be prepared.
Assessment methods and Criteria
As a rule, exams are usually held in person. If, for any reason, that method is deemed impracticable, prof. Sorrentino will inform the student via the Ariel website of the method (in-person or online) and the format (written or oral) of the relative exam.

Written exam of 1-hour duration to test the student's knowledge of the topics dealt with in the course and the correct use of terminology in their responses.
The exam consists of three open-answer questions, two on the subjects addressed in the volume by M.J. Hatch and the other on the themes addressed in the paper Nurski, L. (2023) 'AI adoption in the public sector: a case study', Working Paper 03/2023, Bruegel.
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Sorrentino Maddalena
Wednesday 15:00-18:00 (in presence or via Teams). Please send an e-mail.