Dynamical Systems 1

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main learning objective is to provide the fundamentals of elementary theory of dynamical systems, with particular reference to chaos arising from deterministic systems on the one hand, and to ordered dynamics on the other hand.
Expected learning outcomes
Ther students will acquire knowledge and skilsl towards some relevant results of the theory of dynamical systems.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The program illustrated in the following is a rather long list of topics and it is unlikley that all of them will be addressed. We nevertheless expect to be able to deal with most of the first two parts.

* Poincaré-Bendixson theory; Poincaré local sections; limit sets and their properties. Existence of limit cycles in Liénard systems.
* Fixed point methods; Brouwer theorem.
* Continuation of periodic orbits: the Poincarè theorem. The Poincarè map and its linearization and eigenvalues. Floquet multipliers.
* The Lyapunov center theorem (Periodic orbits near equilibrium points). Applications to the three body problem.
* Poincaré-Birkhoff fixed point theorem; existence of fixed points and periodic orbits for area-preserving twist homeomorphisms of the annulus. Billiard dynamics.
* Dispersion and existence of breathers solutions in infinite non linear chain of particles.
* Periodic orbits in partial differential equations

* Stable and unstable manifolds. Stable manifolds Theorem.
* Homoclinic intersections, Chaotic Dynamics and hyperbolic sets.
* Shadowing Lemma and chaos in the vicinity of homoclinic intersections.
* Chaotic dynamics for the pendulum with a periodic external force. The Melnikov's method

* Formal theory. Problem of existence of a change of variables reducing and ordinary differential equation to its linear part. Resonances. Poincarè theorem on the existence of a "formal normal form transformation" eliminating the nonlinear part of the equation.
* Small divisors and Siegel Theorem. Poincare' and Siegel domains. Non-resonance, diophantine conditions. Measure estimates for the small divisors satisfying diophantine conditions. Proof of the Siegel theorem and quadratic scheme
Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of Analytical Mechanics and Ordinary differential equations.
Teaching methods
Lectures in presence.
Regular attendance is recommended.
Course materials could be made available on Ariel.
Teaching Resources
* Jurgen Moser, Eduard J. Zehnder, Notes on Dynamical Systems, Courant Lecture Notes 12, American Mathematical Society, 2005.
* Eduard J. Zehnder, Lectures on Dynamical Systems, Hamiltonian Vector Fields and Symplectic Capacities, Text books in Mathematics, European Mathematical Society, 2010.

Additional references are available on the Ariel platform.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of an oral test (by appointment), during which you will be asked to explain ideas, definitions, and results (with proofs) from the course syllabus in order to assess your knowledge and understanding of the topics covered.
MAT/07 - MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Paleari Simone
Professor: Paleari Simone
Educational website(s)
Contact me via email
Office 1039, 1st floor, Dipartimento di Matematica, Via Saldini, 50