Drafting Techniques for Business Contracts

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course's goals are:
- a thorough knowledge of the topics of the course;
- the ability to critically address the topics and resolve legal issues;
- the strengthening of the technical language relevant to the subject;
- the ability to connect the different topics in order to develop useful proposals for the solution of concrete cases, including through case-based lectures conducted with the active participation of students.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student who has profitably studied will have: a thorough knowledge of the main topics of business contracts; a method of reasoning suitable for dealing with more specific and complex legal issues in relation to business contracts.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide the basic methodological knowledge of drafting business contracts, with special reference to contracts for the sale of corporate interests.
The course is divided into two parts. The first part will cover institutional concepts in contract law, including: contractual autonomy and the requirements of the contract; agreement and the conclusion of the contract; negotiation and pre-contractual liability, the preliminary contract and pre-contractual agreements; the content and effects of the contract; interpretation; and invalidity and synallagmatic remedies.
In the second part of the course, the clauses and methods of drafting the contract of sale and purchase of corporate interests will be analyzed: nature and structure of the sale and purchase agreement; negotiation of the sale and purchase agreement; recitals, definitions; representations and warranties; termination of the contract and legal remedies.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course includes 63 hours of face-to-face teaching.
Seminars will be held during the course, during which some of the topics covered in the course will be explored in depth through the examination of practical cases and with the direct participation of students.
Teaching Resources
De Nova, Il Sale and Purchase Agreement: un contratto commentato, ult. ed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The oral test consists of an interview designed to ascertain knowledge of the program topics as well as the ability to synthesize and elaborate, in relation to individual theoretical and practical issues.
IUS/01 - PRIVATE LAW - University credits: 9
Lessons: 63 hours
Professor: Maspes Ilaria
Professor: Maspes Ilaria