Dietary Products

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The educational objective of the course is to provide basic notions about the main dietary products and functional foods treated in the herbal sector, starting from those for children to arrive at those for specific types of adult consumers.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course students will learn about the composition of different diet foods, especially with regards to the most significant components from a health point of view, also considering the possible transformations induced by technological treatments and conservation. They will also know some issues related to quality and safety, in particular with regard to the possible presence of contaminants, possible alterations, and the main sophistications. They will also know specific aspects of the reference legislation.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
European and Italian regulations on special foods.
· Health claims: scientific validation and functional foods.
· Insights on the difference between human milk and vaccine.
· Donkey milk.
· Breast milk replacement formulas.
· Food for weaning, compositional and regulatory characteristics.
· Food intolerances: gluten intolerance, lactose intolerance.
· Food allergy.
· Probiotics: classification, characteristics and beneficial effects on health.
· Prebiotics: classification, characteristics and beneficial effects on health.
· Food for people with diseases associated with the lipid component.
· Dietetic products for diabetics.
. Food application of hemp seed
· Food for the sportsman's diet.
· Algae: food and nutraceutical applications.
Biotechnological Foods
Pregnancy Dietary Supplements
Prerequisites for admission
In order to follow the lessons and pass the exam it is important to have attended the Chemistry exam of natural organic substances and food
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons with slides on MyARIEL
Teaching Resources
Book: " La Chimica e gli alimenti - nutrienti e aspetti nutraceutici" Luisa Mannina, Maria Daglia, Alberto Ritieni. cea - casa editrice ambrosiana.
Material lessons are available on MyAriel
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written examination consisting of 35 multiple choice questions (true or False), for each error, 1 point will be subtracted. The examination will be overcome when the final score is equal or superior than 18. Time available 40 minutes.
CHIM/10 - FOOD CHEMISTRY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Lammi Carmen
Educational website(s)