Design, Logistic and Sustainability for Foodservices

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/09 AGR/15
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide knowledge on the criteria for facilities and equipment sizing for foodservice plants and knowledge of the main safety regulations for installations and equipment. It also aims to analyze the main logistic models used in the food service sector and to understand the principles that govern sustainable development and sustainability along the food chain.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will have the ability to: recognize the different types of foodservices systems; size the spaces, facilities and equipment needed to organize a room for foodservice; assess the safety status of the equipment and the logistic level. He/she will have skills to deal with problems related to waste reduction / management and to assess the sustainability of raw materials and menu formulations. He/she will be able to assess the economic management, with reference to energy, thefacilities and the safety of the operators, the well-being of the users and the environmental impact.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Elements of technical-economic choice of the plants: the definition of an industrial plant applied to catering, the fixed and variable costs, the economic indices for evaluating the performance of a plant. The Food Cost.
The design: methodological criteria and input and output elements of a restaurant project.
Integrated design: safety-hygiene-environment.
The premises for collective catering: the kitchen, the premises for consumption, the service rooms. Influence of food destination and organization of spaces. Types of lay-out: restaurants, canteens, self-service. Case analysis. Lay-out analysis techniques.
Seminar: The legislation supporting the design (SCIA, DIA, etc.)
The service systems: water-sanitary, for air conditioning, electric, gas (types, sizing criteria). The safety of electrical systems and the choice of devices.
The refrigeration systems: the refrigeration cycle, the system components, types.
Plants for food preservation and air conditioning: Mollier diagram, the main sizes.
The concept of hygienic design of the equipment: reference standards, application concepts, materials in contact with food.
The main catering equipment: definition, sizing, powers.
Systems for waste management.
Logistics elements Food distribution: internal handling systems. (systems, flows, influences on the lay-out). Food distribution: external handling systems (supply, distribution); vending machines. Modeling of logistics systems for catering: logistics and storage systems. IT solutions.
Seminar: 4.0 Technologies for catering (application cases)
Sustainability (lectures): the basic concepts and the different aspects of environmental, social and economic sustainability; reference regulatory framework and certifications. Sustainability analysis: main environmental impact indicators, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) definition and methodology.
Sustainability (exercises): Several case studies will be addressed to analyze the strategies for reducing the environmental impact of catering systems through (1) the design of sustainable menus, (2) the use of environmentally friendly materials (packaging and disposable), (3) waste reduction, (4) waste management and (5) water management.
Prerequisites for admission
The course requires good physical and technological knowledge to allow the student to grasp the peculiar aspects of each design phases of a system for foodservice. Some economic knowledge are important to understand the main indicators used to evaluate the correct sizing of the plants.
Teaching methods
The course includes lectures aimed at providing the basics and the theoretical-application elements to understand the functioning of the plants in the restaurant sector and to assess the degree of sustainability of a foodservice; moments of numerical exercises useful to understand how to correctly size the system components and choose the equipment; indications for structuring a design on the economic, energy, logistic and sustainability aspects of a restaurant business.
Two seminars will be organized with specific professionals on legislation supporting design and technologies 4.0 for catering.
Students, divided into groups, will have to elaborate a project of a food service agreed with the Professor. The project will be discussed during the oral exam.
Teaching Resources
Notes from the lessons
Material (slides) available on the ARIEL website of the course.
A.A. Montanari -Progettare la Ristorazione Professionale - Tecniche Nuove.
AA. Professional Kitchens, FCSI - HUSS
B.Milson, D. Kirk - Principles of design and operation of catering equipment - Ellis Horwood Limited
C.Katsigris, C. Thomas - DESIGN and EQUIPMENT for RESTAURANTS and FOODSERVICE - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. D.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam includes a written test and an oral exam.
The written test (time: two hour) assesses the student's problem solving skills in correctly sizing the implants by facing simple numerical problems similar to those carried out during the exercises. The written test is considered passed if a mark of at least 16/30 is obtained. During the year, two tests are carried out (each lasting 1 hour) which, if passed with a grade of at least 16/30, allow direct access to the oral exam.
The oral test involves presenting and discussing a project developed in a group including all the design phases analyzed during the lectures.
On this occasion, moreover, the student has to present a project elaborated in a group including all the project phases analyzed during the lectures.
To take the exam it is necessary to register within the deadline provided on the UNIMIA platform (
The evaluation is expressed by a vote out of thirty. The mark is communicated to each individual student by e-mail automated by the university's verbalization system.
Students with SLD (Specific Learning Disabilities) and with disabilities have to contact the Professor by email at least 15 days before the scheduled exam date to agree on any individualized measures. In the email addressed to the teacher it is necessary to put the respective University Services in CC: [email protected] (for students with SLD) and [email protected] (for students with disabilities)
Practicals: 24 hours
Lessons: 52 hours
Professors: Grassi Silvia, Guidetti Riccardo
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences - Production, Landscape and Agroenergy