Cultivation, Quality, and Safety of Plant Products
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
Based on the skills and knowledge that students will have acquired in the courses 'Fundamentals of General and Agricultural Chemistry' regarding soil, and 'Applied Biology to Agricultural Systems' regarding plants, provide a glossary and basic, theoretical, and applied knowledge necessary for understanding crop management techniques from an perspective of efficiency, quality, and sustainability. Transmit a qualitative understanding of the processes and interactions among crops, soil, atmosphere, and management techniques, necessary to create and manage 4.0 agriculture systems.
Expected learning outcomes
Basic knowledge and understanding of the processes leading to the development of herbaceous, woody, and horticultural productions, and their quality. Basic knowledge and understanding of agronomic practices to be adopted in the management of main herbaceous, tree, and horticultural crops. Basic knowledge and understanding of systems for evaluating the quality of plant products. Ability to apply such knowledge in the development and management of digital agriculture systems, aiming to increase productivity efficiency and economic and environmental sustainability. Ability to communicate this knowledge. Ability to use informative articles for updating this knowledge.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
1 CFU Agrometeorology and plant production: the determinants of climate. The atmospheric driving variables, their measurement and their spatial and temporal variability. Water needs of crops; methods of direct and indirect estimation of crop water consumption, and water balances in open fields and in protected environments.
2 CFU Interaction of atmospheric variables with crops, both in open field and in a protected environment. Agrometeorology and plant production: three examples of growth and development over time of herbaceous, horticultural and tree crops. Forecasting models.
3 CFU Soil management. Soil workings: soil properties in relation to workability; main tools. Mechanical, physical and chemical control of weeds. Soil management in herbaceous crops, horticultural crops and tree crops.
4 CFU Fertilization. Fertilization: criteria to define the dose, method, type and time of application of fertilizers in herbaceous, horticultural and tree crops. Notes on soil amendment and correction
5 CFU Crop protection. Biology and epidemiology of biotic adversities (pathogens and parasites). AGR/11- the concept of damage; sampling: objectives, techniques and application methodology; side effects; AGR/12 - Definition and classification of the disease and causal agent, diagnosis, extent of damage, disease cycle and epidemiology
6 CFU Crop protection. Biotic adversities their prevention, prediction and control. AGR/11 - Prevention of infestations: the agroecosystem and environmental management; AGR/12 - Defense criteria against fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, definition and criteria for the use of predictive models for disease management
7 CFU Crop protection. Main plant protection products and their use in agriculture. Definition and use of plant protection products within the scope of current legislation, with a particular focus on fungicides and insecticides
8 CFU Distinctive aspects of herbaceous cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
9 CFU Distinctive aspects of horticultural cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
10 CFU Distinctive aspects of tree cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
11 CFU Evaluation of the productivity of herbaceous, horticultural and tree cropping systems.
12 CFU Evaluation of the quality of herbaceous, horticultural and tree production.
2 CFU Interaction of atmospheric variables with crops, both in open field and in a protected environment. Agrometeorology and plant production: three examples of growth and development over time of herbaceous, horticultural and tree crops. Forecasting models.
3 CFU Soil management. Soil workings: soil properties in relation to workability; main tools. Mechanical, physical and chemical control of weeds. Soil management in herbaceous crops, horticultural crops and tree crops.
4 CFU Fertilization. Fertilization: criteria to define the dose, method, type and time of application of fertilizers in herbaceous, horticultural and tree crops. Notes on soil amendment and correction
5 CFU Crop protection. Biology and epidemiology of biotic adversities (pathogens and parasites). AGR/11- the concept of damage; sampling: objectives, techniques and application methodology; side effects; AGR/12 - Definition and classification of the disease and causal agent, diagnosis, extent of damage, disease cycle and epidemiology
6 CFU Crop protection. Biotic adversities their prevention, prediction and control. AGR/11 - Prevention of infestations: the agroecosystem and environmental management; AGR/12 - Defense criteria against fungal, bacterial and viral diseases, definition and criteria for the use of predictive models for disease management
7 CFU Crop protection. Main plant protection products and their use in agriculture. Definition and use of plant protection products within the scope of current legislation, with a particular focus on fungicides and insecticides
8 CFU Distinctive aspects of herbaceous cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
9 CFU Distinctive aspects of horticultural cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
10 CFU Distinctive aspects of tree cultivation systems with examples referring to some of the most representative crops.
11 CFU Evaluation of the productivity of herbaceous, horticultural and tree cropping systems.
12 CFU Evaluation of the quality of herbaceous, horticultural and tree production.
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of general and agricultural chemistry and biology applied to agricultural systems.
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons, laboratory exercises and visits to agricultural companies.
Teaching Resources
Lecture notes and material available on the course's MYARIEL website.
We recommend consulting the following texts:
Andrea Fabbri and Teofilo Vamerali, 2022 Vegetable production, Pàtron, 2022
Ceccon, P., Fagnano, M., Grignani, C., Monti, A., Orlandini, S., 2017.
Agronomy. EdiSES, Naples
We recommend consulting the following texts:
Andrea Fabbri and Teofilo Vamerali, 2022 Vegetable production, Pàtron, 2022
Ceccon, P., Fagnano, M., Grignani, C., Monti, A., Orlandini, S., 2017.
Agronomy. EdiSES, Naples
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam is divided into a written test consisting of 6 open-ended exercises to which a maximum of 3 points will be assigned and 24 multiple-choice tests, for which 0.5 points will be assigned for each correct answer; 0.5 points will be deducted for each incorrect answer or no answer. The exam is considered passed with 18 points. The vote is expressed out of thirty. The exam will last 90 minutes.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/02 - AGRONOMY AND FIELD CROPS - University credits: 2
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 2
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 1.5
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1.5
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 2
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 1.5
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 1.5
Field activity: 24 hours
Computer room practicals: 4 hours
Practicals: 8 hours
Laboratories: 4 hours
Lessons: 76 hours
Computer room practicals: 4 hours
Practicals: 8 hours
Laboratories: 4 hours
Lessons: 76 hours
Bechini Luca, Brancadoro Lucio, Cocetta Giacomo, Cola Gabriele, Maddalena Giuliana, Rigamonti Ivo Ercole
Bechini Luca, Brancadoro Lucio, Cocetta Giacomo, Cola Gabriele, Maddalena Giuliana, Rigamonti Ivo ErcoleProfessor(s)
By making an appointment.
In my office (Via Celoria 2, Dipartimento di Scienze Agrarie e Ambientali - Agronomia, 1st floor above "Aula 1")
Monday 14.30-15.30