Conventional Radiology: Imaging and Techniques

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
FIS/07 MED/36 MED/50
Learning objectives
Purpose of this course is:
-Development of knowledge of the techniques for the performance of traditional and breast radiological examinations, the correct assessment of the clinical question, and the appropriate choice of the examination and radiological projections to be used on the basis of the clinical information in possession;
-Knowledge of physiological and pathological radiological anatomy and adaptation of the conduct of the radiological examination to the patient's condition;
-Knowledge of the efficient and safe use of radiological equipment, control and application of the correct physical, technical and geometrical parameters for image quality assurance. Optimisation of standard and non-standard parameters in compliance with correctness criteria;
-Promotion of the principles of radiation protection, optimization and limitation of exposures, in compliance with current regulations and guidelines, with a view to dose reduction for the benefit of patients and operators.
Expected learning outcomes
The expected learning outcomes include:
-Ability to responsibly use appropriate technical parameters in the conduct of conventional and breast radiology examinations;
-Critically evaluate imaging requests, to avoid inappropriate or contraindicated examinations, thus demonstrating a high level of professional awareness and competence;
-Adopt a critical approach to assess the quality and diagnostic accuracy of images, with respect to patient conditions and operative protocols;
-Students will acquire decision-making skills to manage the examination, including emergency procedures, and develop the ability to analyse and distinguish between physiological and pathological radiological anatomy;
-Know how to apply radiation protection principles and the ALARA principle to minimise risks to patients and operators.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
In-depth knowledge of the contents of the courses "Basis of Phisics and Mathematics" and "Morphological and functional Basis of Life" and "Radiobiology and radioprotection".
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment of learning takes place through the final exam, which verifies the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected for the lessons of the integrated course through an oral test. The exam is considered passed if the student has satisfactorily answered each question and achieved a minimum score of 18 points in the oral test.
The booking on the UNIMIA portal, within the dates established for each appeal, is mandatory for the examination.
Radiation physics: conventional radiology equipment
Course syllabus
Electromagnetic radiation: propagation and spectrum.
Limits of classical physics: outline of quantum mechanics.
Outline of atomic structure.
X-rays: production. Principles of operation of the x-ray tube.
Characteristics of the X spectrum
Interaction between X-ray and matter and the nature of contrast.
Image formation principles.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
Fisica delle radiazioni. Apparecchiature in radiologia convenzionale (Radiation physics: conventional radiology equipment)
BUSHONG: Radiologic Science for technologists - Elsevier Mosby
Imaging and radiologic anatomy in conventional radiology
Course syllabus
X-ray anatomy of the chest.
The heart and the mediastinum: anatomy and causes of pathology.
Skeleton: anatomy, systematic anatomy.
Lung parenchyma lesions: pathology and radiological pictures.
Elementary bony lesions.
RX of the abdomen.
Inflammatory joint and bone lesions.
Joint and bone neoplastic lesions.
Teaching methods
The course is divided into a series of lectures with slide shows in Power Point. The lectures slides are uploaded to the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
BUSHONG: Radiologic Science for technologists - Elsevier Mosby
Conventional radiology techniques
Course syllabus
TOPIC 1: Lecturer and course presentation; Radiology room and equipment in use; Radiological techniques; Conducting an X-ray examination;
The lectures include an explanation of the indications for the examination, standard and non-standard radiological projections, an overview and in-depth study of radiological anatomy, exposure parameters and the correct criteria to follow for correct optimisation of the radiant dose.
ARGUMENT 2: Radiological study of the spinal column (district elements: cervical, dorsal, lumbar, whole spinal column);
TOPIC 3: X-ray study of the upper limbs (scapular girdle, humerus, elbow, forearm, carpus, metacarpus, phalanges)
TOPIC 4: X-ray study of the lower limbs (pelvic girdle, femur, knee, leg, ankle, foot, loaded lower limbs);
TOPIC 5: X-ray study of the skull, orthopantomography and telecranium;
TOPIC 6: X-ray study of the thorax, hemithorax and sternum;
ARGUMENT 7: X-ray study of the abdomen in white;
TOPIC 8: Breast radiology (mammography and tomosynthesis);
Teaching methods
1. Teacher and student presentation;
2. Presentation of the teaching evaluation questionnaire and evaluation items;
3. Classroom agreement: Examination methods and how lectures are conducted in terms of classroom time were clarified;
4. Aims and skills to be acquired;
5. Teaching techniques used and the order proposed [first lecture, clinical case, practice] and the order in which the lectures are given.
6. Study material [slides and book]
Step-by-step method where all the steps of radiological action are treated step by step, so that it can be replicated with absolute certainty in the examination but also and above all give a basis for practice.
NEXT LESSONS: Subdivision of the lessons according to 3 levels:
Part 1 - Deductive Lesson: This covers the classic structure of the academic lesson based on the following steps:
Although it is a deductive lecture, there is no lack of anecdotes, past experiences, space for questions and discussions to make it as interactive as possible.
Part 2 - Clinical Case: The Case is an account drawn from reality, an analysis of the relevant elements and the making of the most suitable decisions consistent with the situation, facilitating learning by discovery.
The purpose of the case is to:
1. Develop problem solving skills: Identification and understanding of the problem;
2. Developing decision making skills: How to move it? How to handle it? What equipment should be projected onto? Which projection?
3. Development of critical thinking: The X-ray didn't come [what were the problems? I noticed that there is a fracture in the distal femur what do I do?].
Part 3 - Training exercise with X-ray equipment + return of critical thinking: The practical exercise is conducted with the use of a portable equipment and a manikin; the aim is to apply the procedures and notions learned in the first part of the lesson.
FINAL LESSON: Lesson for reviewing and recovering critical notions and deepening any criticalities.
Teaching Resources
MAZZUCATO, GIOVAGNONI: Manuale di tecnica, metodologia e anatomia radiografica tradizionali - Piccin-Nuova Libraria
FLECKENSTEIN: Anatomia Radiologica - Piccin-Nuova Libraria
WEBER, VILENSKY, CARMICHAEL: Anatomia radiologica di Netter - EDRA-Masson
PASSARIELLO: Elementi di tecnica radiologica e diagnostica per immagini
EMIL , MOLLER: Pocket atlas of radiographic positioning - Thieme
REIF, MOLLER: Pocket atlas of radiographic Anatomy - Thieme
Conventional radiology techniques
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Masperi Andrea
Imaging and radiologic anatomy in conventional radiology
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Radiation physics: conventional radiology equipment
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Del Favero Elena
Radiographer's Educational Center: Via dei Missaglia 97, Building B2, Floor 7
Upon email contact
IRCCS Ospedale Galeazzi-Sant'Ambrogio, floor 0