Continuum Mathematics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
MAT/01 MAT/02 MAT/03 MAT/04 MAT/05 MAT/06 MAT/07 MAT/08 MAT/09
Learning objectives
The aim of the curse is twofold. First, to provide students with a basic mathematical language, allowing them to formulate a problem in a correct way and to understand a problem formulated by other people. Secondly, to provide the necessary instruments to solve some specific problems, ranging from the behaviour of sequences to that of series and functions of a single variable.
Expected learning outcomes
Students have to correctly express a selected number of basic mathematical notions and instruments. Moreover, they must know which instrument is the most suitable to solve
some classical problem in Mathematical Analysis. Finally, they must be able to use such instrument to solve the problem itself, or at least have the appropriate know-how to understand some helpful mathematical text.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Edition 1

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Natural, rational and real numbers. Real numbers and operations.
Maximum and minimal element of subsets of the real numbers, greatest lower bound and least upper bound. The symbols +∞ e -∞. The real line.
Comparison between rational and irrational numbers.
Complex numbers Algebraic and trigonometric representations. Exponential representation. Algebraic operations and roots of unity. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, factoring of polynomials.
Natural numbers: Induction over the integers and properties that holds eventually.
Sequences of real numbers: basic properties, boundedness and monotonicity.
Limits of sequences: the notion of limit, uniqueness, boundedness of convergent sequences, comparison theorems. Algebraic operations with limits and forms of indecision, comparison between infinite/infinitesimal sequences, Landau's symbols and their use. Regularity of monotone sequences, the number e (of Napier).
Limits of functions. Continuous functions: the notion of continuity and its graphical interpretation, points of discontinuity. The concept of limit for functions and its relation to continuity. Continuity and discontinuity of elementary functions: rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, the absolute value and step functions, the integer and fractional part functions. Change of variables in limits and the limit of compositions of functions. The theorem on zeros and Weirstrass' theorem for continuous functions.
Differential calculus: the concept of the derivative: linear approximations and the tangent to a curve. Calculation of derivatives for elementary functions. Angular points and cusps. Algebraic operations and the derivative. The theorems of Fermat, Rolle, Lagrange and applications. Cauchy's theorem. De l'Hôpital's theorem. The Taylor's formula and its applications. Optimization problems (finding maxima and minima).
Integral calculus: computing areas, approximation and the method of exhaustion. The integral of Riemann: definition of the definite integral, classes of integrable functions, properties of the definite integral.
The mean value theorem for integrals, the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, the fundamental formula of integral calculus.
Indefinite integrals and integration methods: integration by substitution and by parts,
integration of rational functions. Improper integrals: definition and fundamental examples.
Finite sums. Fundamental examples: powers of integers and geometric progressions.
The concept of series: fundamental examples, the geometric series and telescopic series.
Necessary condition for convergence, regularity, comparison test, absolute convergence and simple convergence. Estimates and asymptotic estimates on the rate of conver-gence/divergence of a series: comparison test, limit comparison test. The generalized harmonic series (p-series).
Real power series and the radius of convergence. Taylor series and analytic functions. Algebraic operations on power series, derivative and integrals of series.
Fourier series of periodic functions. Theorem of convergence. Parseval identity.
Euler's formula.
Prerequisites for admission
- basic algebra
- solving basic equations and inequalities
- elementary functions and their graphs
- graphic interpretation of inequalities
- basic plane analytical geometry
- basic trigonometry
- basic set theory
- basic elements of logic
Teaching methods
Lessons and exercises lectures.
Tutoring for the preparation of the written tests.
Further information on the Ariel website of the course
Teaching Resources
Analisi Matematica Uno, P. Marcellini e C. Sbordone, Liguori Editore.

Other material:
MiniMat course, available online on the Ariel website (prerequisites)
Matematica Assistita course, available online
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is divided into a written test and an oral test to be carried out in the same session.

The written test consists of two distinct parts:
Part 1: The student will have to answer some simple questions indicating only the result.
Part 2: The student will have to solve some exercises on the topics covered during the lessons.
The student will also have to answer some theoretical questions (definitions and statements of the entire program,
proofs of some of the theorems presented in the classroom which will be marked in the final program).
Passing Part 1 is a necessary condition for correcting Part 2.
The written test is passed if the grade is greater than or equal to 18/30.

During the exam you cannot consult notes or books, nor use calculators or other calculation tools.
The written tests will be held in the exam sessions distributed in the months of January, February, June, July and September.

The written test may be replaced by two "in itinere" tests. The first one will take place approximately in the second half of November, the second one in January. The structure and rules of the "in itinere" tests are the same as those of the written tests.
To pass the written test with "in itinere" tests, you must obtain at least 16/30 in each test with an average of at least 18/30. The final grade of the written test will be the average of the grades of the two "in itinere" tests.

The oral test will have two options.
1) If you only want to confirm the grade obtained in the written test, the oral test will be limited to the discussion of the written exam, of definitions and statements of the entire program.
2) If you want to improve the grade obtained in the written test or obtain honors, the student must also pass an oral test in the same session on the entire program, including some additional proofs of theorems.

For "in itinere" tests, the oral exam will be held in January.

In case of a negative evaluation of the oral test the mark obtained in the written test could be modified accordingly or the written test may even have to be repeated.

To participate in a written test or an ongoing test it is necessary to register via the university system, within the indicated deadline. The candidate is required to show a personal identification document with a photograph.

Further and updated information will appear on the Ariel page of the course.
Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 64 hours

Edition 2

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
Natural, rational and real numbers. Real numbers and operations.
Maximum and minimal element of subsets of the real numbers, greatest lower bound and least upper bound. The symbols +∞ e -∞. The real line.
Comparison between rational and irrational numbers.
Complex numbers Algebraic and trigonometric representations. Exponential representation. Algebraic operations and roots of unity. The Fundamental Theorem of Algebra, factoring of polynomials.
Natural numbers: Induction over the integers and properties that holds eventually.
Sequences of real numbers: basic properties, boundedness and monotonicity.
Limits of sequences: the notion of limit, uniqueness, boundedness of convergent sequences, comparison theorems. Algebraic operations with limits and forms of indecision, comparison between infinite/infinitesimal sequences, Landau's symbols and their use. Regularity of monotone sequences, the number e (of Napier).
Limits of functions. Continuous functions: the notion of continuity and its graphical interpretation, points of discontinuity. The concept of limit for functions and its relation to continuity. Continuity and discontinuity of elementary functions: rational, exponential, logarithmic functions, the absolute value and step functions, the integer and fractional part functions. Change of variables in limits and the limit of compositions of functions. The theorem on zeros and Weirstrass' theorem for continuous functions.
Differential calculus: the concept of the derivative: linear approximations and the tangent to a curve. Calculation of derivatives for elementary functions. Angular points and cusps. Algebraic operations and the derivative. The theorems of Fermat, Rolle, Lagrange and applications. Cauchy's theorem. De l'Hôpital's theorem. The Taylor's formula and its applications. Optimization problems (finding maxima and minima).
Integral calculus: computing areas, approximation and the method of exhaustion. The integral of Riemann: definition of the definite integral, classes of integrable functions, properties of the definite integral.
The mean value theorem for integrals, the fundamental theorem of integral calculus, the fundamental formula of integral calculus.
Indefinite integrals and integration methods: integration by substitution and by parts,
integration of rational functions. Improper integrals: definition and fundamental examples.
Finite sums. Fundamental examples: powers of integers and geometric progressions.
The concept of series: fundamental examples, the geometric series and telescopic series.
Necessary condition for convergence, regularity, comparison test, absolute convergence and simple convergence. Estimates and asymptotic estimates on the rate of conver-gence/divergence of a series: comparison test, limit comparison test. The generalized harmonic series (p-series).
Real power series and the radius of convergence. Taylor series and analytic functions. Algebraic operations on power series, derivative and integrals of series.
Fourier series of periodic functions. Theorem of convergence. Parseval identity.
Euler's formula.
Prerequisites for admission
- basic algebra
- solving basic equations and inequalities
- elementary functions and their graphs
- graphic interpretation of inequalities
- basic plane analytical geometry
- basic trigonometry
- basic set theory
- basic elements of logic
Teaching methods
Lessons and exercises lectures.
Tutoring for the preparation of the written tests.
Further information on the Ariel website of the course
Teaching Resources
Analisi Matematica Uno, P. Marcellini e C. Sbordone, Liguori Editore.

Other material:
MiniMat course, available online on the Ariel website (prerequisites)
Matematica Assistita course, available online
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is divided into a written test and an oral test to be carried out in the same session.

The written test consists of two distinct parts:
Part 1: The student will have to answer some simple questions indicating only the result.
Part 2: The student will have to solve some exercises on the topics covered during the lessons.
The student will also have to answer some theoretical questions (definitions and statements of the entire program,
proofs of some of the theorems presented in the classroom which will be marked in the final program).
Passing Part 1 is a necessary condition for correcting Part 2.
The written test is passed if the grade is greater than or equal to 18/30.

During the exam you cannot consult notes or books, nor use calculators or other calculation tools.
The written tests will be held in the exam sessions distributed in the months of January, February, June, July and September.

The written test may be replaced by two "in itinere" tests. The first one will take place approximately in the second half of November, the second one in January. The structure and rules of the "in itinere" tests are the same as those of the written tests.
To pass the written test with "in itinere" tests, you must obtain at least 16/30 in each test with an average of at least 18/30. The final grade of the written test will be the average of the grades of the two "in itinere" tests.

The oral test will have two options.
1) If you only want to confirm the grade obtained in the written test, the oral test will be limited to the discussion of the written exam, of definitions and statements of the entire program.
2) If you want to improve the grade obtained in the written test or obtain honors, the student must also pass an oral test in the same session on the entire program, including some additional proofs of theorems.

For "in itinere" tests, the oral exam will be held in January.
In case of a negative evaluation of the oral test the mark obtained in the written test could be modified accordingly or the written test may even have to be repeated.

To participate in a written test or an ongoing test it is necessary to register via the university system, within the indicated deadline. The candidate is required to show a personal identification document with a photograph.

Further and updated information will appear on the Ariel page of the course.
Practicals: 48 hours
Lessons: 64 hours
Please contact me via email to fix an appointment
Math Department "Federigo Enriques"