Contact Linguistics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the study of the phenomena of innovation that develop in multilingual contexts, where the social use of multiple languages gives rise to meaningful phenomena of interference. In particular, the tools for the analysis of contact phenomena that affect the various levels of organization of human language (phonology, morphology, syntax, lexicon) and on the historical and social use of languages will be provided. Insights will also be offered on the specific functions of the use of multiple languages in different communication and media products.
Expected learning outcomes
The topics addressed are intended to provide students with an adequate knowledge of the linguistic and socio-historical dynamics and contexts of multilingual communities, in which multiple languages are routinely used. This knowledge results in the specific skills of critical analysis of lexical and structural innovations that arise as a result of contact between languages, and for the enhancement of multilingualism in order to develop conscious communication products.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course aims to provide to the students the tools and the methods of analysis of the linguistic phenomena connected with language contact and plurlingualism. In particular, Part A will offer a rich overview on the innovations arisen by language contact in the domain of lexicon, phonology, and morphology. In the second part (Part B), we will analyze instances of dynamics of linguistic contact in South-East Asia. Case studies will be presented and discussed regarding linguistic contact both in the structure (at the phonological, morphological and syntactic levels) and in discourse (at conversational and pragmatic level), by analyzing the outcomes of the linguistic contact in synchronic and diachronic perspective. Finally, Part C will address the topic of deliberate linguistic changes, particularly in language contact situations.
Prerequisites for admission
In order to approach correctly the study of Contact Linguistics the students must have solid bases in Linguistics. The students that have not sustained an exam of General Linguistics (Linguistica generale) or Linguistics (Glottologia) will replace the Unit B with the study of the volume G. GRAFFI- S. SCALISE, "Le lingue e il linguaggio. Introduzione alla linguistica", Bologna, il Mulino, 2013 or later editions.
IMPORTANT: the students belonging to Lingue e Letterature straniere (classe l-10) and Lingue e Letterature Europee ed Extraeuropee (classe lm-37), according to the regulation of their degree courses, can sustain the exam of Contact Linguistics only after the exam of General Linguistics (Linguistica generale per Lingue).
Teaching methods
The contents of the course will be explained in frontal lessons with the help of slides and teaching materials that will be available to the students on the Ariel website.
Teaching Resources
1) For attending students:

Part A

- Lesson notes.
- Materials provided by the teacher.
- A volume chosen in the following list:
F. GUERINI- S. DAL NEGRO, Contatto. Dinamiche ed esiti del plurilinguismo, Roma, Aracne, 2007.
M. SALA, Lenguas en contacto, 2a ed., Madrid, Grados, 1998.
S. THOMASON, Language contact: an introduction, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 2001.

Part B

- Lesson notes.
- Materials provided by the teacher.
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. Le lingue extraeuropee. Asia e Africa, Roma, Carocci, chapters 9-10.
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. Le lingue extraeuropee. America, Australia e Lingue di contatto, Roma, Carocci, chapters 5-6.


- Lesson notes.
- Materials provided by the teacher.

2) For non-attending students:

Part A

- A volume chosen in the following list:
F. GUERINI- S. DAL NEGRO, Contatto. Dinamiche ed esiti del plurilinguismo, Roma, Aracne, 2007.
M. SALA, Lenguas en contacto, 2a ed., Madrid, Grados, 1998.
S. THOMASON, Language contact: an introduction, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press 2001.

- R. GUSMANI, Saggi sull'interferenza linguistica, 2a edizione accresciuta, Firenze, Le lettere, 1986.

Part B

- Y. MATRAS, Language Contact, Cambridge, CUP, 2009, chapters. 8 and 9.
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. Le lingue extraeuropee. Asia e Africa, Roma, Carocci, chapters 9-10.
- Banfi, E. & Grandi, N. Le lingue extraeuropee. America, Australia e Lingue di contatto, Roma, Carocci, chapters 5-6.
- Diller, A.; Edmondson, J.A. & Luo. Y. (2012) The Tai-Kadai languages, London, Routledge, chapters 15-18.


- S. THOMASON, Language Contact and Deliberate Change, «Journal of Language Contact» 1/1 (2007), pp. 41-62.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final assessment will derive from an oral exam concerning the contents of the program. The oral exam aims to verify the knowledge acquired by the students in the basic topics of Contact Linguistics and their capability to apply methods of linguistic analysis to linguistic innovations arisen by contact.

The grade is expressed in thirtieths. The minimum grade to pass the exam is 18/30
Unita' didattica A
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Dede' Francesco
Unita' didattica B
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Meluzzi Chiara
Unita' didattica C
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Dede' Francesco
Educational website(s)
Wed. 9:30 - 12:30 AM (it is suggested to book an appointement by writing an email)
Professor's office (STANZA AP.025, AT_Piano Ammezzato Terra, via Festa del Perdono, 7)