Constitutional and Media Law
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The main objective of the course is to provide students with the fundamental basis of constitutional law and information law. For this reason, the course is divided into four modules. In the first module, the attention is focused on the basic definitions of legal phenomenon, legal order, public law, Constitution; as well as on the fundamental principles of the Italian Constitution. The second module aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge of the constitutional organs, their functions and the procedures for the formation of legislative acts. The third module has as its specific object the judiciary power, the constitutional justice, the constitutional freedoms and the division of competences between the State, the Regions and local authorities. The fourth module has a monographic character and, this year, is dedicated to issues related to data protection and to the phenomenon of cyberbullying. The examination of the rules will take place starting from the text to help students to develop an independent reading ability. It will be accompanied by their technological, historical and social contextualization in order to strengthen the students' ability to make interdisciplinary connections between the subjects of the degree course.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students should have acquired: knowledge and understanding of the fundamental legal concepts, the functioning of the constitutional bodies, the fundamental rights provided for in the Constitution and the division of competences between the State and territorial autonomies; autonomous ability to read the constitutional and legal rules; ability to understand the historical and social motivations that led to the current constitutional arrangements; ability to identify the most obvious critical issues related to technological progress and the social and political changes taking place. The final exam aims to ascertain the results achieved in terms of learning, acquisition of legal language as well as in terms of critical reasoning on the topics addressed.
Lesson period: Second trimester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The program consists of an institutional part and a monographic part.
The institutional part relates to the following topics:
The fundamental issues of the Constitutional law; the Italian Constitutional Law and its historical context; the role of the EU; the fundamental principles of the Italian Constitution; the allocation of decision-making authority among government institutions with specific regard to the Parliament composition and functions, to the Governement and its competences and to the role and function of the President of the Republic; the Law and the legislative proceedings; the delegation of legislative power, the law decrees; the organization of the judiciary and the judicial review, the nature of the Italian regional and local system; the Constitutional Court; the constitutional rights and freedoms
The monographic part deals with data protection law and the european regulation of the digital society, taking into specific account the Data Governance Act, the Data Service Act and the Data Market Act
The institutional part relates to the following topics:
The fundamental issues of the Constitutional law; the Italian Constitutional Law and its historical context; the role of the EU; the fundamental principles of the Italian Constitution; the allocation of decision-making authority among government institutions with specific regard to the Parliament composition and functions, to the Governement and its competences and to the role and function of the President of the Republic; the Law and the legislative proceedings; the delegation of legislative power, the law decrees; the organization of the judiciary and the judicial review, the nature of the Italian regional and local system; the Constitutional Court; the constitutional rights and freedoms
The monographic part deals with data protection law and the european regulation of the digital society, taking into specific account the Data Governance Act, the Data Service Act and the Data Market Act
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites are required
Teaching methods
The teaching is divided into an institutional part and a monographic part.
The institutional part is aimed at providing basic preparation on public and constitutional law.
The teaching method is mainly that of the frontal lesson. The chosen methodology favors a textual approach starting from the normative data. To this end, students must bring the Italian Constitution and the laws indicated from time to time to class. All normative texts are available online. Students who wish can obtain an updated constitutional code (see reference material).
The lessons are accompanied by slides, all available online at the beginning of the course.
The monographic part is aimed at deepening current issues and in profound regulatory transformation.
The teaching method necessarily passes through the presentation and analysis of concrete cases.
The institutional part is aimed at providing basic preparation on public and constitutional law.
The teaching method is mainly that of the frontal lesson. The chosen methodology favors a textual approach starting from the normative data. To this end, students must bring the Italian Constitution and the laws indicated from time to time to class. All normative texts are available online. Students who wish can obtain an updated constitutional code (see reference material).
The lessons are accompanied by slides, all available online at the beginning of the course.
The monographic part is aimed at deepening current issues and in profound regulatory transformation.
The teaching method necessarily passes through the presentation and analysis of concrete cases.
Teaching Resources
P. Bilancia, E. De Marco (a cura di), L'ordinamento della Repubblica. Le Istituzioni e la Società, CEDAM, Padova, 2021.
F. Pizzetti, S. Calzolaio, A. Iannuzzi, E. Longo, M. Orofino, La regolazione europea della società digitale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2024 (capp. I, II, V, VI e VII)
F. Pizzetti, S. Calzolaio, A. Iannuzzi, E. Longo, M. Orofino, La regolazione europea della società digitale, Giappichelli, Torino, 2024 (capp. I, II, V, VI e VII)
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is oral. It consists of an interview on the scheduled topics, aimed at ascertaining the student's preparation and argumentative skills.
Lessons: 80 hours
Galbersanini Chiara, Orofino Marco
Educational website(s)