Complements of Mathematics and Calculus
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at: completing the students' knowledge in Mathematics, by studying some of the problems frequently encountered in Applied Sciences; providing the basic tools regarding the numerical simulation of mathematical problems of applicative interest, and the basic tools for an appropriate usage of Scientific Computing software.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire a good knowledge of the mathematical foundations of linear algebra and of numerical calculation; he/she will be able to frame some mathematical problems of applicative interest, and to correctly use the Scientific Calculation software to process data and simulate simple problems in the chemical field.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Why numerical analysis. Floating-Point Representation and errors,
stability of computations. Condition Number and ll-Conditioning, stability of algorithms and problems.
The interpolating polynomial problem. Proof of the uniqueness theorem. Construction of the interpolating polynomial with Vandermonde method and with Lagrange method. Interpolation error. Runge counter-example. Interpolation vs extrapolation. Linear regression, least square method in the discrete case.
Numerical derivative: forward and backward approximation, mid-point formula, second derivative's approximation, Taylor series and error formulas.
Quadrature formulas for the approximation of definite integrals: rectangle, mid-point, trapezoidal and Cavalieri-Simpson rule. Newton-Cotes quadrature formulas: nodes, weights, open and closed formulas, degree of precision. Composite quadrature formulas; error's formulas.
An introduction to the numerical approximation of ordinary differential equations. Explicit and implicit Euler's method: geometrical derivation, with Taylor expansion, using derivatives' approximation schemes, based on quadrature formulas. Crank-Nicolson and Heun methods. Definitions and examples of absolute stability and instability, definition of convergence.
Approximation of roots of functions: Bisection, Newton, chords' and secant method. Order of convergence. Stop test. Global convergence theorem for the Newton method.
Some recalls on vectors in the plane and in the space (R2 and R3): Norms of vectors.
Recalls on matrices in R(mxn): Diagonal and triangular, symmetric, diagonally dominant, symmetric positive definite. Norms of matrices: definition, properties, norm-1, norm-2 and infinity-norm.
Determinant of a 2x2 and 3x3 matrix (Sarrus rule). Condition number of a square matrix. Condition number of a linear system in the particular case of perturbation of the vector of constant terms. Gauss elimination method and LU factorization. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative methods. Brief overview of localization and numerical approximation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
stability of computations. Condition Number and ll-Conditioning, stability of algorithms and problems.
The interpolating polynomial problem. Proof of the uniqueness theorem. Construction of the interpolating polynomial with Vandermonde method and with Lagrange method. Interpolation error. Runge counter-example. Interpolation vs extrapolation. Linear regression, least square method in the discrete case.
Numerical derivative: forward and backward approximation, mid-point formula, second derivative's approximation, Taylor series and error formulas.
Quadrature formulas for the approximation of definite integrals: rectangle, mid-point, trapezoidal and Cavalieri-Simpson rule. Newton-Cotes quadrature formulas: nodes, weights, open and closed formulas, degree of precision. Composite quadrature formulas; error's formulas.
An introduction to the numerical approximation of ordinary differential equations. Explicit and implicit Euler's method: geometrical derivation, with Taylor expansion, using derivatives' approximation schemes, based on quadrature formulas. Crank-Nicolson and Heun methods. Definitions and examples of absolute stability and instability, definition of convergence.
Approximation of roots of functions: Bisection, Newton, chords' and secant method. Order of convergence. Stop test. Global convergence theorem for the Newton method.
Some recalls on vectors in the plane and in the space (R2 and R3): Norms of vectors.
Recalls on matrices in R(mxn): Diagonal and triangular, symmetric, diagonally dominant, symmetric positive definite. Norms of matrices: definition, properties, norm-1, norm-2 and infinity-norm.
Determinant of a 2x2 and 3x3 matrix (Sarrus rule). Condition number of a square matrix. Condition number of a linear system in the particular case of perturbation of the vector of constant terms. Gauss elimination method and LU factorization. Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel iterative methods. Brief overview of localization and numerical approximation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors.
Prerequisites for admission
Numerical sets. Elementary functions. Sequences of real numbers. Differential and integral calculus for real functions in 1D and 2D. Ordinary differential equations. Vector and matrix algebra.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures and tutorial exercises. Exercises and practical experiences in the computer room.
Teaching Resources
[Web site]:
Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach Updated with MATLAB
S.D. Conte, Carl de Boor
SIAM, U.S., Classics in Applied Mathematics, 2018
Elementary Numerical Analysis: An Algorithmic Approach Updated with MATLAB
S.D. Conte, Carl de Boor
SIAM, U.S., Classics in Applied Mathematics, 2018
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of: a written test, a computer test to be performed in MATLAB, a short oral test.
Students must complete all parts of the final exam (written exam, computer test and oral exam) within a single exam session ("appello") of which there are six a year (January, February, June, July, September, November).
The evaluation of the written test allows a maximum mark of 22, with a minimum mark of 12 to be passed. The written test requires:
A) the answer to 4 multiple-choice theoretical questions (1 point to each right answer, 0 to each wrong answer, maximum total mark for the 4 questions: 4);
B) the solution of 6 exercises (the maximum mark of each exercise is 3, the maximum total mark for the 6 exercises is 18).
The written test can be replaced by two in-itinere tests. The evaluation of the two written in-itinere tests allows a maximum mark of 22, with a minimum mark of 12 to be passed. The average of the two in-itinere tests is considered in place of the mark of the written test. The two in-itinere tests are organized as the written test: 4 questions, 6 exercises. The written test can be replaced by the two in-itinere tests only for the exam sessions ("appelli") of June, July and September.
The evaluation of the computer test allows a maximum mark of 8, with a minimum mark of 4 to be passed. The evaluation of the oral test allows a maximum mark of 3 and it could either confirm or decrease the sum of the marks of the written and computer tests. The evaluation of the oral test could also determine the failure of the whole exam and the repetition of all tests in the future.
The oral test, of short duration, is based on the subject contents of all lessons: frontal lectures, tutorial exercises and practical experiences in the computer laboratory.
In the written and computer tests wrong answers don't give negative marks. The minimum marks in both the written and computer tests are required in order to be admitted to the oral test. At the discretion of the committee, the final score could be 30 with honors.
Students must complete all parts of the final exam (written exam, computer test and oral exam) within a single exam session ("appello") of which there are six a year (January, February, June, July, September, November).
The evaluation of the written test allows a maximum mark of 22, with a minimum mark of 12 to be passed. The written test requires:
A) the answer to 4 multiple-choice theoretical questions (1 point to each right answer, 0 to each wrong answer, maximum total mark for the 4 questions: 4);
B) the solution of 6 exercises (the maximum mark of each exercise is 3, the maximum total mark for the 6 exercises is 18).
The written test can be replaced by two in-itinere tests. The evaluation of the two written in-itinere tests allows a maximum mark of 22, with a minimum mark of 12 to be passed. The average of the two in-itinere tests is considered in place of the mark of the written test. The two in-itinere tests are organized as the written test: 4 questions, 6 exercises. The written test can be replaced by the two in-itinere tests only for the exam sessions ("appelli") of June, July and September.
The evaluation of the computer test allows a maximum mark of 8, with a minimum mark of 4 to be passed. The evaluation of the oral test allows a maximum mark of 3 and it could either confirm or decrease the sum of the marks of the written and computer tests. The evaluation of the oral test could also determine the failure of the whole exam and the repetition of all tests in the future.
The oral test, of short duration, is based on the subject contents of all lessons: frontal lectures, tutorial exercises and practical experiences in the computer laboratory.
In the written and computer tests wrong answers don't give negative marks. The minimum marks in both the written and computer tests are required in order to be admitted to the oral test. At the discretion of the committee, the final score could be 30 with honors.
Laboratories: 24 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Zampieri Elena
Corso A
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