Comparative Literature

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at introducing students to the comparative study of European and non-European literatures, as well as to the theoretical and methodological issues implied by this approach.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: Students will achieve an in-depth knowledge of a selection of authors and works from several European and non-European literatures, and they will gain a deeper understanding of the theoretical and methodological issues related to the study of literature.
Competence: By approaching a plurality of historical and cultural horizons in different languages, students will improve their hermeneutical competencies and their ability to converse with other cultures.
At the end of the course, they will be able to autonomously apply the knowledge and the acquired competencies to the study of literary works from diverse times and literatures.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
In Parts A and B (40 hours; Prof. Carrara), the course will explore the relationship between literature and desire from various perspectives, including philosophical-anthropological, feminist, and queer viewpoints. Different positions on the theory and representation of desire will be discussed and tested through the analysis of excerpts from literary and cinematic texts. These texts will range from classical works (such as those by Shakespeare, Cervantes, and Proust) to lesser-known pieces (such as those by Rachilde) and recent works (such as Luca Guadagnino's film "Challengers," among others). Particular attention will be given to the politics of sexuality between the late 19th and early 20th centuries, focusing on how literary representations relate to sexual and gender codes. This will be examined primarily through the analysis of Oscar Wilde's "Salomé" and its various 20th-century theatrical, visual, and cinematic representations.

Part C (20 hours; Prof. Ballerio) will be dedicated to an in-depth study of a significant 19th-century classic on desire: Gustave Flaubert's "Madame Bovary." This part will also reflect on some fundamental categories of novelistic writing.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lectures by the teachers and discussion sessions. Class attendance is strongly advised.
Teaching Resources
Parts A and B (prof. Carrara)

1. O. Wilde, "Salomè", Feltrinelli (or another edition, provided it includes the French text alongside.);
2. A compendium of excerpts from literary and visual texts will be provided by the teacher.
3. R. Girard, "Menzogna romantica e verità romanzesca. Le mediazioni del desiderio nella letteratura e nella vita", Bompiani 2021 (only chapter 1 "Il desiderio triangolare", pp. 25-70);
4. R. Girard, "Il capro espiatorio", Adelphi 2020 (only chapter 11 "La decollazione di san Giovanni Battista", pp. 217-254);
5. E. Sedgwick Kosofsky, "Gender Asymmetry and Erotic Triangles", in "Between Men. English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire", Columbia UP 2016, pp. 20-27;
6. K. Millett, "La politica del sesso", Bompiani 1970 (only pp. 163-201);
7. E. Showalter, "Sexual Anarchy. Gender and Culture at the Fin de Siècle" (only chapters 8-9, pp. 144-187)

Part C (prof. Ballerio)

Gustave Flaubert, "Madame Bovary", translated by M. L. Spaziani, Mondadori, 2016 (other editions may be accepted, subject to approval by the instructor; original edition: "Madame Bovary. Moeurs de province," Gallimard and other publishers).

Students who are to acquire 6 ECTS will study parts A and B; students who are to acquire 9 ECTS will study parts A, B, and C of the syllabus. More information (as regards critical essays, and supplementary reading material) will be given on the Ariel website.

In addition to the above, the following texts should be prepared:

Giovanna Silvani, "Il cerchio di Narciso. Figure e simboli dell'immaginario wildiano", Liguori, only pp. 81-133 (available on Ariel);
Giuseppe Carrara, "Il closet all'Old Bailey. Maud Allan, Salomè e il Culto della Clitoride", in "L'autorialità polimorfica. Dall'aedo all'algoritmo", Edizioni ETS, 2024 (available on Ariel).
Additionally, choose one of the following:
René Girard, "Menzogna romantica e verità romanzesca", Bompiani, 2021, complete reading; or Eve Sedgwick Kosofsky, "Between Men. English Literature and Male Homosocial Desire", Columbia UP, 2016, complete reading; or Kate Millett, "La politica del sesso", Bompiani, 1970, complete reading.
Further instructions and recommendations for non-attending students will be provided on the Ariel website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final exam will be an oral exam. Students will be asked to discuss the works and the critical issues addressed by the course. The accuracy of historical and literary references will also contribute to the final score. More information will be given during the course and on the Ariel website.
Lessons: 60 hours
Mondays, 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm, by appointment.
Dipartimento di Studi letterari, filologici e linguistici, Modern studies section, second floor