Company Crisis and Insolvency Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Upon completion of the coursework, the student is expected to possess:
Knowledge of the fundamental and governing principles of crisis and insolvency procedures, as well as of their current legal discipline;
ability to understand and interpret the relevant rules of law, and ability to apply such rules to practical matters;
ability to illustrate the knowledge acquired showing language skills, including technical language, and logical consistency.
Expected learning outcomes
Upon completion of the course, students who have profitably mastered the subject matter will have an in-depth knowledge of the course topics, with the acquisition of a reasoning method which is appropriate in order to deal with legal matters related to the regulation of business crisis.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course, dedicated to business crisis, focuses on the study of the instruments for regulating business crisis and insolvency (strumenti di regolazione della crisi di impresa e dell'insolvenza), as well as situations of over-indebtedness (sovraindebitamento). Among them, particular attention is paid to the recently introduced negotiated settlement of business crisis (composizione negoziata della crisi di impresa), the voluntary arrangement with creditors (concordato preventivo) - which in recent years has taken on particular importance due to its frequent application-, and the procedure of judicial liquidation (liquidazione giudiziale) - an enforcement procedure dedicated to the insolvent commercial entrepreneur, originally developed in Italy during the Middle Ages under the name Bankruptcy, and from there spread to the rest of Europe and worldwide-; in addition, by way of brief references, the extraordinary administration of major insolvent companies (amministrazione straordinaria delle grandi imprese insolventi) - which was applied, for example, to the Parmalat insolvency and to Alitalia -, the compulsory administrative winding-up (liquidazione coatta amministrativa) - applicable, among others, to banking institutions - and the proceeding of over-indebtedness crisis settlement (composizione della crisi da sovraindebitamento).
In particular, the 9-CFUs lecture module focuses on all the above procedures; the 6-CFUs lecture module focuses on the negotiation settlement composition with creditors, voluntary arrangement and judicial liquidation.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must be highly motivated and interested towards the study of a rather difficult discipline, but an extremely challenging one, which, on the one hand, lies at the crossroads between civil procedure law, private law and commercial law; on the other hand, it is a very frequently applied discipline, also in cases of significant importance (as shown, for example, by the Parmalat, Ilva and Alitalia cases); and finally, it is essential for anyone wishing to take on the path of legal professions.
Teaching methods
The course consists of face-to-face lessons, in the context of which also the practical implications of the discipline are taken into account (with particular reference to its application to actual cases, often of national significance).
The course is complemented by a number of seminars on specific subjects, variable from year to year, and by a supplementary course about "Negotiated Solutions to Company Crisis"
Students taking active part in the seminars, as well as in the supplementary course, will be acknowledged with three additional credits.
Teaching Resources
G. D'Attorre, Manuale di diritto della crisi e dell'insolvenza, Torino, Giappichelli, 2^ ed., 2022.
For the students who will take the 6-CFUs exam, the course program comprises only Chapters I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X.
For the students who will take the 9-CFUs exam, the course program comprises Chapters I, II, III, IV, VI, VIII, IX, X; and, by way of brief references only, Chapters V, VII, XI, XII, XIII.
An updated Code of Business Crisis and Insolvency is also required as a study aid.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The final evaluation forms the object of an oral exam and is expressed in thirtieths, possibly cum laude.
During the course an intermediate written exam may take place, for students attending the lectures only. The written exam is related to the topics dealt with during the lectures and is structured in the form of a questionnaire containing open questions.
Evaluation criteria for the exams take into consideration content accuracy, clarity of reasoning, critical analysis and rethinking skills.
IUS/15 - CIVIL PROCEDURAL LAW - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Castagnola Angelo
Professor: Castagnola Angelo