Clinical Psychology of the Development

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PED/03 M-PSI/04 M-PSI/08
Learning objectives
- Acquisition of the knowledge of the individual development processes over the developmental age, also analyzing in its historical evolution, the meaning of the educational relationship with people with special needs.
- Knowledge of the systems of classification and the methods of psychic examination.
- Acquisition of a perspective centered on the interaction between subject and life context, to know the theoretical framework for setting up and evaluating the specialized forms of the intervention.
- Knowledge of the didactic forms applied to the handicap, to the activity of support and recovery, to the insertion and to the integration and, in general, to the pedagogical treatment of the difference.
- Analysis of the different approaches to design educational work with people with special needs.
- Knowledge of sociology in general (fundamental theoretical perspectives, the language of social sciences, order and change).
- Knowing models and techniques for analyzing groups, health, science, development and social security.
Expected learning outcomes
The student must demonstrate the knowledge and master the concepts of:
- individual development processes during the developmental age;
- the educational relationship with people with "special needs";
- the classification systems and methods of psychic examination;
- the interaction between subject and life context;
- setting and evaluation of specialized forms of the intervention;
- didactic forms applied to the handicap, support and recovery activities, insertion and integration;
- the pedagogical treatment of difference;
- the different approaches to planning educational work with people with special needs;
- the fundamental theoretical perspectives of sociology:, the language of social sciences, order and change;
- the models and the techniques for analyzing groups, health, science, development and social security.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of general psychology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The learning assessment consists of an oral exam.
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
Special education and pedagogy
Course syllabus
- The perception of disability from antiquity to the present
- Historical and legislative outline of the disabled child school integration
- The disabled child in the classroom
- PDP, PEI and ICF: shared work tools
- Pro-social attitudes and collaboration in the classroom
- Intellectual disability and adaptive behavior
- Rehabilitation: Who? What? How?
Teaching methods
Lectures, provided with the support of slides that will then be delivered to the students and, if necessary, videos will be shown that are useful for furthering some of the covered topics.
Teaching Resources
- Slide lessons taken from:
· "Storia della disabilità. Dal castigo degli dei alla crisi del Welfare" (2012). Schianchi M. Carocci Editore
· "L'integrazione scolastica degli alunni con disabilità. Trent' anni di inclusione nella scuola italiana" (2007) A cura di Canevaro A. Erikson, Trento.
· "Ritorno a scuola. Accoglienza, gestione e supporto del bambino con tumore cerebrale nel suo ritorno in classe". Poggi G., Adduci A.R., Oprandi M.C. Il libro è pubblicato on-line sul sito ufficiale de la Nostra Famiglia ed è scaricabile in modo gratuito:
· "Una sfida possibile. La riabilitazione del bambino con diagnosi di tumore cerebrale." Poggi G., Oprandi M. C. Il libro è pubblicato on-line sul sito ufficiale de la Nostra Famiglia ed è scaricabile in modo gratuito:
Only the last 2 texts are recommended to students for further insights on the topics covered.
Developmental and educational psychology
Course syllabus
- Attachment, assessment methods and developmental outcomes
- Emotional and relational development
- Communication and language development
- Cognitive development
- Scholastic competencies: reading, writing and maths
- Learning disorders and intervention methods
- Protective and risk factors in developmental age
- The interventions in developmental age
Teaching methods
Lectures, use of videotapes and exercitations
Teaching Resources
- Slides of lectures
- Manuale di Psicologia dello Sviluppo (a cura di Lavinia Barone) - Carocci Editore. (Capitoli: 2, 5, 7, 8, 9 e 11)
- Tre articoli a scelta tra i seguenti (Choice of three items from the following):
· Carlson EA, Sampson MC, Sroufe LA. (2003). Implications of Attachment Theory and Research for Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, 24(5): 364-379
· Gentile S. (2015). Untreated depression during pregnancy: Short- and long-term effects in offspring. A systematic review. Neuroscience [Epub ahead of print]
· Guinosso SA, Johnson SB, Riley AW (2016). Multiple adverse experiences and child cognitive development. Pediatr Res. 2016 Jan;79(1-2):220-6. doi: 10.1038/pr.2015.195
· Negrão, M., Pereira, M., Soares, I., & Mesman, J. (2014). Enhancing positive parent-child interactions and family functioning in a poverty sample: a randomized control trial. Attachment & Human Development, 16(4): 315-28.
· NICHD Early Child Care Research Network (2004). Affect dysregulation in the motherchild relationship in the toddler years: antecedents and consequences. Dev Psychopathology,16 (1): 43-68
· Pratt HD, Patel DR. (2007). Learning disorders in children and adolescents. Prim Care, 34(2): 361-74
· Rescorla L, Frigerio A., Sali ME, Spataro P, Longobardi E. (2014) "Typical and Delayed Lexical Development in Italian" Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research. 57(5):1792-803
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
Competences and areas of intervention of clinical psychology
- Clinical diagnosis and mental illness
- Clinical developmental psychology
- Psychopathology: psychosis, depressive disorders and anxiety disorders, eating disorders, drug addiction and personality
- The psychology of health; somatic and psychosomatic disorders
- Therapy and psychotherapy
- Autism spectrum disorders
- The behavioral approach to change
- Behavioral techniques.
- Therapy and CAA (Augmentative Alternative Communication)
Teaching methods
Lectures, analysis and commentary on multimedia material
Teaching Resources
- Slide and supplementary material used during the lessons
- Sanavio, E., Cornoldi, C. (2017). Psicologia Clinica. Bologna. Il Mulino
- Un libro a scelta tra (One book to choose from):
· Foxx, R. (1995). Tecniche base del metodo comportamentale. Trento: Erickson
· Martin G. Pear J (2000). Strategie e tecniche per il cambiamento. La via comportamentale. Milano: McGraw Hill
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Aceti Giuseppe
Professor: Aceti Giuseppe
Developmental and educational psychology
Lessons: 20 hours
Special education and pedagogy
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Oprandi Maria Chiara

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
Basic knowledge of general psychology.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a written test with multiple choice questions, the evaluation of an essay and an oral exam.
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
Special education and pedagogy
Course syllabus
Critical analysis of Handicap and Disability.
Foundamentals of Special Pedagogy.
Critical analysis of different approaches to educational planning work for persons with disabilities: ICDH, ICF, Quality of Life approach.
Foundamentals of Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
Disabilities and Sexuality in educational planning work.
Teaching methods
Lectures, workshops and group work. Slides on the course content.
Teaching Resources
Medeghini R., Valtellina E., Quale disabilità, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2006, (Parte 1 e 2)
Giaconi C., Qualità della vita e adulti con disabilità, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2015, (Parte 1 e 4)
Veglia F., a cura di, Handicap e sessualità: il silenzio, la voce, la carezza, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2000 (Parte I: Cap. 1, 2, 3, 4).
Developmental and educational psychology
Course syllabus
In the first part the basic contents and the specificity of developmental psychology and education will be treated with references to the main theoretical and methodological references: psychoanalysis (Freud and Erckson).
The classical theory of learning; Piaget's genetic epistemology; the cultural psychology of Vygotsky and Bruner; developments of Constructivism (Watzlavick, Wittgenstein, Varela and others).
In the second part specific issues will be addressed:
-Typical evolutionary trajectories;
-Attachment bonds in the life cycle and theory of the mind;
-Growth and educational contexts of digital natives;
-Risk factors in child development;
-The mother-child and peer relationship;
-Motivation, the teacher-student relationship;
-Strategies facing the educational challenge, parents today;
-Focus: forms of hardship and difficulties such as child maltreatment and abuse, bullying and cyberbullying.
Teaching methods
Reading and study of selected texts, viewing of films with classroom discussions.
Experiential activities, which involve the direct involvement of students.
Teaching Resources
A cura di S. Caravita, L. Milani, D. Traficante "Psicologia dello sviluppo e dell'educazione", Il Mulino.
Optional in-depth materials and web searches.
Clinical psychology
Course syllabus
Definition of Clinical Psychology
Personality structure, defense mechanisms.
The help relationship
The resilience.
Grieving process.
Taking charge of disabled children and their families.
Eating disorders.
The role of illness perception.
Emotional intelligence.
Teaching methods
The course is taught by lectures and theoretical exercises.
It will be used slides.
Teaching Resources
Bressi C, Invernizzi G. Psichiatria e Psicologia Clinica 5e- McGrawHillEducation
Chapters: 8, 11, 13.2, 22, 24.
A text chosen from the following:
Garista P. Come canne di bambù. Farsi mentori della resilienza nel lavoro educativo- Franco Angeli Ed.2018
Oliverio Ferraris A. La forza d'animo - Bur Biblioteca Univ. Rizzoli, 2004
Grimoldi M., Urcioli F. Prima del digiuno- Franco Angeli Ed., 2000
Vicari S., Caprioglio I., Corpi senza peso- Erickson Ed., 2016
Dalla Ragione L., Scoppetta M., Giganti d'argilla, Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore, 2009
O'Sullivan Suzanne, E' tutto nella tua testa. Il misterioso mondo delle malattie psicosomatiche - Mondadori Ed.2018
Marcoli A. La nonna è ancora morta? - Mondadori Ed., 2014
Sisto D. La morte si fa social - Bollati Boringhieri Ed., 2018
Baron-Cohen S. La scienza del male. L'empatia e le origini della crudeltà - Cortina Ed., 2012
Goleman D. Intelligenza Emotiva - Bur, 2011
V.Caretti, D. La Barbera , Le nuove dipendenze: diagnosi e clinica - Carocci Ed.2014 (2° ristampa)
G. Valtolina, L'altro fratello relazione fraterna e disabilità- Franco Angeli Ed.2008 (2° edizione)
Clinical psychology
M-PSI/08 - CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 30 hours
Professor: Rossetto Federica
Professor: Rossetto Federica
Developmental and educational psychology
Lessons: 20 hours
Professor: Giordano Maria Teresa
Special education and pedagogy
Lessons: 10 hours