Clinical Nursing and Research
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
To know and apply the principles and methodology of research and critical appraisal of the evidence of interest for nurses in the literature
To know and apply the principles and methodology of statistics useful for research in clinical nursing.
To know and apply the principles and methodology of epidemiological research, in order to promote individual and community health.
To know and apply computer science methods for bibliographic research, data presentation and processing through commonly used software.
To know and apply the principles and methodology of statistics useful for research in clinical nursing.
To know and apply the principles and methodology of epidemiological research, in order to promote individual and community health.
To know and apply computer science methods for bibliographic research, data presentation and processing through commonly used software.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will be able to describe the main steps of the research process. He will identify the main statistical measures useful for interpreting the quality of evidence.
The student will be able to explain the principles and methodology of epidemiological research.
The student will be able to carry out an independent bibliographic search in the main electronic databases.The student will be able to the main data presentation software.
The student will critically illustrate a scientific article.
The student will be able to explain the principles and methodology of epidemiological research.
The student will be able to carry out an independent bibliographic search in the main electronic databases.The student will be able to the main data presentation software.
The student will critically illustrate a scientific article.
Lesson period: First semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Fondazione Sacra Famiglia
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Gianfredi Vincenza
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Papa Maurizio
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Bravi Francesca
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Parozzi Mauro
Sezione - Istituto Oncologico Europeo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Capizzi Silvio
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Chiesa Andrea Carlo
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Radice Davide
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Milani Alessandra
Sezione Ospedale di Magenta
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Binda Sandro
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Flora Daniele
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Barbato Cesario
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Vezzoli Fabrizio
Sezione San Giuseppe
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Pellegrinelli Laura
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Lombardi Linda
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Lombardi Linda
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Rimoldi Elisa
Sezione: IRCCS Policlinico San Donato
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Prigitano Anna Cristina Maria
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Conte Gianluca
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Carpinelli Luca
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Caruso Rosario
Sezione: Ospedale di Crema
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Marino Marcello
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Scarabottolo Nello
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Trucco Gabriella
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Guerrini Mariarosa, Milani Laura
Sezione: Ospedale Maggiore di Lodi.
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Sbarbati Maria Margherita
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Cassinari Flavio
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Sbarbati Maria Margherita
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Ghizzardi Greta, Maiandi Stefano
Sezione:Fondazione Don Gnocchi
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Bedoni Marzia
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Preda Glauco, Votta Piero
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Rossi Marta
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Castaldo Anna
Sezione:Fondazione Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico,Mangiagalli e Regina Elena
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Romano' Luisa
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Milos Roberto
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Casazza Giovanni
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Accardi Roberto
Sezione:Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Prigitano Anna Cristina Maria
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Tarantini Francesco
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Miceli Rosalba
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Consolo Letteria
Sezione:Ospedale di circolo di RHO
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Saporetti Giorgia
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Tinti Stefania
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Menia Timoftica Claudia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Tinti Stefania
Sezione:Ospedale Fatebenefratelli
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Lai Alessia
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Circolani Francesco
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Rossi Marta
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Fanari Francesco, Petralito Monica
Sezione:Ospedale Luigi Sacco
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Zehender Gianguglielmo
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Allkanjari Andi
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Biganzoli Elia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Maiandi Stefano
Sezione:Ospedale Niguarda Ca Granda
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Prigitano Anna Cristina Maria
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Re Luca Giuseppe
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Lizio Andrea
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Bassola Barbara
Sezione:Ospedale San Carlo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Binda Sandro
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Laurora Mauro
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Bravi Francesca
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Parozzi Mauro
Sezione:Ospedale San Paolo
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Lantieri PB, Risso D, Ravera G. Elementi di statistica medica. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2007.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Lantieri PB, Risso D, Ravera G. Elementi di statistica medica. Milano: McGraw-Hill; 2007.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Binda Sandro
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Parozzi Mauro
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Bravi Francesca
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Ferrara Paolo
Sezione:Ospedale Uboldo di Cernusco sul Naviglio
Prerequisites for admission
The student must have passed the exams of: Basic Sciences, Clinical nursing sciences 2, Medicine and pharmacology and internship 2.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written test includes closed and / or open-ended questions.
Course syllabus
What is information technology and evolution of processing systems.
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Introduction to computer architecture
System software: mention of the main functions of the Windows operating system (memory management, process management) and description of the file system.
Application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation systems, databases.
Internet: structure, main services
Search engines and databases
Lessons in computer lab:
Microsoft Word: choice of formats, insertion of images, notes, use of style models, automatic numbering, cross references, automatic index creation, creation and layout of a questionnaire
Microsoft Powerpoint - slides creation and presentation
Microsoft Excel: Introduction to the spreadsheet, cell formatting, use of predefined functions, representation of data by graphs creation.
Microsoft Access: creation of a database with tables, forms, queries and reports.
Research methods in the main biomedical and nursing databases
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Terzoni S, Destrebecq A. Informatica per le professioni infermieristiche ed ostetriche. Milano: Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2010
Medical statistics
Course syllabus
1. Data collection:
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
- Inter and intra-individual variability
- How to describe synthetically a variable phenomenon
- Population and Sample: definition
- Sampling methods in medical fields
- Observational study and experimental study
- Specific terminology and definitions: randomization, placebo, simple and double blindness, ethics committee
2. Instruments for data synthesis: tables and graphs
- Numerical values and modalities of a variable
- Characteristics of qualitative and quantitative variables
- Building and reading frequency distributions and two-variable tables
- Calculation and use of percentage frequencies and cumulated frequencies
- Proportions, ratios and rates: difference between prevalence and incidence
- The rules for a correct graphical representation of a set of data
3. Instruments for data synthesis: position, dispersion and association measures.
- Measures of location: mode, median, arithmetic mean and geometric mean
- Characteristics of measures of location
- Measures of variability: range, interquartile range, standard deviation, coefficient of variation
- Characteristics of the measures of variability
- Calculation and use of percentiles
- How to evaluate the association between two qualitative variables and between two quantitative variables: linear correlation coefficient and concordance indices
4. Relationship between location and dispersion measures: the "form" of the frequency distribution
- How to evaluate the asymmetry of a frequency distribution
- The characteristics of the Gaussian distribution
- Calculation and use of z-scores
- Meaning of confidence intervals
5. Measures of association between risk factor and disease
- The meaning of "risk" in the medical / health field
- Risk indicators: Absolute Risk, Attributable Risk, Relative Risk, Odds Ratio
- Similarities and differences between relative risk and attributable risk and between relative risk and odds ratio
6. The clinical decision: probability as a measure of uncertainty
- How sensitivity, specificity and predictive values of a screening test are estimated
- How to interpret the results of a screening test: SpPin and SnNout rules - statistical significance and clinical relevance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Marc M, Triola M, TriolaM. Fondamenti di statistica per le discipline biomediche. Torino: Edizioni MyLab, 2022
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Methodology of epidemiology
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
1. Sources of epidemiological data
- Demographic data: the census, vital statistics
- Health data: notification of infectious diseases, hospital sources, ad hoc investigations, pathology registers
- Other sources
2. Use of frequency measures and health indicators
3. Health and disease determinants
4. Risk factor and disease
- Causality
- Risk measures
- The association measures: Relative Risk, Attributable Risk, OddsRatio
5. Types of epidemiological studies
- Observational studies for the formulation of hypotheses: ecological or descriptive studies and transversal studies
- Analytical studies for hypothesis testing: cohort studies and case-control studies
- Experimental studies to support the hypothesis: randomized controlled trials and randomized controlled population studies
- Application of risk measures in public health
6. Screening: meaning and application in public health
7. Epidemiological surveillance
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Pontello M, Auxilia F. Igiene, medicina preventiva e salute globale. Padova: Piccin; 2022.
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
Course syllabus
1) Nursing research process
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Nursing Research, areas of application, actors of the research process
Identification of the main characteristics and phases of a research protocol: different study designs and ethical implications
2) Evidence based practice (EBP)
Definition, EBP hierarchy and sources
Keyword identification
Literature research strategy and retrieval of the source: Databases and other sources.
3) Critical analysis of research articles
Method of analysis of a research article by specific check lists
Summary of results obtained for the application in clinical practice.
4) Application of research results in professional practice: procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways. Meaning, purpose and structure (title, authors, last revision/numbering, content, cited references). Research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis.
Exercises (eg critical reading of the hospital procedures, protocols, guidelines and diagnostic-therapeutic-assistance pathways, produced and applied by the welfare community. Reading of research articles. Elaboration of the research protocol aimed at the realization of the thesis).
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons.
Teaching Resources
Polit DF, Tatano BC. Fondamenti di ricerca infermieristica. (2ed). Milano: McGraw-Hill, 2018
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Pirola Paola Maria
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Maistrello Mauro
Medical statistics
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Santucci Claudia
Nursing sciences: general, clinical and paediatric
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 2
Lessons: 30 hours
Arcadi Paola
Educational website(s)
Igiene generale e applicata - modulo - Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Igiene generale e applicata - modulo - San Donato (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Cernusco (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Crema (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Policlinico (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche – modulo – Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Statistica medica - Mod. – Infermieristica (Policlinico) (a.a. 2024/25)
Igiene generale e applicata - modulo - San Donato (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Cernusco (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Crema (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Fatebenefratelli (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - IEO (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Niguarda (a.a. 2024/25)
Infermieristica clinica e ricerca - Policlinico (a.a. 2024/25)
Scienze infermieristiche generali cliniche e pediatriche – modulo – Istituto Tumori (a.a. 2024/25)
Statistica medica - Mod. – Infermieristica (Policlinico) (a.a. 2024/25)
by appointment
2:00- 4:00 pm
Hospital Gaetano Pini
by appointment
Department of Biomedical Sciences for Health, Via Pascal, 36
On appointment
Polo didattico "Valetudo", via Pace, 9 - 20122 Milano
To be decide by previous e-mail
tuesday 2.00 pm- 3.00 pm
Please, send an email before