Chinese I and Mediation

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
This course aims to give students the ability to apply knowledge and understanding and improve communication skills, until they are able to understand and produce simple sentences and common linguistic expressions, with reference to immediately relevant topics (basic information on themselves and their family, location, job). Other objectives include the ability to talk about simple and everyday activities (which require the exchange of basic information related to familiar and usual topics) and to describe past experiences and life aspects, with reference to immediate needs (and using simple words). The course will focus particularly on the acquisition of new skills for producing simple dialogues and understanding short written texts.
Expected learning outcomes
Besides language classes, the course includes a module on Chinese culture focused on the relation between writing system and traditional culture. The connection between language classes and culture classes is motivated by the fact that the Chinese concept of "wen" (written sign) is a constitutive element of the concepts of "civilisation" (wenming), "culture" (wenhua) and "literature" (wenxue), as well as of the contrast between civil knowledge (wen) and military art (wu) characterising the millennial Confucian society. Students are expected to assimilate the cultural foundations of Ancient China, foundations that are crucial to understand the importance and features of the linguistic heritage and to take informed actions in the field of intercultural relations in the Chinese context. By the end of the course, students will have acquired the ability to read and translate texts from the textbook, as well as to have conversations in daily and routine situations, such as: introducing themselves, family and friends; saying hello/goodbye and thank you; talking about the weather and seasons; describing where they live; presenting study programmes; going shopping; etc. Students will be able to write 400 characters to form more than 400 words.
Moreover, students will have acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to study relevant aspects of the Chinese traditional culture, with reference to Chinese history, literature and history of thought.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Course syllabus
Chinese language modules
Program Unit 1:
Introduction to the Chinese language; writing, phonetics and transcription system start-up; grammatical and syntactic structure of the simple sentence.
The didactic units 1-6 of the Chinese language textbook - elementary course will be carried out.
Program Teaching Unit 2:
Verbal Predicates; introduction to verbal complements; prepositional phrases; final modal particle indicating the perfective action or the change of state; action in progress.
The didactic units 7-9 and 11-14 of the Chinese Language - Elementary Course textbook will be carried out.
Program Teaching Unit 3 - Introduction to writing and using the Chinese dictionary:
Writing simple and complex characters; recognition of the radicals in order to consult the Chinese-Italian dictionary.

Chinese culture module
The module will examine the main sources for the study of Chinese traditional culture. It will particularly focus on the development of Chinese writing system and of the most important schools of though.
Prerequisites for admission
No previous linguistic knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
The course will be taught by three teachers: two of them will work on vocabulary, grammar and syntactic rules, and on Chinese culture; while the mother tongue teacher will focus on pronunciation, Chinese characters writing, comprehension and oral expression exercises.
Teaching Resources
Testi adottati
BULFONI C. - SUN X.L., Lingua cinese - Corso elementare, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, 2019
ZHANG Y.F. - BULFONI C., Tingting, dudu, xiexie, Edizioni Unicopli, Milano, 2014
LAVAGNINO A.L. - POZZI S., Cultura cinese, Carocci, Roma, 2013

Letture consigliate
ABBIATI M., Guida alla lingua cinese, Carocci, Roma, 2008
ALLETON V., La scrittura cinese, Astrolabio, Roma, 2006, oppure:
ALLETON V., La sfida della scrittura cinese, Carocci, Roma, 2012

Dizionari consigliati
Dizionario compatto italiano-cinese e cinese-italiano e conversazioni, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2017
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in two parts: one written test and an oral exam. The written test is focussed on the language skills. The oral consists in questions on the language module by the Italian and the Chinese teachers, and in questions on the Chinese culture module.

Both the intermediate test and the written appeals will be valid for all the appeal sessions of the academic year. 2024-2025
Lessons: 80 hours