Chidlhood and Adolescence Health and Socio-Emotional Education

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
M-PSI/04 MED/38 MED/39 MED/42 MED/50
Learning objectives
Acquiring scientific knowledge on the somatic and psychological growth process of the child and adolescent;
Getting the scientific knowledge on preventive and social pediatrics;
Acquiring insights on diseases with social implications and compromising cognitive development and learning, particularly in school age;
Learning about the main neuropsychiatric childhood diseases;
Acquiring knowledge on family and school relationships and their evolution also in relation to environmental and cultural influences;
Acquiring methodological skills for socio-affective education;
Learning the methods and techniques for prevention and integrate health-social-educational assistance.
Expected learning outcomes
Be able to recognize the physiological development and its possible alterations
Know the main Italian and international recommendations regarding the prevention and care of children, especially during the first years of life
Get an adequate knowledge related to the main chronic diseases of the pediatric age and will have insights to promptly recognize the consequences (both personal and social) associated with the main pediatric diseases
Know the clinical manifestations, the diagnostic and therapeutic approach of the main childhood neuropsychiatric diseases
Be able to contextualize the child suffering from chronic neuropsychiatric disease in the context of family and school relationships and in the environment where she/he lives. The student will be also able to Facilitate these contexts to support the child's development
acquire the main techniques (and their scientific bases) for socio-affective education
Acquire fundamental information on the main methodologies and techniques of prevention and integrated health-social-educational assistance.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination
All the exams take place on the same day.
General and subspecialty paediatrics
Course syllabus
Infant mortality and morbidity. Sudden death syndrome
The newborn infant, neonatal screening, breastfeeding, formula-feeding, feeding during the first year of life and in subsequent years
Growth & development
Acute diarrhea
Celiac disease, lactose intolerance, irritable colon, recurrent abdominal pain, obesity and anorexia
Headache, seizures and syncopes
Cerebral palsy and intellectual disability
Approach to fever: respiratory infections and infectious diseases
The emerging issue of immigration
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Pediatria Pratica di G. Bona e R. Miniero - last edition
Slides used during lessons
Child neuropsychiatry
Course syllabus
· Typical development from birth to adolescence
· Prevention, diagnosis and pathways of care in child and adolescent neuropsychiatry

· NEUROLOGICAL disorders and / or syndromes:
cerebral palsy, epilepsy, sleep disorders, headaches, metabolic diseases

· PSYCHOPATHOLOGICAL disorders and / or syndromes:
behavior and mood disorders, psychosis, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorders

· NEURO DEVELOPMENT disorders and / or syndromes:
intellectual disability, specific learning disorders, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, motor coordination disorders, specific language disorders, autism spectrum disorders

· In addition, each year students will be able to choose three of the following topics in addition to the program described above:
- Psychopharmacology
- Migration and ethnopsychiatry
- Abuse and maltreatment
- Social withdrawal
- Self-harm and suicide
- Psychiatric emergencies
- The transition to adulthood
- The service network of the child and adolescent neuropsychiatry
- From research to clinical practice
Teaching methods
Frontal Lessons
Teaching Resources
Militerni, R. (2021). Neuropsichiatria infantile (settima edizione), ed. Idelson-Gnocchi.
Scientific literature and other references present in the slides.
Hygiene and public health
Course syllabus
Health education and Education for Health: definitions, intervention contexts, similiraties and differences between the twos
The case of "Globesity" as a model for integrated interventions based on Educational and Behaviourla approaches
Theories and Methodologie to develop and implement Health education Programs and Interventions:
- Theory of Reasoned Action (Fishbejn and Ajzen)
- Ecological approach (Brofenbrenner)
- THeory od innovation diffusione (Rogers)
- Thoery of Stages of Change (Prohaska - Di Clemente)
- Social Marketing Theories
- Precede - procede Model

Planning an Intervention: phases and stages
- needs analysis
- Defining goals
- Matherials and Methods
- Process Evaluation
- Outcomes evaluation

Evaluationg an Intervention:
- How qualitative research and quantitative research support the evaluation process
-Evaluation Tools: interviews, questionnaires, observation, focus groups
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
A. Pellai Educazione sanitaria, strategie educative e preventive per il paziente e la comunità Piccin editore (2012)
Developmental and educational psychology
Course syllabus
Course theme: Psychianalytic Thinking of Psychological Development: different models and their clinical and socio-pedagogical contextualization
Institutional part (index of topics)
Methodological and epistemological introduction to developmental psychology. The main psychological theories of development. The main knots. An overview of the different philosophical visions and controversies that animated the debate and its influence on the historical conceptions of childhood and the child How long has the child existed? The child in Greek and Christian thought. Man and child in contemporary anthropological thought. The paradigm of A. Gehlen: non-instinctual man and technique. The concept of impotence and protracted fetalization. The so-called obstetric dilemma. Psychoanalysis child: Hiflosichkheit. Psychoanalytic thinking and developmental psychology. S. Freud and the tradition of classical psychoanalysis. From the topical model to the structural model of the drives. The psychic world as a closed system. The desire hallucination system. The role of frustration and deprivation and the role of the mother. The place of the object in the vicissitudes of the drives. The sexual staging of psychological development. The archaeological model and the theory of real trauma. The abandonment of the theory of real seduction. Nachtralickeit o après coup. The role of the mother and the place of the oedipal father in Freud. The case of little Hans and the impossibility of analyzing the child. After Freud: the first theoretical controversies. Ferenczi's critique of Freud's abandonment of trauma theory. The return to the mother and the discovery of her primary role in psychological development. The place of the adult in the education of the child: the concept of confusion between the language of the adult and the language of the child. The language of tenderness and passion. From the clinical setting to the direct observation of the child: Anna Freud's pioneering work. The beginnings of child analysis. The mother-child relationship as the original matrix. The idea of development as a progressive development. The original harmony: the undifferentiated child and primary narcissism. The psychology of the ego and the turn towards the adaptation of H Hartmann. The evolutionary psychology of the self: Rene Spitz. The meaning of the object and the role of the care environment in the child's psychological development. The discovery of the mother environment. The theory of psychic organizers. The evolutionary psychology of the self by M. Mahler: direct observation of the child in the hospital. The mother-child dyad. Psychic development from the original autistic shell to separation and individuation. The place of absolute narcissism of the beginning and the role of the object. The English school. M. Klein's child. Beyond the narcissism of the origins: from the drive to the theory of internal objects. The Kleinian origin and the return to the intrapsychic. The relational hell of the phantasmic origins of the child's mental development. The symbolic function in psychic development. The importance of the primary maternal environment (holding company) in the development of the baby in R. Winnicott: The sufficiently good mother and the theory of phenomena and transitional objects. From the psychology of the ego to the evolutionary model of M. Mahler: the anobjective harmony of psychic origins: the narcissistic triumph .. The different stages of development from the physiological artistic shell and the symbiosis of the child with the mother up to separation and identification. Other models of psychological development. Piaget's logical and epistemological child. Description of cognitive stages: from the sensorimotor period to the period of formal operations. The egocentric thought of the preoperative period The staged conception of P. and that of Freud. The interactive nature of development: nature and culture in Piaget. Cognitive adaptation: assimilation and accommodation. Cognitive balance. . Vigosky's contextualism and the cultural and linguistic child. The active child in a context. The mind created by culture. The proximal development zone. The interpsychic creates the intrapsychic. The internalization of social processes and language. Social activity shapes the mind. The historical construction of the mind. Verbal mediation in social communication. Internal dialogue. Function and meaning of egocentric language in Vigosky and Piaget. P.'s pattern and motor action towards V.'s social interaction Thought and language. Language directs thought. Language and action: language as a working tool. Special part: the trauma clinic. Violence and trauma. Theoretical-clinical perspectives of the trauma concept after Freud. The abandonment of the theory of real seduction. The resumption of the trauma concept in Ferenczi: continuity and differences. The descent to mothers. The relational area of trauma in Ferenczi, Balint, and Khan. Confusion of language between adults and children. The language of tenderness and passion. Psychic colonization and intrusive implants in the mind. Spoilt children. The traumatic origin of normal and pathological psychic life after Ferenczi: Laplanche's theory of generalized seduction.
Teaching methods
frontal lessons with the support of audiovisual material and any didactic exercises
Teaching Resources
Camaioni Luigia, Di Blasio Paola, Psicologia dello sviluppo, Il Mulino, Bologna
Camaioni Luigia, L'infanzia, Il Mulino
Jay R. Greemberg e Stephen A. Mitchell, (1991),Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, Harvard Uiversity Press
Pelanda Eugenia, Modelli di sviluppo in psicoanalisi, Cortina Editore, Milano,
D.R. Winnicvott, (1957),The Child and the Family, London Tavistock
D. Winnicott, (1958) Collected Papers, Through Paediatrics to Psychoanalysis, London Tavistock
D.R. Winnicott, (1965) Maturational Processes and the Facilitating Environment: Studies in the Theory of Emotional Development , Horgarth Press
D. R. Winnicott, (1971) Playing and Reality, London Tavistock
Applied medical techniques
Course syllabus
· Factors and causes influencing maintenance of health at evolutionary age 2 hours
· The survey of risk and resource needs, problem solving techniques 2 hours
· The transversal process of socio-health care integrated into the evolutionary age 0-18 years 2 hours
· Methodology and techniques of the Medical Assistant for socio-affective education 2 hours
· Territorial social and health services for children and adolescents and parental figures 2 hours
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons, group work: exercises, role playing, problem based learning.
Teaching Resources
- Support of self-produced slides from various texts-bibliography minimum non-exhaustive
Report on the condition of childhood and adolescence in Italy. Presidency of the Council of Ministers, National Observatory for Children, National Centre for Documentation and Analysis for Children and Adolescence. (updated)
Health Education. Principles, models, strategies and interventions. A handbook for teachers and educators. Chapter 7°A. pellai, Franco Angeli 1997
Just do it!. The risky behaviors in adolescence. Prevention manual for school and family. Chapter 1 and 2 Alberto pellai and Stefania boncinelli, Franco Angeli 2002.
Prevention in adolescence, psychoeducational pathways of intervention on risk and health, Silvia Bonino, Elena Cattelino, Erickson 2008 ,pag. 15- 107.
Of the rights of childhood and adolescence, the commitments made and not kept in the documents of the international and national community.Roberto Francesco Foundation, 2016
National Plan Prevention 2014/20 Promoting mental well-being in children, adolescents and young people
CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF CHILDREN Approved by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 20 November 1989, ratified by Italy by Law No. 176 of 27 May 1991, deposited at the United Nations on 5 September 1991.
The assessment of costs and benefits in the analysis of the impact of regulation
Department of Public Function-Presidency of the Council of Ministers
The Alma ata Conference of 1978 and WHO on Health
WHO 2020 targets for maternal and child health
Applied medical techniques
Lessons: 10 hours
Child neuropsychiatry
MED/39 - CHILD NEUROPSYCHIATRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Developmental and educational psychology
Lessons: 20 hours
General and subspecialty paediatrics
MED/38 - PAEDIATRICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 20 hours
Hygiene and public health
MED/42 - HYGIENE AND PUBLIC HEALTH - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Pellai Alberto
Professor: Pellai Alberto