Biotechnology Applied to Animal Nutrition and Animal Origin Food

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/18 VET/04
Learning objectives
The course aims to illustrate to students:
- the food quality and the main methodologies and analytical techniques, available in feed and food evaluation
- GMO's Production, relevance, quality, safety, regulatory aspects and their implication for analytical methods;
- the main production technologies and control systems in the food production and processing with special focus on biotechnology applied to food production.
Expected learning outcomes
Learning outcomes
- basic knowledge in animal and comparative nutrition, including methods for feed analysis and basic feed evaluation.
- knowledge related to the use of GMOs in feeding of farmed animals, including analytical techniques;
- knowledge related to food production and processing with special focus on biotechnology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written and oral tests
Animal nutrition
Course syllabus
Lectures (3 credits):
- Compositional and qualitative analysis of food products
- Nutritional and bioactive role of macro and micro-nutrients
- Introduction to animal nutrition and comparative aspects with humans
- Biotechnological production techniques for genetically modified foods and novel feeds and novel foods
- safety aspects for animals and the food chain. Examples of genetically modified foods, novel feeds/foods and their applications
- Analytical techniques for the control of genetically modified foods and novel food and novel ingredients.
- Labeling and traceability of genetically modified foods
- Food additives of biotechnological origin: bioactive molecules, novel feed/food, probiotics and enzymes
-Seminars and lab visits
Teaching methods
Practical classes
Teaching Resources
Arienti Giuseppe. Le basi molecolari della nutrizione 2015. Piccin
Uso degli alimenti geneticamente modificati [OGM] in alimentazione animale (2006), Ed. da Associazione Scientifica di Produzione Animale Commissione di Studio. LaserPrint, Parma. (fornito dal docente)
Bioactive peptides from Food sources, analysis and functions edited by Leo Nollet, Semih Otles Taylor & Francis group
Food of animal origin
Course syllabus
Lectures (3 CFU)
- The qualities of foods
- Conservation techniques: traditional and innovative
- Self-control applied to production chains
- Food Traceability : use of biotechnology
- Production and/or transformation chains: application of biotechnology to the food industry
- Labeling, packaging and innovative packaging
- Functional foods
- Sustainability of production processes
- Application of biotechnology in food quality analyses
Exercises (3 CFU)
- Laboratory: sensory analysis tests
- Laboratory: cheesemaking techniques for the creation of a dairy product
- Visits to food production and processing companies
Teaching methods
Practical training
Teaching Resources
Multon J.L. La qualità dei prodotti alimentari. Ed. Tecniche Nuove
AA.VV. Ispezione e controllo degli alimenti Ed. Point Veterinaire Italie
Gigliotti C., Verga R. Biotecnologie alimentari. Ed. Piccin
Garosci R. Consumatori d'Europa. Ed. Marsilio
Ratledge, Kristiansen Biotecnologie di base. A cura di Giorgio Corte. Ed. Zanichelli
Cernia E., Degen L. Le biotecnologie nel settore agroalimentare. Ed. Carrocci
Alberghina L., Cernia E. Biotecnologie e bioindustria. Ed. Utet
Zambonelli C., Tini V., Giudici P., Grazia L. Microbiologia degli alimenti fermentati. Ed. Calderini Edagricole
Poli G. Biotecnologie Conoscere per scegliere. Ed. Utet
Flandrin J-L, Montanari M. Storia dell'Alimentazione. Ed. La Terza
Pagliarini E. Valutazione sensoriale. Aspetti teorici, pratici e metodologici. Ed. Hoepli
Animal nutrition
AGR/18 - ANIMAL NUTRITION AND FEEDING - University credits: 6
Practicals: 32 hours
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 24 hours
Food of animal origin
Practicals: 16 hours
Single bench laboratory practical: 16 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Vallone Lisa
Professor: Vallone Lisa