Biology of Nutrition

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
ING-INF/06 MAT/06 MED/49
Learning objectives
Aims of the course are: (i) the understanding of how a correct nutritional state is important in order to assure an optimal health state and to compensate the energy expenditure related physical activity; (ii) the knowledge of principles at the basis of an optimal and healthy diet according to scientific national (LARN and National guidelines) and international guidelines (EFSA) and to deal with physical and sport activity; (iii) the knowledge of the features and properties of the various nutrients required in a balanced diet; (iv) the knowledge and understanding of the concepts and procedures of statistics applied to biomedical sciences, including hypothesis testing in the analysis of continuous and categorical variables, correlation and regression.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course, students should know principles for defining a dietary scheme and to critically analyze some of the most common dietary regimes. Through specific practical exercises, students should have become able to know and select most appropriate sources of energetic nutrients and their best assortment to compose diets suited for specific type of physical activities and sports. Students should have become able to know pros and cons of dietary supplements. Moreover, students are expected to become able to know the usefulness of linear and non-linear regression and how to apply it to generate predictive models. By means of examples of application of statistics to nutritional topics, students should have become able to interpret the results of statistical analyses published in the biomedical literature, and should have acquired the ability to select the best statistical approach to analyze different datasets.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Prerequisites for admission
For Biology of nutrition module the knowledge of biochemistry, biochemistry of nutrition and physiology of nutrition is required
For the Data analysis and predictive modeling module no prerequisite knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
For Biology of nutrition module the verification of students' preparation is in form of an oral test. During the oral examination, open questions about the basic nutrition and the nutrition topics for physical activity and sport will be done. Exercises on diet planning may also be required. The expected duration of the test is 30 minutes. The evaluation expressed in thirtieths is the result of both the knowledge of the topics covered and the student's critical analysis ability. The score of 30/30 cum laude is assigned in case of excellent mastery of both factors mentioned.
for the Data analysis and predictive modeling module the verification of the students' preparation consists of a written, multiple-choice test comprising 31 questions. The duration of the test is 60 minutes. The evaluation is given according to the following scoring system: 31 correct answers, 30/30 e lode; 30 correct answers, 30/30; 29 correct answers, 29/30; and so on.
The final score is the weighted average of the individual marks relating to the credits of the two modules.
The individual marks as well as the weighted average are published on ARIEL within 24-48 hours from the completion of the exam.
Course syllabus
Nutritional requirements according to the LARN, EFSA documents, the Guidelines for the Italian population, the documents of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition, SINU
Nutrients: characteristics, properties and food sources
Hydration, nervous and alcoholic drinks
The regulation CE 1169/11 for nutritional labeling
Nutritional investigation methods
The methodology to estimate the basal expenditure and the energy requirements
The use of food databases
Setting balanced eating patterns for healthy adults
The energy needs and fuel requirements to support training program
Quantity, quality of nutrients and their correct distribution in the daily diet before and during training/ competition, and the recovery phase
The timing of the introduction of nutrients in the various phases of physical activity
Integration and supplements
Hydration for physical activity and sports. Quantity, quality of nutrients and their correct distribution in the daily diet during training, competition and the recovery phase
The timing of the introduction of nutrients in the various phases of physical activity
Integration and supplements
Hydration for physical activity and sports
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by projected material and exercises, collective critical analysis of the scientific literature.
Class attendance is strongly recommended.
Teaching Resources
A pdf copy of the power point presentations shown in class will be available on ARIEL
LARN 2014, Italian guide lines 2018, Scientific literature analyzed in class
Riccardi, Pacioni, Rivellese,"Manuale di nutrizione applicata" ILDESON GNOCCHI
Mc Ardle, Katch, Katch "Alimnetazione nello sport" Casa Editrice Ambrosiana
M. Giampietro «L'alimentazione per l'esercizio fisico e lo sport» Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore
Course syllabus
1)Structure of a scientific article and the role of data analysis
2)Descriptive statistics, tables, graphs, and measurement of central tendency and variability (mean, variance, standard deviation, median, percentiles, quartiles)
3)The gaussian distribution
4)Elements of inferential statistics: Population and sample; Estimating the mean and variance in a sample; Central limit theorem; Distribution of the sample mean and standard error; Confidence intervals; Student's t distribution
5) Hypothesis testing and statistical significance. Type I and type II errors
6)The one-sample z-test and t-test
7)Studies in which subjects are observed before and after treatment: Student's t-test for paired data
8)How to determine the difference in the mean values between two distinct groups: Student's t-test for non-paired data
9)Analysis of variance and Fisher-F-distribution
10)Nonparametric tests
11)Analyzing the relationship between two variables: correlation and regression
12)Analysis of categorical data: the chi-squared test
Teaching methods
Lectures supported by projected material and exercises. Class attendance is strongly recommended
Teaching Resources
The lessons in pdf format that can be downloaded from Ariel are more than enough to pass the exam. To facilitate exam preparation, a questionnaire containing 250+ questions will be uploaded to Ariel, along with with videos illustrating the step-by-step solution of 40+ questions.
For those who wish to refer to a textbook, they can choose one from the following options:

· Marc Triola e Mario Triola - Statistica per le discipline biosanitarie, Pearson Editore (544 pagine).
· David S. Moore - Statistica di base, Apogeo Editore (645 pagine).
· S. A. Glantz- Statistica per le Discipline Biomediche, McGraw-Hill Editore (490 pagine).
MED/49 - FOOD AND DIETETIC SCIENCES - University credits: 6
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 44 hours
Professor: Ferraretto Anita
MAT/06 - PROBABILITY AND STATISTICS - University credits: 2
Lessons: 24 hours
Professor: Caumo Andrea