Biological Chemistry

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Biochemistry is a necessary base teaching for the comprehension of Nutritional Sciences because it explains the mechanisms underlining food assumption and its metabolism. The detailed knowledge of these mechanisms is the requirement for understanding other subjects as physiology and pathology. The course of studies is aimed at the acquisition of the main principles of the biological, structural and functional role of proteins, sugars and lipids, as well as of the rules governing their biochemical transformation aimed at maintaining the body homeostasis, and of their digestion and adsorption, hence their metabolism.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of this course of studies, the students will know the fundamental principles of the biological life of human body; they will be able to link the type of nutrients to human metabolism; they will know the structure and function of the main classes of biological molecules; they will know the bio-energetic principles regulating human body nutrition; they will be able to explain the metabolic relationships among tissues and organs, specifically in fasting and feeding conditions. The students will be able to evaluate the metabolic healthy conditions according to the diet. The students will autonomously evaluate the information sources concerning the subject of the course. They will be able to present their knowledge by extensive and detailed oral exposure and by personal ability in linking different topics in a coherent form.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
1. The main classes of biological molecules: sugar, proteins, lipids. nitrogen bases
2. Structure and function of proteins: : membrane proteins and soluble proteins (i.e. coagulation proteins, immunoglubulins)
3. Biological membranes: protein and lipid components
4. Transporters and channels
5. Enzymes
6. Bioenergetics
7. Hemoglobin and transport and use of oxygen
8. Sugars metabolism: digestion absorption transport. Metabolic pathways and their control
9. Lipids metabolism: digestion absorption transport. Metabolic pathways and their control
10. Proteins metabolism: digestion absorption transport. Metabolic pathways and their control
11. Production release and effects of glucagon and insulin
12. Diabetes
13. Ethanol metabolism
14. Vitamins
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites needed (first year course).
Teaching methods
The entire course is based on frontal lessons
Teaching Resources
Biochimica Medica, Siliprandi Tettamanti, IV edizione Casa editrice Piccin
Introduzione alla biochimica di Leningher, Nelson e Cox Zanichelli
Testo di consultazione facoltativo: Biochimica della Nutrizione, Leuzz, i Bellocco,Barreca; Casa editrice Zanichelli
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists in an oral test. The oral test consists in questions on the whole program of the course. The student will answer by making appropriate correlations among the different topics related to the question.Final score will be assigned at the end of the exam.
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Signorelli Paola
Professor: Signorelli Paola