Bioingenieria del movimento

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
ING-INF/06 MED/01 MED/48
Learning objectives
Expected learning outcomes
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Bosisio Parini

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with open questions, multiple choice questions and exercises with the possibility of taking a subsequent oral exam. The use of the calculator is allowed.
There are ongoing tests with questions of different types (closed, open, semi-closed, exercises).
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
The results are communicated via the Ariel website of the course.
Bioingenieria elettronica e informatica
Course syllabus
- Movement analysis
- Kinematics and systems for kinematic analysis (optical and non-optical systems)
- Dynamics
- Posturography;
- Metabolic consumption
- Electromyography
- protocols for Movement analysis (gait analysis, upper limb motion, optoelectronic plethysmography);
- Diagnostic evaluation and equipment for diagnostic imaging:
- Radiography;
- Computerized Tomography;
- Nuclear Medicine;
- Magnetic resonance imaging;
- Ultrasound;
- Medical devices, regulations and safety:
- Definitions and classification;
- Regulations and CE certification;
- Electrical risk;
- Fundamentals of biomedical signal analysis:
- Signal acquisition and pre-processing system;
- Filtering;
- Analysis in the domain of time and frequency;
- Electroencephalography;
- fNIRS: near infrared functional spectroscopy
- Robotic devices for rehabilitation;
- Virtual Reality in rehabilitation
- Biomechanical models;
- Control models
- Prostheses and orthoses
- 3D printing for orthoses
Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons with the support of Power Point slides, provided to students by an USB drive and / or deposited on the Ariel website.
- Exercises
- Visit to the high-tech laboratories (AstroLab).
Teaching Resources
Professor's slides.
Statistica medica
Course syllabus
Part one. Introduction to statistical inference.
- The logic of statistical inference
- Basics of the Gaussian model and confidence intervals
- Concept of hypothesis testing and the most frequently used statistical tests in the rehabilitation field
Part two. How to conduct a scientific study
- The study protocol for scientific research
- Types of scientific studies and the most appropriate statistical approaches for various clinical questions
- How to interpret and comment (clinically) on the results obtained from a study
Teaching methods
Lectures and guided exercises in the classroom
Teaching Resources
W. Daniel Biostatistica. Concetti di base per l'analisi statistica delle scienze dell'area medico-sanitaria. Edises. 2019
M. Pagano K. Gauvreau Biostatistica. Idelson-Gnocchi 2003
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
- Assistive aid for PC use:
o For typing (special keyboards, keyboard emulators ...)
o For navigation (mouse emulators: trackball, joystick ...)
o For scan access (sensors, adapters, supports ..)
- Communication aids:
o Vocas
o Communication software
o Dynamic communicators
o Alphabetic communicators
- Aids for environmental control:
o Devices for individual, non-home automation control (facilitated remote controls)
- Game aids:
o Devices and adaptations to facilitate access to games
- Tablet and new opportunities
- Methods of delivery of aids:
o Tariff Nomenclator
o Regional contributions
o Tax breaks
Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons with the support of Power Point slides, provided to students by an USB drive.
- Visit to the Aid Center with an overview of the main aids presented and, in particular, those for symbolic communication.
Teaching Resources
Professor's slides.
Manuale degli ausili elettronici ed informatici. Tecnologie assistive a supporto della qualità della vita.   2016
a cura di C. Bitelli , M. Guerreschi, A. Rossi 
Bioingenieria elettronica e informatica
Practicals: 15 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Croci Roberta
Professor: Croci Roberta
Statistica medica
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Casazza Giovanni
Professor: Casazza Giovanni

Sezione: Don Gnocchi

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written exam with open questions, multiple choice questions and exercises with the possibility of taking a subsequent oral exam. The use of the calculator is allowed.
There are ongoing tests with questions of different types (closed, open, semi-closed, exercises).
The evaluation is expressed in thirtieths.
The results are communicated via the Ariel website of the course.
Bioingenieria elettronica e informatica
Course syllabus
- Movement analysis
- Kinematics and systems for kinematic analysis (optical and non-optical systems)
- Dynamics
- Posturography;
- Metabolic consumption
- Electromyography
- protocols for Movement analysis (gait analysis, upper limb motion, optoelectronic plethysmography);
- Diagnostic evaluation and equipment for diagnostic imaging:
- Radiography;
- Computerized Tomography;
- Nuclear Medicine;
- Magnetic resonance imaging;
- Ultrasound;
- Medical devices, regulations and safety:
- Definitions and classification;
- Regulations and CE certification;
- Electrical risk;
- Fundamentals of biomedical signal analysis:
- Signal acquisition and pre-processing system;
- Filtering;
- Analysis in the domain of time and frequency;
- Electroencephalography;
- fNIRS: near infrared functional spectroscopy
- Robotic devices for rehabilitation;
- Virtual Reality in rehabilitation
- Biomechanical models;
- Control models
- Prostheses and orthoses
- 3D printing for orthoses
Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons with the support of Power Point slides, provided to students by an USB drive and / or deposited on the Ariel website.
- Exercises
- Visit to the high-tech laboratories (AstroLab).
Teaching Resources
Professor's slides.
Statistica medica
Course syllabus
Part one. Introduction to statistical inference.
- The logic of statistical inference
- Basics of the Gaussian model and confidence intervals
- Concept of hypothesis testing and the most frequently used statistical tests in the rehabilitation field
Part two. How to conduct a scientific study
- The study protocol for scientific research
- Types of scientific studies and the most appropriate statistical approaches for various clinical questions
- How to interpret and comment (clinically) on the results obtained from a study
Teaching methods
Lectures and guided exercises in the classroom
Teaching Resources
W. Daniel Biostatistica. Concetti di base per l'analisi statistica delle scienze dell'area medico-sanitaria. Edises. 2019
M. Pagano K. Gauvreau Biostatistica. Idelson-Gnocchi 2003
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Course syllabus
- Assistive aid for PC use:
o For typing (special keyboards, keyboard emulators ...)
o For navigation (mouse emulators: trackball, joystick ...)
o For scan access (sensors, adapters, supports ..)
- Communication aids:
o Vocas
o Communication software
o Dynamic communicators
o Alphabetic communicators
- Aids for environmental control:
o Devices for individual, non-home automation control (facilitated remote controls)
- Game aids:
o Devices and adaptations to facilitate access to games
- Tablet and new opportunities
- Methods of delivery of aids:
o Tariff Nomenclator
o Regional contributions
o Tax breaks
Teaching methods
- Frontal lessons with the support of Power Point slides, provided to students by an USB drive.
- Visit to the Aid Center with an overview of the main aids presented and, in particular, those for symbolic communication.
Teaching Resources
Professor's slides.
Manuale degli ausili elettronici ed informatici. Tecnologie assistive a supporto della qualità della vita.   2016
a cura di C. Bitelli , M. Guerreschi, A. Rossi 
Bioingenieria elettronica e informatica
Practicals: 15 hours
Lessons: 10 hours
Scienze infermieristiche e tecniche neuropsichiatriche e riabilitative
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Sormani Annalisa
Professor: Sormani Annalisa
Statistica medica
MED/01 - MEDICAL STATISTICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Casazza Giovanni