Bioethics: Methods and Principles

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The learning objective of the course is to provide an introduction to bioethics, with particular reference to the main issues related to the three disciplinary areas of clinical ethics, research ethics and public ethics. The course aims to offer students the resources to develop knowledge and skills useful to find criteria to justify or critically evaluate the legitimacy of political and public decisions, institutions and practices concerning the most relevant moral issues raised in the bioethical field. The course also aims to identify the ethical issues raised by biomedicine, discussing them in connection with the public debate and enhancing the comparison between different voices.
Expected learning outcomes
The course aims at the following learning objectives:
- to understand the main issues and challenges in bioethics;
- to develop competence on the main theoretical perspectives and methodological criteria in bioethics;
- to improve knowledge and ability to develop argumentation skills on bioethical issues;
- to develop the ability to apply the knowledge and skills acquired to the analysis and discussion of disputes at the heart of public debate (in relation, for example, to end-of-life issues).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First trimester
Course syllabus
The course is organized along four main thematic lines: 1) a critical investigation of the origins of the discipline, an investigation aimed at tracing its genealogy, its fundamental questions, meaning, and major assumptions; 2) the course will address the study of the theoretical status of bioethics, through the examination and comparison between theoretical deontological positions/attitudes and consequential theoretical positions/attitudes, and the examination of the main conceptual dilemmas that bioethical disputes bring out: pluralism and disagreement, autonomy and responsibility, paternalism and antipaternalism. 3) Bioethics will be addressed, at the third level, from the point of view of the method: from the principle-based approach to the method of cases, through the analysis of the main fallacies, the course will try to define the boundaries of discipline, and to suggest the main criteria to justify argumentative claims in the bioethics field. The fourth line of argument refers to bioethics in the most proper and philosophical sense of applied ethics, namely practical: in this sense bioethics is applied to particular problems, and an attempt is made to establish what is right or necessary to do in relation to particular situations. The cases considered will specifically concern four bioethical topics, three of them classics - abortion, end-of-life dilemmas and organ donation's ethics - and one more related to the latest generation of bioethics, namely artificial intelligence.
Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required to attend the course or to take the exam.
Teaching methods
Teaching will be provided according to a path of frontal lessons (part one), followed by (second part) group work, individual presentations, case analysis and seminary discussions. The teaching uses e-learning teaching materials on the Ariel platform (the material will be defined in detail later).
Teaching Resources
- Reichlin M., "Fondamenti di bioetica", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2021 (cap. 1, 2, 3, 6, 7);
- Semplici S., "Etica Post-Pandemica. I principi e le circostanze", Rubbettino Editore, 2023.
NB: To the texts indicated will be added other articles that will be made available online, on the ARIEL page of the course.

- Palazzani L., "Compendio di bioetica", Scholé Edizioni, Brescia, 2023;
- Semplici S., "Etica Post-Pandemica. I principi e le circostanze", Rubbettino Editore, 2023.
One of these two texts:
- Shanahan M., "La rivolta delle macchine. Che cos'è la singolarità tecnologica e quanto presto arriverà", Luiss University Press, Roma, 2018 (cap. 5, 6, 7);
- Lalumera E., "Etica della comunicazione sanitaria", Il Mulino, Bologna, 2022 (capp. II e III).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is intended to verify that the objectives of the course have been achieved, and will take place in two distinct phases:
- an oral final examination, which aims to verify that the student has learned the methods and principles of the course, and that he can express them clearly and accurately, using the correct terminology;
- a presentation in "class", with the aim of framing and describing new phenomena, or case studies agreed with the teacher.
SPS/01 - POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Magni Beatrice
Professor: Magni Beatrice