Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/10 BIO/11
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the basic notions to:
1. outline the general picture of cellular metabolism
2. know and explain the biochemical mechanism of normal biological phenomena at molecular, sub-cellular, cellular and tissue level
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student will know: the functional role of proteins and enzymes, the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and will be able to explain the major mechanisms of metabolic regulation at cellular and organ level. The biochemistry course will give the knowledge for the understanding of biochemistry in the clinical diagnostic field. At the end of the course the student will know: the structure of nucleic acids and replication, transcription and translation processes and their control mechanisms. The molecular biology module will give the student the knowledge for the understanding of molecular biology in the clinical diagnostic field.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Prerequisites for admission
To cope with the program of the course, student must have previously acquired the basic knowledge of the general and organic chemistry, biology, molecular biology and genetics.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The written exam includes multiple choice questions (9) and open questions (3) on topics in molecular biology.
The written exam includes multiple choice questions (25) and open questions (5) on topics in biological chemistry.
The evaluation is a grade expressed out of thirty.
The exam is evaluated by the professors and the results are communicated through the myAriel platform of the course. The final mark is communicated to the student by SIFA portal. the evaluation of the exam is available upon student's request.
Course syllabus
· Proteins: biological functions, structure. Fibrous and globular proteins. Haemoglobin and myoglobin: structure and mechanism of action. Relationship between oxygen transport and CO2 transport.
· Enzymes: structure and properties. Enzymatic kinetics. Enzymatic regulation, competitive, non-competitive inhibition, from product to feed-back. Constitutive and inducible enzymes, phosphorylation and irreversible activation. Description of enzymatic cascades.
· General concepts of metabolism: Catabolism and anabolism. Partitioning of metabolic processes. Metabolic map concept. Free energy. Coupled reaction. Biochemical reactions (bioenergetics), biological oxidations, the role of ATP: structure and function. Respiratory chain and oxidative phosphorylation
· Biological signalling: mechanism of extracellular signal transduction, second messengers and their functions at the metabolic level
Glucose metabolism: glycolysis and regulation. The shunt of pentoses phosphates. The carbohydrate reserves: glycogen (glycogen synthesis and glycogenolysis). Gluconeogenesis Krebs cycle and regulation
· Lipid metabolism: Fatty acids and β−oxidation.Lipid de novo synthesis. Lipid reserves: triglycerides of adipose tissue (lipogenesis and lipolysis) Lipoproteins. Cholesterol metabolism. ketonic bodies
· Metabolism of amino acids. Nitrogen balance and the urea cycle. Synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, biogenic amines. Heme catabolism
· Metabolic integrations. Gluconeogenesis, fasting-feeding cycles. Blood glucose regulation. Hormonal regulation of metabolism.
· Nutrition. Principles of human nutrition.
· Introduction to protein analysis techniques
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by visual means (power point presentation)
Use of conceptual maps provided by the professor. Reading scientific articles in the classroom. Group work and short oral reports under the guidance of the professor during the teaching hours. Usage of open source video in English language. E-learning material available on the myAriel platform.
Teaching Resources
LE BASI DELLA BIOCHIMICA, DE. Ferrier (Ed Zanichelli) volume unico pagine ISBN: 978880835400
ATLANTE DI BIOCHIMICA, Jan Koolman Klaus-heinrich Roehm 2020 ISBN: 9788808216939, editore Zanichelli
Molecular biology
Course syllabus
DNA structure: Physico-chemical properties of nucleic acids, forces that stabilize and destabilize the double helix (topology),hierarchical organization of chromatin and chromosomes, histones and histone modifications. Outline of epigenetics
DNA replication and its control: replicative fork and replicons, enzymes involved in DNA replication, telomeres, DNA repair
RNA structure: classification of cellular RNAs; structure and function of the main RNA classes; maturation of the RNA
DNA transcription and its control: RNA polymerases; the structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic promoters; transcription (beginning,lengthening, termination) in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; the outline of transcriptional regulation
Protein synthesis; the ribosome: structural and functional aspects; activation of amino acids; the reaction of t-RNA-aminoacyl transferase and structural-functional characteristics of the enzyme; description of the three phases of protein synthesis
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons supported by visual means (power point presentation). Usage of open source video in English language. E-learning material available on the myAriel platform.
Teaching Resources
FUNDAMENTAL MOLECULAR BIOLOGY Lisabeth A. Allison Blackwell Publishing (disponibile online)
LE BASI DELLA BIOCHIMICA, DE. Ferrier (Ed Zanichelli) volume unico pagine ISBN: 978880835400
ATLANTE DI BIOCHIMICA, di Jan Koolman Klaus-heinrich Roehm 2020 ISBN: 9788808216939, editore Zanichelli
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 5
Lessons: 50 hours
Professor: Battaglia Cristina
Professor: Battaglia Cristina
Molecular biology
BIO/11 - MOLECULAR BIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 10 hours
Professor: Frasca Angelisa
Professor: Frasca Angelisa
to be defined by email
Palazzo LITA, via Fratelli Cervi 93, 20054, Segrate
By appointment