The Basics of Life Journey

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
BIO/10 BIO/12 BIO/13 FIS/07 MED/03 MED/36
Learning objectives
The student must know the organic and inorganic matter. The student must acquire the terminology of the Biological Sciences. The student must know the mechanisms of biological life.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge and understanding
The student must:
· know the laws of organic and inorganic matter their practical application
· understand human biology
Ability to apply knowledge and understanding
· ability to use midwifery tools
· acquire theoretical and practical tools to gain experience in internships.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Sezione: Mantova

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Examination procedure
Written tests
Oral exam
Closed and open multiple-choice tests
Conversation with the teacher
Evaluation parameters
Ability to organize knowledge discursively; capacity for critical reasoning on the study carried out; quality of exposure, competence in the use of specialized vocabulary, effectiveness, linearity
Type of evaluation
In thirty (the vote is decided by the Commission composed of the professors present at the Integrated Course exam)
How to communicate the results of the examination
The vote is verbally reported to the student. Subsequently the vote is verbalized on the web with modality that allows the student to accept or reject it
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Physical quantities measure
Fundamental and derived quantities
International system.
Dimensional analysis.
Powers of ten and scientific notation.
Orders of magnitude.
Fermi problems.
Uncertainties of the measure.
Scalar and vector quantities.
Review of vectors.
Position, speed, acceleration.
Uniform and uniformly accelerated motion.
Crashing with the parachute.
Newton's laws.
Force diagram.
Strength weight.
Normal strength.
Frictional force.
Kinetic and potential energy.
Work of a force.
Kinetic energy theorem. Conservative forces and conservation of mechanical energy. Dissipative forces.
Mechanical deformations of bodies: traction, compression, shear
Stress and relative deformation
Fluids at rest. Ideal stationary fluid. Pascal's law. Stevino's law. Open and closed tube pressure gauge. Bloody measure of blood pressure. mmHg and cmH20. Barometer. IV drip.
Venous and arterial blood pressure in supine and standing positions. Pressure on the feet and in the head. Fluids in motion. Ideal fluid. Continuity equation and applications. Bernoulli's law. Venturi mask. Newtonian fluid. Viscosity'. Laminar flow. Poiseuille's law. Scope. Resistence. Conducted in series and in parallel. Turbulence. Reynolds number. Sphygmomanometer.
Air as a gas mixture. Boyle's law. Charles's law. Ideal gas law. Internal energy of an ideal gas and link with temperature. Dalton's law. Henry's Law. Scuba diving. Gas embolism.
Respiratory system and basal parameters. Spirometer. Breathing and pressure. Lung-diaphragm breathing model. Effect of the pleura. Partial pressure and gas exchange.
Heat and thermal balance. First law of thermodynamics. Specific heat. Latent heat. Ways of heat propagation: conduction, convection, radiation. Power, average and peak power of man. Human metabolism and thermoregulation: radiation, conduction, sweating.
Waves. Interference. Acoustic waves. Ultrasound. Electric charge. Coulomb's force. Electric field and potential. Insulators and conductors. Electric current. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. Refractive index. Snell's law. Dispersion. Light-matter interaction: absorption, fluorescence, diffusion. Absorption: DNA dosage, oximeter.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
I libri di testo consigliati sono soltanto un riferimento. Lo studente deve utilizzare gli appunti delle lezioni e può scegliere liberamente il libro o i libri dove studiare e approfondire gli argomenti trattati (elencati nel programma).
Saranno fornite le slide delle lezioni ed eventuale materiale di lettura aggiuntivo.

Scannicchio-Giroletti "Elementi di fisica biomedica", EdiSES
Borsa-Lascialfari "Principi di fisica", EdiSES
Openstax College Physics:
Course syllabus
Matter and chemical bonds. Matter classification, atoms, ions, molecules, atomic number and atomic mass, molecular mass, the mole. The periodic table of the elements and the electron configuration. Chemical bond: ionic bond, and ionic crystals, covalent bond and molecules. Intermolecular forces: Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding.
Water. Structure and properties.
Properties of solutions. Concentration of solutions, colligative properties. Osmosis and osmotic pressure.
Chemical reactions and chemical equilibria. Chemical reactions and their representation, Law of mass action, the response of equilibria to changes in conditions and Le Chatelier's principle, oxidation number, oxidation-reduction reactions, reaction rates. Free energy and spontaneous changes of reactions. Transition state theory. Catalysts.
Acid-base reactions and aqueous equilibria. Self-ionization of water and pH scale. Acid-base theories of Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry and, Lewis. Strenght and weakness of acids and bases. Buffer solutions.
Organic Chemistry.
Properties and reactivity of organic compounds. Carbon atom bonds. Nomenclature of organic compounds. Isomers. Functional groups: structure and reactivity. Hydrocarbons. Alcohols, ethers and sulfur analogs. Amines. Alkenes. Aromatic compounds. Carbonyl compounds and their chemical behavior. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: esters and amides. Polyfunctional compounds.
Structure and reactivity of biomolecules.
Amino acids and proteins. Structure of -amino acids. Peptides and proteins, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.
Carbohydrates. Classification and structure. Monosaccharides. Glycosides, disaccharides. Modified carbohydrates. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen).
Lipids. Classification. Fatty acids and their structure. Acylglycerols. Cholesterol and steroid hormones. Phospholipids and membranes.
Nucleotides and nucleosides. Chemical structure. Nucleic acids.
Metabolism of biomolecules.
Protein metabolism. Digestion. Catabolism of amino acids. Urea cycle.
Carbohydrate metabolism. Digestion. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Gluconeogenesis.
Lipid metabolism. Digestion. Catabolism and biosynthesis of fatty acids.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Gaw Allan. Biochimica Clinica - ED. ELSEVIER MASSON
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Course syllabus
Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry
The logic of the blood chemistry laboratory
Total, biological and analytical variability. Importance of the pre-analytical phase.
Post-analytical phase and data interpretation
Physiological changes during pregnancy and monitoring of physiological pregnancy
Diagnostic potential of plasma proteins
Evaluation of glucose metabolism: hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes
Evaluation of lipid metabolism: the lipid profile and dyslipidemia as cardiovascular risk factors
Assessment of liver function
Evaluation of renal function
Evaluation of the metabolism of vitamin B12, folate and iron
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
The cell and the evolution of organisms
Eukaryotic cell
Biological macromolecules
Genetic code and protein synthesis
Regulation of gene expression
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chieffi G., Dolfini S., Malcovati M., Pierantoni R., Tenchini M. L. BIOLOGIA E GENETICA -edizione EDISES
Medical genetics
Course syllabus
Organization of DNA and chromatin in chromosomes
The equational division of somatic cells
The reductional division of germ cells
Gametogenesis and fertilization
Chromosome theory of inheritance:
- human chromosomes as a vehicle of inheritance
- the human karyotype
- chromosomal abnormalities in number and structure and clinical implications
- concept of chromosomal mosaicism
- molecular cytogenetics: Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH), definition, features and applications
Mendel and his experimental method:
- Mendel's first law, the segregation of alleles
- monohybrids and test cross
- Mendel's second law, the independent assortment
- hybrids and polyhybrids
- genotypic and phenotypic relationships in mendelian crosses: examples and applications
Interaction between alleles and phenotypic effect: complete and incomplete dominance, codominance. Interactions between different genes. Pleiotropism. Multiple allele systems in humans: blood groups
Independent and associated genes.
Mendelian traits in humans:
- mendelian and non-mendelian traits
- classification of genetic diseases.
- monogenic inheritance and multifactorial inheritance
Genetic analysis in humans:
- pedigree construction: symbolism and criteria for the collection of family history
- the main types of pedigrees
- apparent exceptions to Mendel's laws: incomplete and age-dependent penetrance, variable expressivity, neomutations, genetic mosaicism
- allelic, of locus and clinical genetic heterogeneity in most mendelian diseases
- X chromosome inactivation, relevance of the phenomenon in X-linked genetic diseases
Multifactorial inheritance: quantitative and threshold characters and empirical risks.
Epigenetics: how genes and environment interact
Genetic sex determination, examples of diseases with altered sex differentiation (adrenogenital syndrome, androgen insensitivity, SRY gene defects)
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Costantini W., Calistri D., Ferrazzi E., Mauri P.A., Parazzini F. - TRATTANDO DI SCIENZA ED ARTE DELLA PROFESSIONALITÀ OSTETRICA - PICCIN 2021
Diagnostic imaging
Course syllabus
Ionizing radiation in medicine
Radiation protection
Use of personal protective equipment
Informed consent
Conventional radiology, CT and angiography
Nuclear Medicine
Magnetic Resonance
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Zanchetta Giuliano
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Scillitani Ester
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Dolci Alberto
Diagnostic imaging
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Scillitani Ester
Medical genetics
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours

Sezione: Milano

Prerequisites for admission
No prior knowledge is required
Assessment methods and Criteria
Examination procedure
Written tests
Oral exam
Closed and open multiple-choice tests
Conversation with the teacher
Evaluation parameters
Ability to organize knowledge discursively; capacity for critical reasoning on the study carried out; quality of exposure, competence in the use of specialized vocabulary, effectiveness, linearity
Type of evaluation
In thirty (the vote is decided by the Commission composed of the professors present at the Integrated Course exam)
How to communicate the results of the examination
The vote is verbally reported to the student. Subsequently the vote is verbalized on the web with modality that allows the student to accept or reject it
Applied physics
Course syllabus
Physical quantities measure
Fundamental and derived quantities
International system.
Dimensional analysis.
Powers of ten and scientific notation.
Orders of magnitude.
Fermi problems.
Uncertainties of the measure.
Scalar and vector quantities.
Review of vectors.
Position, speed, acceleration.
Uniform and uniformly accelerated motion.
Crashing with the parachute.
Newton's laws.
Force diagram.
Strength weight.
Normal strength.
Frictional force.
Kinetic and potential energy.
Work of a force.
Kinetic energy theorem. Conservative forces and conservation of mechanical energy. Dissipative forces.
Mechanical deformations of bodies: traction, compression, shear
Stress and relative deformation
Fluids at rest. Ideal stationary fluid. Pascal's law. Stevino's law. Open and closed tube pressure gauge. Bloody measure of blood pressure. mmHg and cmH20. Barometer. IV drip.
Venous and arterial blood pressure in supine and standing positions. Pressure on the feet and in the head. Fluids in motion. Ideal fluid. Continuity equation and applications. Bernoulli's law. Venturi mask. Newtonian fluid. Viscosity'. Laminar flow. Poiseuille's law. Scope. Resistence. Conducted in series and in parallel. Turbulence. Reynolds number. Sphygmomanometer.
Air as a gas mixture. Boyle's law. Charles's law. Ideal gas law. Internal energy of an ideal gas and link with temperature. Dalton's law. Henry's Law. Scuba diving. Gas embolism.
Respiratory system and basal parameters. Spirometer. Breathing and pressure. Lung-diaphragm breathing model. Effect of the pleura. Partial pressure and gas exchange.
Heat and thermal balance. First law of thermodynamics. Specific heat. Latent heat. Ways of heat propagation: conduction, convection, radiation. Power, average and peak power of man. Human metabolism and thermoregulation: radiation, conduction, sweating.
Waves. Interference. Acoustic waves. Ultrasound. Electric charge. Coulomb's force. Electric field and potential. Insulators and conductors. Electric current. Magnetic field. Electromagnetic waves. Refractive index. Snell's law. Dispersion. Light-matter interaction: absorption, fluorescence, diffusion. Absorption: DNA dosage, oximeter.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
I libri di testo consigliati sono soltanto un riferimento. Lo studente deve utilizzare gli appunti delle lezioni e può scegliere liberamente il libro o i libri dove studiare e approfondire gli argomenti trattati (elencati nel programma).
Saranno fornite le slide delle lezioni ed eventuale materiale di lettura aggiuntivo.

Scannicchio-Giroletti "Elementi di fisica biomedica", EdiSES
Borsa-Lascialfari "Principi di fisica", EdiSES
Openstax College Physics:
Course syllabus
Matter and chemical bonds. Matter classification, atoms, ions, molecules, atomic number and atomic mass, molecular mass, the mole. The periodic table of the elements and the electron configuration. Chemical bond: ionic bond, and ionic crystals, covalent bond and molecules. Intermolecular forces: Van der Waals forces and hydrogen bonding.
Water. Structure and properties.
Properties of solutions. Concentration of solutions, colligative properties. Osmosis and osmotic pressure.
Chemical reactions and chemical equilibria. Chemical reactions and their representation, Law of mass action, the response of equilibria to changes in conditions and Le Chatelier's principle, oxidation number, oxidation-reduction reactions, reaction rates. Free energy and spontaneous changes of reactions. Transition state theory. Catalysts.
Acid-base reactions and aqueous equilibria. Self-ionization of water and pH scale. Acid-base theories of Arrhenius, Brønsted-Lowry and, Lewis. Strenght and weakness of acids and bases. Buffer solutions.
Organic Chemistry.
Properties and reactivity of organic compounds. Carbon atom bonds. Nomenclature of organic compounds. Isomers. Functional groups: structure and reactivity. Hydrocarbons. Alcohols, ethers and sulfur analogs. Amines. Alkenes. Aromatic compounds. Carbonyl compounds and their chemical behavior. Carboxylic acids and their derivatives: esters and amides. Polyfunctional compounds.
Structure and reactivity of biomolecules.
Amino acids and proteins. Structure of -amino acids. Peptides and proteins, primary, secondary, tertiary and quaternary structures.
Carbohydrates. Classification and structure. Monosaccharides. Glycosides, disaccharides. Modified carbohydrates. Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides (starch, cellulose, glycogen).
Lipids. Classification. Fatty acids and their structure. Acylglycerols. Cholesterol and steroid hormones. Phospholipids and membranes.
Nucleotides and nucleosides. Chemical structure. Nucleic acids.
Metabolism of biomolecules.
Protein metabolism. Digestion. Catabolism of amino acids. Urea cycle.
Carbohydrate metabolism. Digestion. Glycolysis and the Krebs cycle. Gluconeogenesis.
Lipid metabolism. Digestion. Catabolism and biosynthesis of fatty acids.
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Gaw Allan. Biochimica Clinica - ED. ELSEVIER MASSON
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Course syllabus
Introduction to Clinical Biochemistry
The logic of the blood chemistry laboratory
Total, biological and analytical variability. Importance of the pre-analytical phase.
Post-analytical phase and data interpretation
Physiological changes during pregnancy and monitoring of physiological pregnancy
Diagnostic potential of plasma proteins
Evaluation of glucose metabolism: hyperglycemia, diabetes mellitus, gestational diabetes
Evaluation of lipid metabolism: the lipid profile and dyslipidemia as cardiovascular risk factors
Assessment of liver function
Evaluation of renal function
Evaluation of the metabolism of vitamin B12, folate and iron
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Samaja M. CORSO DI BIOCHIMICA - PICCIN [Nota: il libro non è più disponibile, è stato sostituito dalla 2° ed.: Samaja M., Paroni R. CHIMICA E BIOCHIMICA - PICCIN]
Experimental biology
Course syllabus
The cell and the evolution of organisms
Eukaryotic cell
Biological macromolecules
Genetic code and protein synthesis
Regulation of gene expression
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Chieffi G., Dolfini S., Malcovati M., Pierantoni R., Tenchini M. L. BIOLOGIA E GENETICA -edizione EDISES
Medical genetics
Course syllabus
Organization of DNA and chromatin in chromosomes
The equational division of somatic cells
The reductional division of germ cells
Gametogenesis and fertilization
Chromosome theory of inheritance:
- human chromosomes as a vehicle of inheritance
- the human karyotype
- chromosomal abnormalities in number and structure and clinical implications
- concept of chromosomal mosaicism
- molecular cytogenetics: Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH), definition, features and applications
Mendel and his experimental method:
- Mendel's first law, the segregation of alleles
- monohybrids and test cross
- Mendel's second law, the independent assortment
- hybrids and polyhybrids
- genotypic and phenotypic relationships in mendelian crosses: examples and applications
Interaction between alleles and phenotypic effect: complete and incomplete dominance, codominance. Interactions between different genes. Pleiotropism. Multiple allele systems in humans: blood groups
Independent and associated genes.
Mendelian traits in humans:
- mendelian and non-mendelian traits
- classification of genetic diseases.
- monogenic inheritance and multifactorial inheritance
Genetic analysis in humans:
- pedigree construction: symbolism and criteria for the collection of family history
- the main types of pedigrees
- apparent exceptions to Mendel's laws: incomplete and age-dependent penetrance, variable expressivity, neomutations, genetic mosaicism
- allelic, of locus and clinical genetic heterogeneity in most mendelian diseases
- X chromosome inactivation, relevance of the phenomenon in X-linked genetic diseases
Multifactorial inheritance: quantitative and threshold characters and empirical risks.
Epigenetics: how genes and environment interact
Genetic sex determination, examples of diseases with altered sex differentiation (adrenogenital syndrome, androgen insensitivity, SRY gene defects)
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Costantini W., Calistri D., Ferrazzi E., Mauri P.A., Parazzini F. - TRATTANDO DI SCIENZA ED ARTE DELLA PROFESSIONALITÀ OSTETRICA - PICCIN 2021
Diagnostic imaging
Course syllabus
Ionizing radiation in medicine
Radiation protection
Use of personal protective equipment
Informed consent
Conventional radiology, CT and angiography
Nuclear Medicine
Magnetic Resonance
Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Teaching methods
Frontal lesson
Teaching Resources
Applied physics
FIS/07 - APPLIED PHYSICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Zanchetta Giuliano
BIO/10 - BIOCHEMISTRY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Dei Cas Michele Vittorio
Clinical biochemistry and molecular biology
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Dolci Alberto
Diagnostic imaging
MED/36 - IMAGING AND RADIOTHERAPY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Experimental biology
BIO/13 - EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours
Professor: Lettieri Antonella
Medical genetics
MED/03 - MEDICAL GENETICS - University credits: 1
Lessons: 15 hours