Basic Information Technology for the Humanities

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide a basic introduction of the disciplines of computer science in a humanistic way. For this reason, alongside elements of presentation of the fundamentals of information systems theory, computability theory, algorithm theory, distributed systems theory, the evolution of the discipline will be examined from historical and anthropological perspectives. The theoretical tools acquired in the course should also be used to stimulate competence in object design and communication tools as well as provide the ability to interact profitably with IT professionals. For this reason, the course offers elements of methodological knowledge, terminology and design skills for databases and human machine interaction, as well as a monographic theme covered annually.
Expected learning outcomes
Information-coding processes
Algorithm theory basics
Digital architecture
Distributed architecture
Database modeling basics
Human machine interaction
Information schematics
Basic terminologyof the discipline
Critical-writing tools for a computer project
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to computer science
- Encoding and measuring information
- The notion of algorithm

Introduction to hardware and software architectures
- Computer architecture
- Network architectures
- Software and programming languages
- The WWW standards

Introduction to databases and data conceptualisation
- Conceptual and logical design of a database
- Conceptualisation processes
- Relational model
- Graph model

Aspects of technology acceptance
- Human-machine interaction
- Information architecture and usability
- Communication dynamics in distributed networks

Artificial intelligence
- Artificial intelligence methods
- Machine learning
- Evaluation methods
Prerequisites for admission
Mathematical notions acquired in any secondary school program.
Teaching methods
The topics of the course will be addressed through lectures, with the help of transparencies and teaching materials that the teacher will make available from time to time on the Ariel platform. During the lessons exercises and demonstrations will also be carried out to help the student's learning path. A lesson will be dedicated to exam simulation.
Teaching Resources
Mandatory texts:
- Lucidi presentati a lezione
- Paolo Ceravolo. Fondamenti di Informatica per le Scienze Umanistiche, Pearson, 2025.

Optional texts:
- Donatella Sciuto Giacomo Buonanno, Luca Mari. Introduzione ai sistemi informatici. Mac Graw Hill
- Chiara Frigeri, Fabio Maccaferri, Federico Rajola. ICT e società dell'Informazione. Mac Graw Hill
- Ian Robinson, Jim Webber and Emil Eifrém. Graph Databases, O'Reilly
Assessment methods and Criteria
The examination consists of a compulsory oral test and an optional project.

Oral test: This test assesses the acquisition of the concepts presented during the course and the students' logical and argumentative skills.
To access the oral test, students must complete an exercise that the lecturer will post on Ariel 24 hours before the exam call. Correct exposition and understanding of the solution to the exercise is necessary to continue with the interview.

Optional project: This project gives students the opportunity to explore topics related to their training plan.

The final grade will be given in thirtieths.

Examination arrangements for students with disabilities and/or with DSA must be agreed with the lecturer, in collaboration with the appropriate office. International or Erasmus incoming students are urged to contact the incoming lecturer in a timely manner.
INF/01 - INFORMATICS - University credits: 6
Lessons: 40 hours
Professor: Ceravolo Paolo
Thursday 14.00 - 15.00
Computer Science Department- 7° floor