Avanzamenti teorici e filosofici della disciplina infermieristica nella pratica avanzata

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aim is to provide advanced epistemological, clinical, methodological and evidence based following skills: Analysing and evaluating clinical care methodology and the need for evidence based outcomes in responding to the needs of the person being cared for;Make a contribution to the debate on the nature and development of knowledge in the nursing discipline and its application to contemporary problems in nursing care , and social care - Analyse the application of nursing theories in practice and critically discuss the implications for theory and research and the potential for change in health care;
- Critically examine the role of reflective practice as a means of extending and improving nursing care in practice; .
- Use a reflective framework to identify the use of theory in practice,
- . Discuss the purpose, application, use and potential for change of theory in nursing and health care practice ,
- . Examine the relationship between theory, research and practice ,
- Critically discuss the professionalisation of nursing and nursing from a sociological, historical, political and organisational perspective and the impact this has on the development of advanced roles .
- . Critically examine the factors influencing the development of the professional role .
- . Critically discuss the impact of professional development on the aims and levels of practice.
- analysing and reconstructing historically the evolution of nursing care thinking in different periods and cultures."
Expected learning outcomes
The student will critically analyze the historical and disciplinary development of nursing care in different periods and cultures, to guide the nursing advanced practice. He will critically analyze clinical reasoning and its potential in making multidisciplinary decisions making on complex health problems. He will critically evaluate the disciplinary theories through appropriate assessment models to define their applicability and potential for practice change. He will critically evaluate health care choices for safeguarding people's health and identifying possible evidence-based improvements.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Course syllabus
L'evoluzione del pensiero assistenziale infermieristico nei diversi periodi storici e nelle diverse culture. Lo sviluppo della conoscenza disciplinare e la sua applicazione ai problemi contemporanei dell'assistenza infermieristica, della cura e dell'assistenza sociosanitaria. I fondamenti filosofici e le teorie della disciplina infermieristica e le diverse applicazioni nella pratica, nella teoria e nella ricerca. La metodologia del ragionamento clinico assistenziale e la necessità di individuazione di risultati evidence based nella risposta ai bisogni della persona assistita. La professionalizzazione da una prospettiva sociologica, storica, politica e organizzativa e l'impatto sullo sviluppo di ruoli avanzati. Il ruolo della pratica riflessiva come strumento di ampliamento e miglioramento dell'assistenza infermieristica nella pratica avanzata.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
The course is held through traditional lectures, individual and small group activities. The educational activities are supported by theMoodle and Ariel platform of the University of Milan.
Teaching Resources
1. Manzoni E., Le radici e le foglie, CEA, 2016
2. Manzoni E. Lusignani M. Mazzoleni B., Storia e filosofia dell'assistenza infermieristica, CEA, 2019
3. Giorgetta S, Lusignani M., Manzoni E., "Historical research on the practices of care and assistance in witchcfraft trials held at Poschiavo (CH) between 1631 and 1753" Medicina Historica 2023, vol.7. N1
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be based on a written test composed of multiple choice questions (MCQ). Passing the written exam gives admission to the oral exam.
MED/45 - NURSING - University credits: 8
Lessons: 64 hours
Professor: Lusignani Maura