Aromatic and Medicinal Plant Cultivation
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The learning objective is the presentation of the sector of the production of aromatic and medicinal plants, describing characteristics, problems and perspectives. Above all the aim is to provide basic knowledge about the cultivation of aromatic and medicinal plants, with particular reference to organic farming, highlighting the effects that agronomic practices can have on product quality.
For this purpose, some of the most commonly cultivated species will be presented in detail, in order to allow the acquisition of specific competences regarding their propagation and cultivation.
For this purpose, some of the most commonly cultivated species will be presented in detail, in order to allow the acquisition of specific competences regarding their propagation and cultivation.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire a good knowledge of the characteristics and problems of the sector of aromatic and medicinal plant production and will achieve a basic preparation to grow aromatic and medicinal plants, in order to maximize the quantitative and qualitative production in respect of the environment.
The knowledge will be evaluated during an oral exam about the information presented with the lessons and the slides in Ariel. The evaluations will be in thirtieths.
The knowledge will be evaluated during an oral exam about the information presented with the lessons and the slides in Ariel. The evaluations will be in thirtieths.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Description of the sector of aromatic and medicinal plant production.
- Effect of genetic, pedological, climatic and agronomic factors on the content of secondary metabolites.
- The soil: chemical, physical, biological and hydrological properties; tillage and other soil works.
- Crop rotation and intercropping.
- Principles and technique of fertilization and irrigation.
- Control of weeds, pathogens and parasites.
- Harvesting and storage.
- Protocols of cultivation; organic cultivation methods.
- Botanical description, composition, utilization, pedological and climatic requirements, propagation and cultivation of some important species, such as: mint, sage, chamomile, echinacea, lavender, mauve, saffron, aloe, hemp.
- Effect of genetic, pedological, climatic and agronomic factors on the content of secondary metabolites.
- The soil: chemical, physical, biological and hydrological properties; tillage and other soil works.
- Crop rotation and intercropping.
- Principles and technique of fertilization and irrigation.
- Control of weeds, pathogens and parasites.
- Harvesting and storage.
- Protocols of cultivation; organic cultivation methods.
- Botanical description, composition, utilization, pedological and climatic requirements, propagation and cultivation of some important species, such as: mint, sage, chamomile, echinacea, lavender, mauve, saffron, aloe, hemp.
Prerequisites for admission
Optional courses do not require preparatory courses.
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Catizone P., Barbanti L., Marotti I., Dinelli G. (2013): Produzione ed impiego delle piante officinali. Pàtron editore.
Marzi V., De Castro G. (2008): Piante officinali. Adda Editore
Catizone P., Barbanti L., Marotti I., Dinelli G. (2013): Produzione ed impiego delle piante officinali. Pàtron editore.
Marzi V., De Castro G. (2008): Piante officinali. Adda Editore
Assessment methods and Criteria
Written test. Multiple choice and open questions. Evaluation in thirtieths. The assessment will consider the level of understanding, correctness in the presentation, appropriateness in the use of technical-scientific language and the ability to synthesize.
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the exam session to agree on any personal compensatory measure. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be reported in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with other disabilities).
Students with specific learning disabilities or other disabilities are requested to contact the teacher via email at least 15 days before the exam session to agree on any personal compensatory measure. In the email addressed to the teacher, the respective University services must be reported in CC: [email protected] (for students with LD) and [email protected] (for students with other disabilities).
AGR/04 - VEGETABLE AND ORNAMENTAL CROPS - University credits: 3
Lessons: 24 hours
Cocetta Giacomo
Educational website(s)