Archaelogy and History of the Ancient Western Asia
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The course aims at giving an in-depth preparation on the ancient Mesopotamian cultures in a diachronic perspective throughout the Bronze Age, from the 4th to the 2nd millennium BCE. Students will be trained to reach a multivariate understanding of the archaeological and textual evidence and methodological approaches to the historical reconstruction.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: achievement of a basic knowledge of the history and archaeology of ancient Mesopotamia during the Bronze Age. General understanding of the cultural interactions and exchange patterns in relation with the various historical contexts, the methodology of analysis and interpretation of the textual and archaeological sources.
Applying knowledge and understanding: achievement of applying knowledge for a critical analysis of the historic and archaeological evidence from ancient Mesopotamia, with a systematic evaluation of the interaction modes and exchange patterns. Applying understanding of the analytical methodology for the reconstruction of the main elements of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures. Applying knowledge of bibliographical research and thematic analysis achieved during the class.
Applying knowledge and understanding: achievement of applying knowledge for a critical analysis of the historic and archaeological evidence from ancient Mesopotamia, with a systematic evaluation of the interaction modes and exchange patterns. Applying understanding of the analytical methodology for the reconstruction of the main elements of the ancient Mesopotamian cultures. Applying knowledge of bibliographical research and thematic analysis achieved during the class.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Single session
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
The course deals with an analysis of the cultures of Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Northern Levant in their diachronic development during the Bronze Age, from the mid-4th to the end of the 2nd millennium BC (Early, Middle and Late Bronze Ages) taking into account the archaeological and epigraphic evidence, and an in-depth study of a monographic topic.
Main teaching topics:
- analysis of the various socio-economic structures
- analysis of the technology in relation with the various handicraft productions
- presentation of textual, visual and material information on craft organization
- definition of the ideology of power through its textual, visual and material expression, particularly in relation with specialization and social stratification.
The course is divided in three teaching sections (20 hours and 3 ECTS each):
A) from urban revolution to the rise of the first interregional kingdoms in the Early Bronze Age (c. c. 3500-2000 BC);
B) the organization of the territorial states during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-1600 BC) and the internationalism of the Late Bronze Age (c. 1600-1200 BC);
C) Trade, administration and technology in Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Northern Levant during the Early and Middle Bronze Age.
Main teaching topics:
- analysis of the various socio-economic structures
- analysis of the technology in relation with the various handicraft productions
- presentation of textual, visual and material information on craft organization
- definition of the ideology of power through its textual, visual and material expression, particularly in relation with specialization and social stratification.
The course is divided in three teaching sections (20 hours and 3 ECTS each):
A) from urban revolution to the rise of the first interregional kingdoms in the Early Bronze Age (c. c. 3500-2000 BC);
B) the organization of the territorial states during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-1600 BC) and the internationalism of the Late Bronze Age (c. 1600-1200 BC);
C) Trade, administration and technology in Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Northern Levant during the Early and Middle Bronze Age.
Prerequisites for admission
No prerequisites for admission, although a general knowledge of archaeology and history of Antiquity, in particular on ancient Western Asia and the Mediterranean, acquired during the undergraduate degree programme allows a better understanding of the methodology of analysis of the various topics.
Teaching methods
Each teaching section consist of a series of frontal lessons (with the help of PowerPoint presentation, multimedia, 3-D models, and on-line material) and lectures given by Italian and international scholars dealing with current research on texts, archaeological material and sites.
Each lesson/lecture is integrated by a final discussion with the class in order to stimulate a critical debate and the in-progress applied knowledge.
E-learning material is uploaded and made available on the Ariel platform and includes copy-left figures, tables and notes of the lectures, additional materials (open-access articles) and links to further resources (websites, videos), bibliography and sitography. Material related with in-depth topics for non-attending students will be available on the Ariel platform.
Attendance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.
Each lesson/lecture is integrated by a final discussion with the class in order to stimulate a critical debate and the in-progress applied knowledge.
E-learning material is uploaded and made available on the Ariel platform and includes copy-left figures, tables and notes of the lectures, additional materials (open-access articles) and links to further resources (websites, videos), bibliography and sitography. Material related with in-depth topics for non-attending students will be available on the Ariel platform.
Attendance is not mandatory, but it is highly recommended.
Teaching Resources
Attending students:
Teaching Sections A-B
- class notes
- M. Liverani, Uruk la prima città, Laterza, Roma 2017
- J.N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia. Society and Economy at the Dawn of History, Routledge, London, 1992
- P. Matthiae, La storia dell'arte dell'Oriente antico. Gli Stati territoriali (2100-1600 a.C.), Electa, Milano 2000, pp. 1-244
- P. Matthiae, La storia dell'arte dell'Oriente antico. I primi imperi e i principati del Ferro (1600-700 a.C.), Electa, Milano 1997, pp. 11-134
Teaching Section C
- class notes, articles and other materials indicated during the lessons
Non-attending students:
In addition to the attending student's programme:
- one in-depth topic with related readings and bibliography (students are requested to contact the professor in charge of the course for the topic) for each section of the course (A, B and C).
Teaching Sections A-B
- class notes
- M. Liverani, Uruk la prima città, Laterza, Roma 2017
- J.N. Postgate, Early Mesopotamia. Society and Economy at the Dawn of History, Routledge, London, 1992
- P. Matthiae, La storia dell'arte dell'Oriente antico. Gli Stati territoriali (2100-1600 a.C.), Electa, Milano 2000, pp. 1-244
- P. Matthiae, La storia dell'arte dell'Oriente antico. I primi imperi e i principati del Ferro (1600-700 a.C.), Electa, Milano 1997, pp. 11-134
Teaching Section C
- class notes, articles and other materials indicated during the lessons
Non-attending students:
In addition to the attending student's programme:
- one in-depth topic with related readings and bibliography (students are requested to contact the professor in charge of the course for the topic) for each section of the course (A, B and C).
Assessment methods and Criteria
The assessment consists in an oral examination related to the topics listed in the teaching programme (2 teaching sections, 6 ECTS, 3 teaching sections, 9 ECTS), and include identification and description of art works, monuments, and written documents, which should be correctly placed in their spatial and temporal framework. The evaluation (from a minimum of 18 to a maximum of 30/30 cum laude) considers the following assessment criteria: completeness and clarity in the presentation of the acquired knowledge of the topics, ability in the discursive argumentation and critical capacity, ability to use appropriate language, also in relation to the specific terminology of the discipline.
International and Erasmus incoming students are requested to contact the professor in charge of the course.
The assessment methods for SLD students and students with other disabilities should be agreed with the professor in charge of the course and with the responsible university office.
International and Erasmus incoming students are requested to contact the professor in charge of the course.
The assessment methods for SLD students and students with other disabilities should be agreed with the professor in charge of the course and with the responsible university office.
Lessons: 60 hours
Peyronel Luca, Vacca Agnese
Educational website(s)
on wednesday - 9 - 12 a.m. (appointment by writing an email or by chat on microsoft teams
Online-Microsoft Teams; in Person (Dipartimento Studi Letterari, Filologici e LInguistici - Sezione Glottologia e Orientalistica - Cortile d'Onore, piano ammezzato, Room AT 021)
Every Wednesday, from 9.00 to 12.00 - meeting arrangment required by e-mail or Micorsoft Teams
Online-Teams / Dipartimento Studi Letterari, Filologici e Linguistici - Sezione Glottologia e Orientalistica - Cortile d'Onore, piano ammezzato, Stanza AT 021