Applied Geomorphology and Laboratory

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims at preparing the student to perform territorial analyses in relation to geomorphological hazards, of natural and anthropic origin, that may affect the territory. The attention will be focused on different morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environments, on different types of vulnerable elements in the territory (both anthropic elements and natural resources), and to the consequent genesis of geomorphological risk scenarios.

The course aims at providing the students with the tools useful for: i) detecting the morphogenetic and morphodynamic features of the geomorphological context; ii) detecting the most appropriate investigation techniques to define the activity status of geomorphological processes in a certain morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environment; iii) defining the most suitable solutions aimed at mitigating the geomorphological risks, both natural and human induced; iii) collecting the useful information for preparing technical reports; iv) producing geomorphological thematic maps (landforms) and applied geomorphology maps (geomorphological resources), useful for local entities to managing the territory.
Expected learning outcomes
1) Recognizing landforms and the related geomorphological processes responsible for the modelling of the physical geographic landscape;

2) Identifying the predisposing, preparing and triggering factors of geomorphological processes and their relation with the bedrock;

3) Identifying the most appropriate geomorphological technique to define the degree of activity of a certain process in a defined context.

4) Identifying the potential hazards, the different types of exposed vulnerable elements and the geomorphological risk scenarios;

5) Identifying the most suitable solutions for the mitigation of geomorphological risk scenarios in relation to local conditions, types of process, and the response of the environment;

6) Identifying the human impact on geomorphological processes and the relation between geomorphological processes and the resources of the territory;

7) Managing a practical problem related to a specific area showing the ability of using the available tools for the analysis (scientific literature analysis, historical archives, satellite and aerial photos interpretation, thematic maps interpretations, WebGIS applications of territorial entities), and for the communication of the results (realization of appropriate geomorphological maps).
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The programme is divided in the following thematic sections, and the order may vary, despite maintaining the coherence of the topics sequence:
1) Introduction to the concepts: geomorphological hazards, vulnerability and exposition, and geomorphological risk; hydrological cycle in applied geomorphology (exercise)
2) Methodologies used in applied geomorphology: introduction to the principal geomorphological techniques to define the activity of processes in different geomorphological contexts (fieldwork, landforms dating, events reconstruction through historical cartography and dendrogeomorphology; monitoring of active processes); geomorphological mapping (exercise)
3) The role of bedrock and the geomorphological hazards linked to litho-structural and tectonic conditions: morphoneotectonic, subsidence and hydrogeomorphological hazards in karst environments.
4) The role of soil in applied geomorphology: soil as research object (general concepts, constituents, morphology, features); soil as working tool (classification and main World soil types, land evaluation and mapping applications); soil as a resource (soil degradation, water runoff and hydric erosion, wind erosion)
5) Geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios related to fluvial dynamics. In depth analysis of landforms and processes, methodologies of investigation, methodology for risk mitigation. The Morphological Quality Index of rivers. (Mapping exercise)
6) Geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios related to slope processes. In depth analysis of landforms and processes, methodologies of investigation, methodology for risk mitigation (Mapping exercise)
7) Geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios related to coastal dynamics. In depth analysis of landforms and processes, methodologies of investigation, methodology for risk mitigation (Mapping exercise)
8) Geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios related to glacial and paraglacial dynamics; geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios in periglacial environments; geomorphological hazard and risk scenarios related to snow avalanche. In depth analysis of landforms and processes, methodologies of investigation, methodology for risk mitigation (Mapping exercise)
9) The thematic cartography in applied geomorphology: susceptibility and hazard maps (Exercise); geomorphological map realized with digital tools (ArcGIS; WebGIS) (exercise); thematic map of geomorphological resources (ArcGIS)
10) Guided fieldwork (3 single days): places and date to be defined
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge of Physical geography, Geomorphology, Geology.
Ability of reading topographic maps.
Basic knowledge of Geographical Information Systems.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lessons, individual or working-group activities on cartographic topics and archive analysis, with report to be evaluated. Moreover, 3 days of mandatory guided fiedlwork are organized; they can be replaced by virtual activities if strictly needed.
Lectures by experts could be planned from remote using the Microsoft Teams app or in presence if possible.
Teaching Resources
Slides uploaded on the Ariel website
Scientific papers indicated and examined during lessons
Geomorphological and thematic maps retrievable through the web or through the librarian services
Students annotations
Fundamental Textbooks (Theory & Mapping)
- Davies T.R., Korup O., Clague J. J., (Eds.) (2021) Geomorphology and natural hazards. Wiley Ed.
- Gisotti G. (2012) Il dissesto idrogeologico. Dario Flaccovio Ed.
- Panizza M. (2015) Manuale di geomorfologia applicata. Franco Angeli Ed.
- D'Orefice M., Graciotti R. (2015) Rilevamento geomorfologico e cartografia: realizzazione, lettura, interpretazione. Flaccovio Dario Ed.
Textbooks on geomorphology (to strengthen concepts on basic geomorphology)
- Gutierrez M. (2012) Geomorphology. Cambridge Ed.
- Ciccacci S. (2019) Atlante delle forme del rilievo. Mondadori Ed.
- Sauro et al. (2019) - Dalla carta topografica al paesaggio - Atlante ragionato. Global map ed.
Advanced textbooks
- Goudie A. (1990) Geomorphological techniques. Routledge Ed..
- Alcantara, I., & Goudie, A. S. (Eds.) (2010) Geomorphological hazards and disaster prevention. Cambridge University Press.
- Marchetti M. (2000) Geomorfologia fluviale. Pitagora Ed. Bologna
- Pranzini E. (2004) La forma delle coste. Zanichelli Ed.
- Cremaschi M. & Rodolfi G. (1991) Il Suolo. Pedologia nelle Scienze della Terra e nella valutazione del Territorio. NIS Ed.
- Morgan R.P.C. (2005) Soil erosion and conservation. Blackwell Ed.
- Costantini E.A.C. (2009) Manual of methods for soil and land evaluation. Taylor & Francis Ed.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of two sections.
The first one concerns a mandatory oral discussion starting from an original report written by the candidate, of an area chosen by the candidate including: a geomorphological map, a descriptive text considering the scientific literature regarding the area, the geomorphological features of the area as landforms and processes, their activity degree, the geomorphological hazards insisting in the area, the exposed vulnerable elements, both natural or anthropic derived, and the geomorphological risk scenarios.
The second one concerns additional questions to the candidate on the program done in the classroom.
From these aspects it will be possible to verify, regarding the candidate, the understanding of geomorphological features typical of each morphogenetic and morphoclimatic environment, the ability in re-elaborating the concepts, the ability of making judgements regarding also the scientific literature at disposal. Also the communication skills will be evaluated.
Assessment score: 18 to 30/30 of which 45% is related to the geomorphological map and the related technical report and the other 45% is related to the theory, while the remnant 10% is related to the exercises produced during the course.
Field activity: 18 hours
Practicals: 18 hours
Lessons: 48 hours
Upon appointment arranged through e-mail
Room 54 or 59, First Floor