Applied Ecology of Arthropods and Fungi

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
AGR/11 AGR/12
Learning objectives
To provide basic knowledge about the biology and ecology of arthropods and fungi propaedeutic to the disciplines of defense and, in particular, regarding the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the biology of arthropods and fungi, their relationships with other organisms and strategies of self-preservation, the relationships and interactions in agroecosystems.To provide basic knowledge about the biology and ecology of arthropods and fungi propaedeutic to the disciplines of defense and, in particular, regarding the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the biology of arthropods and fungi, their relationships with other organisms and strategies of self-preservation, the relationships and interactions in agroecosystems.
Expected learning outcomes
The student will acquire useful knowledge to understand and evaluate the response of arthropods and fungi under varying environmental and ecological conditions, in order to better understand the criteria on which the management of plant protection is based.The student will acquire useful knowledge to understand and evaluate the response of arthropods and fungi under varying environmental and ecological conditions, in order to better understand the criteria on which the management of plant protection is based.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
Course syllabus
The course provides fundamental information on the practical aspects of the ecology of arthropods and fungi ecology such as basic knowledge that will find a natural development in courses on entomology, plant pathology, crop and food protection and ecology.
Arthropod unit (Prof. Ivo E. Rigamonti). Introduction (description, the importance of arthropods). The arthropods. Interaction with humans: harmful, useful and utilized arthropods. Interactions between individuals and the environment: abiotic factors (temperature, humidity, ...), trophic factors (food requirements, diet), biotic factors,. I) among individuals of the same species (communication, mating behavior, cannibalism, competition, parental cares), II) among individuals of different species (symbiosis, mimicry, mimesis, predation, parasitism) (1.5 ECTS). Population dynamic, biotic potential and control factors, population fluctuations, adaptations (quiescence, diapause, migration), life-tables. Population management: Types of damage caused by arthropods in the agricultural environment, basic concepts on monitoring and management techniques (1.5 ECTS).
Regarding the mycological aspects the course will cover the following topics: Structure and organization of the fungal thallus: hyphae and hyphal wall, cellular organization, septa, apical growth, branching and hyphal fusions, hyphal modifications and aggregations. Reproduction: asexual and sexual reproduction and related reproductive structures (zoospores, sporangiospore, conidiospore, oospores, zigospore, ascospores and basidiospores), fruiting bodies, reproductive strategies of fungi. Fungal classification: criteria for fungal taxonomy, general characteristics of the main taxonomic groups. Spore germination: latency, morphology of germination processes, influence of environmental factors on germination. Influence of environmental factors and nutrition on growth and fungal reproduction. Variability: importance and mechanisms of heterokaryosis, cytoplasmic inheritance (1.5 CFU).
The fungal symbiosis: mycorrhizae; physiological interactions between plant and fungus, the different types of mycorrhiza, ecological significance of plant diseases and mycorrhizal relationship. The fungal symbiosis: lichens; nature of the interaction between fungi and algae, types and ecological significance. Fungi and saprophytism: the biodegradation of organic matter to the biodeterioration of materials and products. Parasitism: parasitic relationships between fungi and various types of hosts, introduction to plant parasitism (0.5 CFU)
During the exercises will be developed mycological aspects regarding the techniques of cultivation and identification of fungi, special cases of interactions between fungi and other organisms and / or substrates in order to emphasize their ecological role. Some topics of the exercises will be directly developed by the students, individually or in groups, with the support of the teacher and shared with other course participants. The material produced during the exercises will be made available to students. The topics covered and / or developed during the exercises will be subject to verification in the examination (1 CFU).
Prerequisites for admission
It is advised to have knowledge of elements of biology and primary productions.
Teaching methods
The teachers will use: lectures and classroom exercises for micological arguments to improve knowledge of some topics of the discipline.
Teaching Resources
Entomological arguments: the materials can be downloaded from Ariel.
The following materials are recommended for the study of mycological topics:
1) Petrolini, Sardi, Quaroni "Micologia" edizione Clesav, 1991; Deacon "Micologia Moderna" Calderini Edagricole, 2000; Carlile, Watkinson, Gooday "Fungi" Academic Press, 2001; Deacon "Fungal Biology" Blackwell Publishing;
2) Additional documents deposited on the Ariel page of the course.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of a single oral interview including both the teaching units (arthropods and fungi).
There are no ongoing checks. During the year, various exam sessions are proposed during the periods set by the didactic regulation. The dates of exams and the registration deadline to take the exam are communicated through the University application (UNIMIA).
Student* enrolled in an exam call and who no longer wish to support it are required to cancel the registration and eventually to notify the teacher promptly in the case of registration already closed.
For each teaching unit (arthropods and fungi) the interview on the topics in the program will be based on 2-3 questions, aimed at ascertaining the achievement of the teaching objectives. During the examination, descriptions or comments of images or diagrams related to the individual topics in the program may be requested. To pass the exam it is necessary to obtain sufficiency (18/30) in both parts, arthropods, and mycology. The mark for each of them contributes 50% to the formation of the final mark of the integrated exam. In addition to the knowledge of the program topics, the ability to argue the issues under discussion, the articulation of answers, their clarity, and the use of appropriate scientific terminology will also be subject to general evaluation.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) o [email protected] (for students with disability).
AGR/11 - GENERAL AND APPLIED ENTOMOLOGY - University credits: 3
AGR/12 - PLANT PATHOLOGY - University credits: 3
Practicals: 8 hours
Lessons: 44 hours
Monday 14.30-15.30
it is received by appointment
Via Celoria 2, Building 21030