Applied Didactic to Primary School

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course provides theoretical-practical knowledge in the planning, programming, and teaching of physical activity in children aged 5 to 11 years. The course explores organizational, relational, and education aspects that can be applied to various education settings and are necessary for the professional education of a physical education teacher-trainer. The course also provides for a wide variety of direct experiences in physical activity that can be transferred and adapted to different educational settings.
Expected learning outcomes
Students will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge for working as a physical education teacher, plus skills in project design and orientation to working with local agencies (public and private) and school authorities (primary school principals and teachers). Students will learn how to create teaching plans that meet the needs of their students and to organize their lessons with appropriate attention to pedagogy and methodology in schoolchildren. Students will learn how to test and monitor the activities in a physical education program.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization


Lesson period
Course syllabus
Purpose of physical education in primary school and the role (institutional and subject) of today's teachers; concept of knowing how to learn; development of competences as a synthesis of skills and knowledge; motor skills
Autonomy and the three-year physical education syllabus; overview of approaches to teaching (from behaviorism to constructivism); physical education as a combination of different types of knowledge to be learned and developed.
The National Recommendations: comments on the Goals for the Development of Skills on Completion of Primary School. Characteristics of standard didactics. Motor control and adaptation.
Learning objectives in schools. The National Recommendations: comments on the Goals for the Development of Skills on Completion of Fifth Grade as applied to physical education. Learning and teaching objectives.
Overview of characteristics of young childhood (age 6-10 years); social learning and neuromotor learning in different age groups.
Didactic-methodological recommendations for physical education in primary schools: didactic planning; planning phases and the role of various "actors" in the school setting.
Summary of learning objectives. Practical lessons on the development of learning objectives in a goal-oriented program. Formulation of learning objectives: feasible pathways; interdisciplinary learning objectives; modern programming by learning units; types of learning units with examples.
The lesson: phases, organization and safety; legal responsibilities.
The meaning of play in early childhood; games and rules; physical education and sports.
The project as a proposal for physical activity in primary schools: characteristics, essentials, composition.
Evaluation: purpose and object; national recommendations; current norms; Evaluation in physical education
Physical education for children with special needs: current norms; development of the concept of inclusive didactics and role of the teacher; metacognitive didactic strategies.
Action-oriented workshop: organization of workgroups and assignment of learning objectives for creating learning units and for development via group analysis
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge of the Learning Objectives set forth in the Theory and Methodology of Human Movement, Motor Basics of Gymnastics and Didactics of Human Movement.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in workshop format (combined doing and knowing how to) in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on project-oriented and action-oriented thinking.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Letture consigliate:
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of:
- A written section with multiple choice and open questions
- A workshop project section with assigned learning objectives to be achieved in a lesson
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Dugnani Sergio
Professor: Dugnani Sergio


Lesson period
Course syllabus
Purpose of physical education in primary school and the role (institutional and subject) of today's teachers; concept of knowing how to learn; development of competences as a synthesis of skills and knowledge; motor skills
Autonomy and the three-year physical education syllabus; overview of approaches to teaching (from behaviorism to constructivism); physical education as a combination of different types of knowledge to be learned and developed.
The National Recommendations: comments on the Goals for the Development of Skills on Completion of Primary School. Characteristics of standard didactics. Motor control and adaptation.
Learning objectives in schools. The National Recommendations: comments on the Goals for the Development of Skills on Completion of Fifth Grade as applied to physical education. Learning and teaching objectives.
Overview of characteristics of young childhood (age 6-10 years); social learning and neuromotor learning in different age groups.
Didactic-methodological recommendations for physical education in primary schools: didactic planning; planning phases and the role of various "actors" in the school setting.
Summary of learning objectives. Practical lessons on the development of learning objectives in a goal-oriented program. Formulation of learning objectives: feasible pathways; interdisciplinary learning objectives; modern programming by learning units; types of learning units with examples.
The lesson: phases, organization and safety; legal responsibilities.
The meaning of play in early childhood; games and rules; physical education and sports.
The project as a proposal for physical activity in primary schools: characteristics, essentials, composition.
Evaluation: purpose and object; national recommendations; current norms; Evaluation in physical education
Physical education for children with special needs: current norms; development of the concept of inclusive didactics and role of the teacher; metacognitive didactic strategies.
Action-oriented workshop: organization of workgroups and assignment of learning objectives for creating learning units and for development via group analysis
Prerequisites for admission
Procedural and declarative knowledge of the Learning Objectives set forth in the Theory and Methodology of Human Movement, Motor Basics of Gymnastics and Didactics of Human Movement.
Teaching methods
Lessons are conducted in workshop format (combined doing and knowing how to) in which declarative and procedural knowledge are demonstrated through a methodological approach based on project-oriented and action-oriented thinking.
Teaching Resources
All educational support material will always be made available through the Ariel platform.

Reading list

Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Mauro F. - L'Educazione Motoria Rinnovata: suggerimenti per le buone pratiche nella Scuola Primaria - Carabà Universitaria, 2018
Letture consigliate:
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L. - Progettare in Educazione Fisica e nelle Scienze Motorie - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Invernizzi P.L., Dugnani S. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Qualità utili per la salute - Vol. 1 - Carabà Universitaria, 2014
Dugnani S., Invernizzi P.L., Longo S., Mauro F. - Didattica del Movimento Umano - Vol. 2 - Qualità utili per il controllo motorio - Vol. 2 - Carabà Universitaria, 2015
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of:
- A written section with multiple choice and open questions
- A workshop project section with assigned learning objectives to be achieved in a lesson
M-EDF/02 - SPORT SCIENCES AND METHODOLOGY - University credits: 6
Lessons: 42 hours
Professor: Dugnani Sergio