Ancient Topography

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide an overview of the discipline, defined as the science that examines the human-environment relationship, from its origins to the most recent methodological developments. The course also intends to present the most useful tools for topography in considering of the latest research trends in ancient landscapes. The topographer's task is to identify and understand historical and archaeological data in order to reconstruct the evolution of the cultural landscape. Through the study of specific topics, the student will know the main sources of the ancient topography (literature, cartography, archaeology, epigraphy, iconography, etc.), highlighting the multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary nature of a topographic research, and will learn to recognise the elements useful for identifying the human activities in the territory (settlements, routes, infrastructures, etc.).
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge: At the end of the course the student will acquire a basic knowledge of the themes of the ancient topography and the problems relating to the discipline in the context of the ancient research, understanding which are the most appropriate methodological approaches to the diachronic study of urban and rural landscapes.
Skills: At the end of the course the student will develop a basic competence in the use of the essential tools useful for topographic research and the knowledge to create an archaeological map, demonstrating familiarity with cartography (historical and digital), with the different survey techniques and with GIS software for spatial analysis.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Teaching Unit A (20 hours; 3 credits): History and research methods of Ancient Topography.
Teaching Unit B (20 hours; 3 credits): Town and countryside: the cultural landscape.
Teaching Unit C (20 hours; 3 credits): From spring to city: water topography and urban landscape in the ancient world.
Prerequisites for admission
There are no prerequisites for admission. However, for more effective and fruitful results, a general competence on ancient history and/or on classical archaeology is recommended.
Teaching methods
Teaching lessons are in-person with the support of images and videos and take place in the classroom; course attendance is strongly recommended. At the end of the course, the images will be available on the myAriel website.
Teaching Resources
For students attending classes:

Teaching Unit A
- L. QUILICI, S. QUILICI GIGLI, "Introduzione alla Topografia antica", ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004 (or any other edition).
- E. FARINETTI, "I paesaggi in archeologia: analisi e interpretazione", Carocci Editore, Roma 2012 (or any other edition).

Teaching Unit B
- F. FABIANI, "L'urbanistica: città e paesaggi", Carocci Editore, Roma 2014 (or any other edition).

Teaching Unit C
- Topics discussed during classes.
- For more information (not mandatory): one or more essays chosen among those uploaded to the myAriel website. At the end of the course, the images of Unit C will be available on the myAriel website.

For NON-attending students:

Teaching Unit A
- L. QUILICI, S. QUILICI GIGLI, "Introduzione alla Topografia antica", ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2004 (or any other edition).
- E. FARINETTI, "I paesaggi in archeologia: analisi e interpretazione", Carocci Editore, Roma 2012 (or any other edition).

Teaching Unit B
- F. FABIANI, "L'urbanistica: città e paesaggi", Carocci Editore, Roma 2014 (or any other edition).
- L. THOMMEN, "L'ambiente nel mondo antico", ed. Il Mulino, Bologna 2014.

Teaching Unit C
- R. TÖLLE-KASTENBEIN, "Archeologia dell'acqua. La cultura idraulica nel mondo classico", Longanesi, Milano 1993.

Students must follow the Teaching Units A and B to obtain 6 credits.
Students must follow the Teaching Units A, B and C to obtain 9 credits.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Assessment methods consist of an oral examination, that is an interview on the topics of the program aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge. During the interview, images shown in the classroom or included in the texts in bibliography will be presented to the student. He will need to recognize and contextualize them.
The ability to present the acquired knowledge in a clear and exhaustive way, the capacity for critical reasoning, the quality of exposure and the competence in the use of specialized vocabulary will be evaluation parameters.
International or Erasmus incoming students are kindly requested to contact the teacher of the course.
Also, students with disabilities and/or DSA must contact the teacher of the course in order to discuss the examination procedures, in agreement with the competent Office.
Unita' didattica A
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica C
L-ANT/09 - ANCIENT TOPOGRAPHY - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Educational website(s)