Analytical Chemistry
A.Y. 2024/2025
Learning objectives
The learning objectives of the analytical chemistry course are: acquisition of the basic knowledge of classical and instrumental analytical techniques; acquisition of critical capacity in assessing the accuracy and precision of experimental data using statistical methods; acquisition of the ability to solve analytical problems related to complex equilibria in solution and quantitative analysis of compounds.
Expected learning outcomes
The learning outcomes of analytical chemistry course are: the knowledge of the procedures for the elaboration and evaluation of experimental data; the knowledge of the main complex in solution chemical equilibria and the ability to solve the problems that involve them; the knowledge of the basic principles and procedures of the most important classical and instrumental analytical techniques; the ability to discriminate the most suitable technique to solve a specific analytical problem; the ability to use the analytical language to describe analytical methods and to report the result correctly and unequivocally.
Lesson period: Second semester
Assessment methods: Esame
Assessment result: voto verbalizzato in trentesimi
Single course
This course can be attended as a single course.
Course syllabus and organization
Linea AL
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Introduction: qualitative and quantitative analysis, experimental data and errors in chemical analyses, basic statistical error treatment, significant figures and rounding. Samples and analytical methods: sampling, standardization, calibration.
- Chemical equilibria in acqueous solutions, ideal and non ideal solutions, ionic strenght, activity and activity coefficients, Debye-Hückel equation.
Acid-base equilibria and buffer solutions.
Solubility equilibria and simultaneous solubility-acidity equilibria (solubility relation on pH). Complexation equilibria, ligands and chelating agents, simultaneous solubility-complexation and acidity-complexation equilibria.
Redox equilibria, electrochemical cells, standard redox potentials E°, Nernst equation.
- Classical methods in quantitative chemical analysis, gravimetric analysis, volumetric analysis. Acid-base titrations, precipitation titrations with Ag+, EDTA titrations, redox titrations, calculation of titration curves.
- Instrumental quantitative chemical analysis: electrochemical methods and potentiometry, reference electrodes and indicators electrodes. Spectroscopic methods and Lambert-Beer's law.
Potentiometric titrations and spectophotometric titrations.
- Chemical equilibria in acqueous solutions, ideal and non ideal solutions, ionic strenght, activity and activity coefficients, Debye-Hückel equation.
Acid-base equilibria and buffer solutions.
Solubility equilibria and simultaneous solubility-acidity equilibria (solubility relation on pH). Complexation equilibria, ligands and chelating agents, simultaneous solubility-complexation and acidity-complexation equilibria.
Redox equilibria, electrochemical cells, standard redox potentials E°, Nernst equation.
- Classical methods in quantitative chemical analysis, gravimetric analysis, volumetric analysis. Acid-base titrations, precipitation titrations with Ag+, EDTA titrations, redox titrations, calculation of titration curves.
- Instrumental quantitative chemical analysis: electrochemical methods and potentiometry, reference electrodes and indicators electrodes. Spectroscopic methods and Lambert-Beer's law.
Potentiometric titrations and spectophotometric titrations.
Prerequisites for admission
The general inorganic chemistry course is a prerequisite for full understanding of the lessons. In addition, students should have acquired the basics of mathematics and physics.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures (32 hours) and classroom exercises (32 hours) in which the theoretical principles underlying the techniques of qualitative and quantitative analysis and their applications will be illustrated. Numerical exercises relating to analytical problems will also be carried out in order to better understand the theoretical concepts covered in the course.
Teaching Resources
Recommended textbooks:
- D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th Edition, 2016, W.H. Freeman and Co.
- D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch, Foundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Edition, 2014, Brooks/Cole.
- exercise book:
Silvia Araneo, Esercizi per la Chimica Analitica con richiami di teoria. Soc. Ed. Esculapio, 2° edizione 2018.
Reference books:
- General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry course textbooks.
- A. Araneo, Chimica Analitica Qualitativa. Ed.C.E.A. (3° ed.)
- Pastore, Di Marco, Bombi, Chimica analitica. Trattazione algebrica e grafica degli equilibri chimici in soluzione acquosa. EdiSES
- Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana,(F.U.)
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- D.C. Harris, Quantitative Chemical Analysis, 9th Edition, 2016, W.H. Freeman and Co.
- D.A. Skoog, D.M. West, F.J. Holler, S.R. Crouch, Foundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 9th Edition, 2014, Brooks/Cole.
- exercise book:
Silvia Araneo, Esercizi per la Chimica Analitica con richiami di teoria. Soc. Ed. Esculapio, 2° edizione 2018.
Reference books:
- General and Inorganic Chemistry and Stoichiometry course textbooks.
- A. Araneo, Chimica Analitica Qualitativa. Ed.C.E.A. (3° ed.)
- Pastore, Di Marco, Bombi, Chimica analitica. Trattazione algebrica e grafica degli equilibri chimici in soluzione acquosa. EdiSES
- Farmacopea Ufficiale della Repubblica Italiana,(F.U.)
Slides uploaded to the myAriel's website.
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam test will consist of a written test and a short discussion concerning it. The written test will consist of three numerical exercises and one open-ended question. The duration will be 2 hours.
The exam aims to assess the achievement of the following learning outcomes: knowledge of the basic principles and procedures of the most important classical and instrumental analytical techniques, knowledge of chemical equilibria in solution necessary to set chemical reactions and mathematical equations to solve analytical problems, the ability to use the analytical language to describe analytical methods and report the result correctly and unequivocally.
The exam aims to assess the achievement of the following learning outcomes: knowledge of the basic principles and procedures of the most important classical and instrumental analytical techniques, knowledge of chemical equilibria in solution necessary to set chemical reactions and mathematical equations to solve analytical problems, the ability to use the analytical language to describe analytical methods and report the result correctly and unequivocally.
CHIM/01 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Araneo Silvia Rosa
Linea MZ
Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Statistical analyses of experimental data: errors in chemical analyses, statistical error treatment, confidence intervals, error propagation, t test, variance analysis.
Samples and analytical methods: sampling, standardization, calibration, sources and treatment of the error in the analytical process, characteristics of an analytical method (accuracy, precision, specificity and selectivity, linearity range, robustness).
Chemical equilibria: aqueous solutions, buffer solutions, multiple equilibria.
Classic methods of analysis: gravimetric analysis, titrations, neutralization titrations, complex acid / base systems, complexation and precipitation reactions and titrations. Applications.
Electrochemical methods: redox reactions, electrochemical cells, standard electrode reactions. Calculation of the potentials of electrochemical cells, equilibrium constants and the redox titration curve. Applications.
Samples and analytical methods: sampling, standardization, calibration, sources and treatment of the error in the analytical process, characteristics of an analytical method (accuracy, precision, specificity and selectivity, linearity range, robustness).
Chemical equilibria: aqueous solutions, buffer solutions, multiple equilibria.
Classic methods of analysis: gravimetric analysis, titrations, neutralization titrations, complex acid / base systems, complexation and precipitation reactions and titrations. Applications.
Electrochemical methods: redox reactions, electrochemical cells, standard electrode reactions. Calculation of the potentials of electrochemical cells, equilibrium constants and the redox titration curve. Applications.
Prerequisites for admission
The general inorganic chemistry course is a prerequisite for full understanding of the lessons. In addition, students should have acquired the basics of mathematics and physics.
Teaching methods
The course is organized in lectures (32 hours) and classroom exercises (32 hours) in which the theoretical principles underlying the techniques of qualitative and quantitative analysis and their applications will be illustrated. Numerical exercises relating to analytical problems will also be carried out in order to deepen the theoretical concepts covered in the course.
Teaching Resources
Recommended books: Holler, Crouch - Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, Skoog & West; Harris - Chimica analitica quantitativa - 3° Ed - Zanichelli (2017);
Slides uploaded to the website of MyAriel
Slides uploaded to the website of MyAriel
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam test will consist of three numerical exercises and two open-ended questions. The duration will be 2 hours. The exam aims to assess the achievement of the following learning outcomes: knowledge of the procedures for processing and evaluating experimental data; the knowledge of the main complex in the solution of chemical balances and the ability to solve the problems that involve them; knowledge of the basic principles and procedures of the most important classical and instrumental analytical techniques; the ability to establish the most suitable technique to solve a specific analytical problem; the ability to use the analytical language to describe analytical methods and report the result correctly and unequivocally.
CHIM/01 - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 6
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
D'Amato Alfonsina
Educational website(s)