Analysis of Political Discourse

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide students with tools for understanding political language, both in relation to the ostensiveness (mise-en-scene) of power, and in relation to the differences between democratic language and non-democratic languages.
Within this general framework, the course aims to provide students with the acquisition of knowledge and concepts related to:
- what the institutions are, how they think and how they speak;
- power and legitimacy;
- the foundations of political action: from fear to sympathy;
- what is public history, between identity and belonging, between obedience and freedom;
- nature, tradition, society and community in political language.
- democracy and secularism: their meaning and their fragility with respect to populisms, ethnisms, fundamentalisms.
The objectives of the course are to provide students with an appropriate vocabulary for understanding and expressing themselves on the phenomena examined, as well as offering a key to interpreting topical political dynamics, in the Italian, European and global context, developing on them critical thinking skills and independent judgment.
Expected learning outcomes
A) Knowledge and understanding:
Knowledge and understanding of the concepts and theories exposed on institutional thought and political language, on power and its exercise, on democracy and the forms of its crisis, on the characteristics of populism and its language.
B) Ability to apply knowledge and understanding:
Ability to apply the acquired knowledge to the analysis of the political scenario and of the national and international public debate;
C) Autonomy of judgment:
Ability to critically and autonomously interpret the dynamics of transformation of contemporary political language, also with reference to the new forms of political communication in the era of social media;
D) Communication skills:
Ability to express the knowledge acquired with argumentative consistency and language properties.
E) Learning skills:
Develop understanding and autonomous argumentation skills by relating the different thematic areas of the course.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
What institutions are, how they think, and how they speak.
An analysis of power and democratic political language compared to populistic, ethnistic, and totalitarian ones.
Particular attention will be paid to the categories of fear and empathy as fundamental elements of political action.
The course will then address the following topics:
the themes of identity, belonging, obedience, as well as those of the invention of tradition, and community building in the language of power; nature and power: studies and critical perspectives on the processes of legitimation and domination; sacred and political: the function of myths, rites and symbols and the relationship between politics and religion; the hate speech between political dissent and consensus.
Prerequisites for admission
No particular preliminary knowledge is required.
Teaching methods
Frontal lessons. Some lessons will be dedicated to viewing and analyzing some movies useful to deepen the course topics.
A part of the course will be conducted in a seminar mode on exemplary texts and video, also with the active participation of students who will be able to produce specific researches to be presented during the lessons.
Teaching Resources
For attending students:
- Un testo a scelta tra: R. Escobar, La libertà negli occhi, il Mulino, 2006 e R. Escobar, I volti della paura, il Mulino, 2023;
- Un testo a scelta tra: Z. Bauman, Retrotopia, Laterza, 2020; F. Domaneschi, Insultare gli altri, Einaudi, 2020; R. Escobar, Rompere il silenzio. Il male e la responsabilità, Giappichelli, 2023;
- Un testo a scelta tra: D. Palano, Bubble Democracy. La fine del pubblico e la nuova polarizzazione, Scholé, 2020 e J.D. Romero, Democrazia tragica, Liberedizioni, 2024;
- Materials, handouts and film that will be delivered or indicated during the lessons.

For non-attending students:
- R. Escobar, La libertà negli occhi, il Mulino, 2006;
- Z. Bauman, Retrotopia, Laterza, 2020;
- Un testo a scelta tra: D. Palano, Bubble Democracy. La fine del pubblico e la nuova polarizzazione, Scholé, 2020; R. Escobar, I volti della paura, il Mulino, 2023; J.D. Romero, Democrazia tragica, Liberedizioni, 2024;
- Un testo a scelta tra: F. Domaneschi, Insultare gli altri, Einaudi, 2020; R. Escobar, Rompere il silenzio. Il male e la responsabilità, Giappichelli, 2023.
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral exam on the bibliography and, for attending students, on the contents of the lessons.
Other methods will be indicated in class.
SPS/01 - POLITICAL PHILOSOPHY - University credits: 9
Lessons: 60 hours
Professor: Cammarata Roberto
Professor: Cammarata Roberto