Analysis of Food of Animal Origin for Food Safety Purposes

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the basic knowledge in the field of analysis of food of animal origin toward the inspections in relation to the Community reference standards and national transpositions (National Residual Plan) for quality analysis, certification, fraud and food safety in food production chains. The course provides the theoretical bases and practical applications of the main techniques in the field of labeling, shelf-life, materials for food packaging, analysis of environmental contaminants, mycotoxins, antibiotics
Expected learning outcomes
The course and its learning outcomes will examine the knowledge of the main analytical techniques used at inspection level in the field of food of animal origin. Learning outcomes will be considered the knowledge of analytical techniques with regard to the reference regulations, executive procedures and interpretation of the data for the purpose of understanding the analytical results usually used for food safety indicators of food of animal origin.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
- Lessons: 2 ECTS equal to 16 hours
What are analytical determinations on food used for:
· Food labelling - EU Regulation 1169/2011 and nutritional labelling (1 hour)
· EU Regulation 1924/2006 on nutritional claims (1 hour)
· Food fraud (2 hours)
· Chemical contaminants and their control - EU Regulation 915/2023 (2 hours)
Compositional analyses (2 hours)
Vibrational analyses: spectroscopy (2 hours)
Residual analyses
· Chromatography (2 hours)
· Detection systems - UV detector, ECD, Fluorescence, Mass Spectrometry (2 hours)
How to quantify: internal and external standardisation (1 hour)
Precision, accuracy and uncertainty of analytical determinations (1 hour)

Practicals: 1 ECTS equal to 16 hours.
Basic behaviour operations in the laboratory (weighing, preparation of solutions, dilutions) (6 hours)
Compositional analysis (6 hours)
Residual analysis (4 hours)
Prerequisites for admission
The preliminary knowledge needed to adequately tackle the course consists of attending the final exam of the Chemistry course.
Teaching methods
- Lectures in the classroom
- Exercises in the classroom and laboratory
Teaching Resources
Teaching material available Moodle site
· F. Tateo, Analisi dei Prodotti Alimentari (vol. 1 e 2) - Chiriotti Editori.
· F. Tateo e M. Bononi - Fondamenti di Chimica Analitica degli Alimenti - Cacucci Editore (2022)
· Ismail, B. Pam.; Nielsen, S. Suzanne. - Nielsen's Food Analysis (2024) - Available on Minerva platform
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam consists of an oral test.
- Type of test: oral questioning on the program covered
- Evaluation parameters: knowledge of the topics covered; ability to critically reason on the study carried out, specifically, knowing how to identify the correct analytical technique for the analytical problem submitted. The quality of the presentation will be evaluated, as well as the use of specialized vocabulary and appropriate analytical terms.
- Type of evaluation used: grade out of thirtieths
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 16 hours
Professor: Ghidini Sergio
Professor: Ghidini Sergio