American History and Politics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course concerns the main political aspects of the history of the United States, considering the historical developments of the nation from its birth to the present, and offering critical discussions of some fundamental documents of U.S. History as well as of current affairs in the U.S. in historical perspective. Topics include the major schools of thought and approaches, the connection between domestic and foreign politics, and the connection between the principles of the American republic and the pragmatism of its leadership. Corcerning knowledge and understanding the course aims to apply original ideas in a research context, and to solve new problems in the field, making judgements on new issues, as well as the ability to communicate these skills to a broad publlic. Finally with the exercise of the comprension of historical cases we will try to obtain learning skills to study in an autonomus way.
Expected learning outcomes
Corcerning knowledge and understanding the course aims to apply original ideas in a research context, and to solve new problems in the field, making judgements on new issues, as well as the ability to communicate these skills to a broad publlic. Finally with the exercise of the comprension of historical cases we will try to obtain learning skills to study in an autonomus way.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second trimester
Course syllabus
The program addresses issues concerning the history and politics of the United States, including the creation of the American Constitution, the birth of the welfare state, the development of modern conservatism, Congress and presidential powers, and national security. Following the study of American history, as well the main interpretations that changed over time, these issues will help us for a better understanding of American politics today. Original documents on the website of the course, on the data bank American's Historical Newspapers can be searched and commented on Teams.
Prerequisites for admission
Teaching methods
Lessons with the help of slides, PowerPoint, images, websites and video.
Teaching Resources
Jill Lepore, These Truths. A History of the United States, Norton, New York, 2018.
Assessment methods and Criteria
An oral exam concerning one of the arguments of the course will run on Teams or in presence. Plus a written research on the original documents on the data base American Historical Newspapers online. More in general the exam aims to verify that the student was able to obtain these notions, was able to express them in a clear and exact way, and to articulate her/his thought using the right words. Finally she/he was able to frame and understand new events or other cases of studies with the ability to communicate these skills to a broad publlic .
Lessons: 40 hours