Agricultural Machines and Mechanization

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
Provide the practical and fundamental elements on Agricultural Machinery, starting from the general aspects to the functional and operational description of the tractor, to its coupling criteria with the different implements. Define the classification elements of the most important implements, the criteria for their selection and effective use.
Expected learning outcomes
Knowledge of the tractor and the agricultural machines, their technical and functional characteristics, the performance provided in terms of work quantity and quality, the criteria for selection and effective organization related to the operational context.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
GENERAL ISSUES: Efficiency of the internal combustion engine (Diesel cycle). Mechanization indices. Working capacity. Cost of the agricultural operations. (0.5 ETCS approx.).
TRACTOR - Power transmission. Motor shaft-wheels drive: dynamic chain. Propulsion and support components. Wheel rolling resistance. Soil tillage resistance. Wheel-soil grip force. Components for tractor-implements coupling. Pulling and mounted coupling. Engine power balance. Operating choice criteria. (1.5 ETCS approx.).
AG-MACHINES 1 - Machines for: soil tillage, seedbed preparation and sowing, mineral and organic fertilizers distribution, chemicals distribution, hay production and cereals silage fodder, grain harvesting. (4.0 ETCS approx.).
Prerequisites for admission
Knowledge in the fieldsagricultural machinery and mechanization are useful for students who intend to follow the course. There are no differences between students attending and not attending the course.
Teaching methods
The course lasts 64 hours and follows the timetable established by the Didactic Secretariat for the Degree Course. The total 6 ECTS are composed of 4 ECTS of Frontal Lessons and 2 ECTS of Classroom Exercises. The teaching is provided through the projection of slides. Attendance at the course is recommended.
Teaching Resources
The material used during the course (lectures, classroom exercises) as well as presentations for the deepening of some topics, Tables and tecnical documents is available in format . pdf on the University teaching platform.
Referral texts (not mandatory and available in the library):
- "Meccanica e Meccanizzazione Agricola" , di L. Bodria, G. Pellizzi, P. Piccarolo, EDAGRICOLE, ISBN: 978-88-506-5413-0
- "Meccanica e Meccanizzazione dei Processi Produttivi Agricoli", di M. Lazzari, F. Mazzetto, REDA, ISBN: 978-88-836-1285-5
- "Esercizi di Meccanica Agraria", di M. Fiala, CUSL, ISBN: 88-8132-249-8
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam is written, including calculation aspect; to this end during the course exercises are carried out aimed at solving technical problems that can be found in the operational practice and the passing of the exam. The evaluation criteria aim to verify - through a series of questions on the different topics and the resolution of specific exercises - the degree of overall knowledge acquired by the student. The evaluation, related to the entire course, is carried out in thirtieths.
Students with SLD or disability certifications are kindly requested to contact the teacher at least 15 days before the date of the exam session to agree on individual exam requirements. In the email please make sure to add in cc the competent offices: [email protected] (for students with SLD) or [email protected] (for students with disability).
Practicals: 32 hours
Lessons: 32 hours
Professor: Fiala Marco
Professor: Fiala Marco
From Monday to Wednesday , h. 2.00-4.00 pm (by appointment)
Department of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Production, Landscape, Agroenerggy