Agricultural Hydraulics

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to provide the knowledge of hydraulics and soil hydrology necessary to tackle problems of sustainable use of water resources in agricultural systems. Specifically, the objectives are to provide the tools and skills to:
· apply the laws governing the motion of water with particular reference to pipelines under pressure and free surface channels;
· carry out simple design calculations relating to the sizing and hydraulic verification of pressurized pipes and open channels and the design of irrigation systems for agriculture and public and private green areas;
Expected learning outcomes
- Knowledge of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics of currents in uniform motion, and ability to apply them to the verification and hydraulic design of simple infrastructures, artifacts and systems.
- Technical Knowledge related to irrigation systems and methods and to the hydraulic design elements of irrigation systems. Knowledge of general hydrology and of the main tools and techniques for dealing with problems of water use for irrigation purposes, of hydraulic defense of the territory and of safeguarding of water resources.
- Knowing how to deal with and solve problems of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics of currents in uniform motion and be able to apply them to the verification and hydraulic design of simple infrastructures, artifacts and systems.
- Knowing how to deal with problems of using water for irrigation purposes and safeguarding water resources.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
Introduction to the course (0.25 CFU)
1. General Characteristics and Hydrostatics (0.75 CFU)
a) Physical properties of water. b) Fundamental quantities of hydraulics and their units of measurement. c) Pressure in a liquid at rest. d) General equation of hydrostatics. e) Instruments for measuring pressure. f) Pressure distribution in a liquid at rest. g) Calculation of the hydrostatic force on a wall.
2. General principles of hydrodynamics (1 CFU)
a) Characteristic elements of liquid motion (trajectories, flow lines, etc.). b) Definition and classification of water currents. c) Motion regimes. d) Flow rate and continuity equation. e) Bernoulli's theorem. f) Extension of Bernoulli's theorem to currents.
3. Real liquids and pressurised currents (1 CFU)
(a) Extension of Bernoulli's Theorem to real liquids. b) Continuous and localised head losses. c) Drawing of hydraulic head and piezometric lines. d) Laws of resistance to motion. e) Verification and design problems of pipelines. f) Long pipelines. g) Pipelines with pumps and turbine.
4. Free Surface Currents (1 CFU)
a) Uniform motion in canals and watercourses. b) Stage-discharge relationship. c) Design and verification criteria. d) Calculation of bottom stresses. e) Flow through an orifice and devices for flowrate measurement. f) Critical state of the current. g) Overview of permanent motion profiles.
5. Irrigation Systems (1 CFU)
a) Generalities on irrigation systems. b) Organisation of irrigation services. c) Diversion and withdrawal infrastructures. d) Irrigation infrastructures. e) Water-soil-vegetation relationships and crop requirements. d) Irrigation methods. f) Management aspects of irrigation.
6. Exercises and teaching view (1 CFU)
Prerequisites for admission
Prerequisites for successful attendance and study are knowledge of mathematics and physics from the first-year courses.
Teaching methods
Lectures, classroom exercises, technical visit
Teaching Resources
The main reference for exam preparation is the course site available on the University's Ariel online teaching platform. In it, the course is broken down into its components and for each one is available
- copies of the slides used in class
- bibliographical material
The course website also provides
- useful material for the exercises
- exercises
A reference text to complete the preparation is Singh Vijay P., Qiong Su, 2022, Irrigation Engineering. Cambridge Univ. Press.,contains,Irrigation%20Engineering&pfilter=rtype,exact,boo…
Assessment methods and Criteria
The verification of learning takes place through a written test, optionally followed by an oral test.
The written test is divided into two sections: the first includes questions that may be multiple-choice or open; the second requires the numerical solution of an articulated design and verification problem, typical of agricultural hydraulics.
The test normally lasts two hours and is designed to assess the degree of knowledge of the topics covered during the course and the ability to solve problems typical of agricultural hydraulics.
The written test is assessed by awarding a grade in thirtieths. The assessment of the written test is based above all on the correctness of: i) answers to the questions; ii) approach of the solutions adopted to solve the problem; iii) calculations performed and numerical results obtained.
If the assessment is positive (mark awarded at least 18/30) the candidate may close the examination by accepting the assessment; alternatively he/she may ask to take the oral test. In the latter case, the final mark will be the average of the marks for the two tests. In the event of a written test mark of less than 18/30, the candidate is rejected.
In order to prepare for the written test, it is particularly useful to refer to the exercises and exam outlines available on the course website on the Ariel platform.

It can be taken optionally and only if the written test is passed (mark awarded at least 18/30) and in the same examination session. In this case, the final mark is calculated as the average of the marks for the two tests, written and oral.
The oral test comprises questions on the topics covered in the course and, if necessary, a discussion of the written test. The evaluation of the oral test is based on the correctness of the answers, the clarity and completeness of the exposition and on the propriety of the use of technical language.

Registration for the written test must take place via the appropriate University Service; this registration also applies to the oral test, which will normally take place on the days immediately following the written test, the exact date being communicated from time to time.
If you do not wish to take part in the written test once you have registered, please cancel your registration by the deadline indicated in the call (or in any case notify the lecturer by email).
In individual exceptional cases, for justified and documented needs, it is possible to agree on examination arrangements other than those indicated.
The examination may be taken in no more than two consecutive appeals; after the second unsuccessful examination, registration for the immediately following appeal is not permitted.
For students with Specific Learning Disorders, please refer to the Student Guide and the University DSA Service (
Field activity: 8 hours
Practicals: 16 hours
Lessons: 36 hours
Professor: Gandolfi Claudio
Professor: Gandolfi Claudio