Advanced Analysis of Active Principles in Herbal Drugs

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The main objective of the course is to illustrate and discuss the most important analytical approaches used for plant drug analysis. In particular, the first objective of the course is the transfer of knowledge of the main methods for the analysis of plant drugs and derivatives present in the current Pharmacopeia. The second objective is to provide students with a general understanding of the most modern analytical instrumental approaches and their applications to identify, characterize and dose the analytes in plant matrices. The course aims therefore not only to transfer to the student the knowledge necessary to understand the analytical methods and their applications for the analysis of plant drugs and extracts according to the current pharmacopoeia but also to provide those methodological tools useful to develop analytical methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis, on the basis of the structure of the analytes, the matrix and of the sensitivity required. In order to make the notions provided by the theoretical course understandable, part of the methodologies discussed will be experimentally performed in teaching lab, which will allow a concrete knowledge of the analytical techniques and the functioning of the analysis tools.
Another goal of the practical lessons will be the learning of the correct use of the main laboratory instruments.
Expected learning outcomes
At the end of the learning process the student must know the most important analytical applications used in the processes of research, development and production of the drug. The student must also understand the main analytical problems and design possible solutions applying not only the knowledge acquired during the course but also that obtained in the modules of advanced methodologies in pharmaceutical chemistry. The student will therefore have to demonstrate a full capacity to approach and solve a series of analytical problems that will be presented during the exam, also demonstrating communication skills using correct and appropriate terminology.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
First semester
CHIM/08 - PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTRY - University credits: 8
Single bench laboratory practical: 32 hours
Lessons: 48 hours