Administrative and Environment Law

A.Y. 2024/2025
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The aim of the course is to learn the basics of administrative and environmental law. Notions are outlined by presenting the essential aspects of their systematic articulation, their historical origins and their concrete meaning. Lessons are based on normative materials and jurisprudential text, and students are expected take part in analysis of the presented concepts.
Expected learning outcomes
Students must demonstrate that they have acquired knowledge of the characteristics of the administrative and environmental law.
Furthermore, it will be necessary to demonstrate the following:
- ability to apply the notions learned to concrete cases;
- personal opinions with reference to the topics covered by the course, supporting them on the basis of logical and legal arguments;
- ability to express the notions acquired with properties of language, argumentative coherence and systematic rigor.
Single course

This course can be attended as a single course.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
Course syllabus
In the first half of the course the essentials of the administrative organization and power will be outlined. Then the discipline of the administrative procedure and alternative ways Public Administration could exercise its power will be explained. In conclusion, the invalidity of administrative measures and the Public Administration's responsibility for the damage caused in the exercise or non-exercise of its power will be discussed.
The second half of the course would be dedicated to the fundamental notions of environmental law and the discipline of waste disposal.
Prerequisites for admission
The course is for students enrolled in the third year of the Human Sciences of the Enviroment, Territory and Landscape (enrolled from 2017/2018) and students of Human Sciences of the Enviroment, Territory and Landscape (enrolled before 2017/2018). No preparatory exams needed
Teaching methods
Teaching Resources
Bibliography for the 6 CFU exam:
CERULLI IRELLI, Lineamenti di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, last edition (only the following parts: chapters 5, 6, 7 and 9)

LUGARESI, Diritto dell'ambiente, CEDAM, last edition (only the following parts:
Part I. Chapter 1. Ambiente e diritto
Part I. Chapter 2. I livelli sovranazionali
Part I. Chapter 3. I livelli nazionali
Part II Chapter 4. Procedimenti amministrativi ambientali)

RAMACCI, Rifiuti: la gestione e le sanzioni, CELT, last edition (only the following parts:
Chapter 1. Dal d.p.r. 915/82 alla "controriforma"
Chapter 2. I principi generali
Chapter 3. Le principali definizioni
Chapter 4. Classificazione dei rifiuti ed ambito di applicazione della normativa (limitatamente ai paragrafi 1 e 4)

Bibliography for the 9 CFU exam:
CERULLI IRELLI, Lineamenti di diritto amministrativo, Giappichelli, last edition (only the following parts: chapters from 5 to 9)

LUGARESI, Diritto dell'ambiente, CEDAM, last edition (only the following parts:
Part I. Chapter 1. Ambiente e diritto
Part I. Chapter 2. I livelli sovranazionali
Part I. Chapter 3. I livelli nazionali
Part II Chapter 4. Procedimenti amministrativi ambientali)

RAMACCI, Rifiuti: la gestione e le sanzioni, CELT, last edition (only the following parts:
Chapter 1. Dal d.p.r. 915/82 alla "controriforma"
Chapter 2. I principi generali
Chapter 3. Le principali definizioni
Chapter 4. Classificazione dei rifiuti ed ambito di applicazione della normativa (limitatamente ai paragrafi 1 e 4)
Chapter 6 Il servizio di gestione integrata dei rifiuti
Assessment methods and Criteria
The exam will be given at the end of the course and it is made up of an oral test on the subjects covered. The overall grade is made up of three points: knowledge of the subject; presentation skills and critical analysis.
- International students or Erasmus incoming students are invited to immediately contact the teacher.
- The examination procedures for students with disabilities must be defined with the teacher in agreement with the competent office.
Unita' didattica A
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours
Unita' didattica B
IUS/10 - ADMINISTRATIVE LAW - University credits: 3
Lessons: 20 hours