Cultures of Spanish-Speaking Countries Ii

A.Y. 2022/2023
Overall hours
Learning objectives
The course aims to bring students to the main socio-cultural dynamics of Latin American modernity. The use of the various textual and audiovisual materials should foster critical thinking through the problematization of a complex and composite reality.
Expected learning outcomes
Basic knowledge of multiple cultural aspects - literature, visual art, music - featuring the contemporary Latin America scene. The application of the theory and practice of Cultural Studies in socio-historical and linguistic contexts, allows to realize autonomous paths in specific aspects of the Hispanic modernity.
Single course

This course cannot be attended as a single course. Please check our list of single courses to find the ones available for enrolment.

Course syllabus and organization

Single session

Lesson period
Second semester
The lessons will be held in presence, except for unforeseen events.
Course syllabus
The course is divided into three strands: Afro-Spanish American cultural expressions, tango and migration, and the women's question in Latin America.
Prerequisites for admission
The student will have acquired an adequate level of Spanish language enabling him to read and understand contemporary texts. The student will also have mainteined a constant attention to the complex Latin American contemporaneity through adequate information tools (media, internet, social networks) and his participation in conferences, seminars, workshops organizated by the chair of Hispanophone Cultures, accompanied by an ever-increasing capacity critical reading and domain of oral and written communication.
Teaching methods
Lectures, interactive lessons, peer education (with te engagement of Latin American students).
we will start from the texts, wich they will analizated according to some key principles of cultural studies, such as hybridization, intertextuality and transdisciplinarity.
Teaching Resources
Luz María Montiel, "Negros en América", Madrid, Mapfre, 1992. (in Ariel, cap. 1, 2, 3).
Miguel Barnet, "Cimarrón: historia de un Esclavo", Madrid, Siruela, 2006 (in Ariel).
Rafael Flores, Il tango e i suoi labirinti, Francoforte, Abrazos.
Cristina Rivera Garza, El invencible verano de Liliana, México, Insurgentes, 2019 (in Ariel).
Assessment methods and Criteria
Oral examination (in italian or spanish) to check the assimilation and critical re-elaboration of information and cultural stimuli provided during the lessons and however included in the bibliographic material and in the Ariel platform
and will cover the three parts of the course.
Lessons: 60 hours