
Facciata laterale
Course sheet
A.Y. 2025/2026
L-5 R - Filosofia
Open with admission self-assessment test
Course location
Gli obiettivi del corso di laurea in Filosofia consistono nel fornire una solida conoscenza di base concernente le linee essenziali della storia del pensiero filosofico e scientifico, le diverse articolazioni della ricerca filosofica e i relativi aspetti critico-metodologici.
Nell'articolazione degli esami proposti nei primi due anni, il corso esprime gli sviluppi delle scuole di ricerca consolidate dell'Ateneo milanese. Esse sono caratterizzate da uno studio storico-filosofico rigoroso; da un'attenzione per la contemporaneità particolarmente rivolta all'approfondimento delle problematiche teoretiche, morali ed estetiche; dall'evoluzione dell'indagine analitica nella logica, nelle filosofie delle scienze e del linguaggio.
Dato il carattere eminentemente interdisciplinare, che è tipico della filosofia, il corso di laurea prevede che, sulla base di una adeguata formazione filosofica, gli studenti e le studentesse possano sviluppare nel terzo anno i propri studi, attingendo direttamente ad altri ambiti della cultura umanistica e scientifica, integrando lo sviluppo di conoscenze e competenze culturali e professionali, utili anche per chi non prosegue gli studi magistrali.
Completano il percorso attività didattiche specifiche, quali la partecipazione attiva a laboratori e a seminari, fondamentali per lo sviluppo delle competenze trasversali quali l'autonomia di giudizio, le abilità comunicative e le capacità di apprendimento.
Il corso di laurea struttura le proprie attività didattiche tramite lezioni, seminari, accertamenti delle competenze informatiche e linguistiche, laboratori (di discipline filosofiche e di orientamento professionalizzante), insegnamenti a libera scelta ed eventuali tirocini e stage.
Gli studenti e le studentesse, per poter essere ammessi alla prova finale, dovranno acquisire la conoscenza di almeno una lingua straniera moderna dell'Unione Europea. Il corso di laurea adotta la modalità di svolgimento di tipo mista. Gli insegnamenti che saranno erogati in modalità blended learning o a distanza non supereranno il massimo dei 2/3 del totale delle attività del corso.
The programme provides the transferable and metacognitive skills useful for the professions in the fields of communication, in the publishing industry, in the management of cultural processes and in the development and management of human resources.

HR development specialist and HR manager
Job function:
- human resources (HR) manager/assistant
- identification and selection of human resources according to the entity?s needs, also using digital tools
- support in the management of human resources
- integration of the various professional roles within a single department as well as in the whole hierarchy of the company or institution
- identification of training and continuous development opportunities for staff
- conduction of interviews
- career guidance
- implementation of corporate sustainability strategies
- participation in change management processes
Professional skills:
- summarising skills and proper writing skills in Italian
- listening and interpersonal communication skills
- ability to cooperate and negotiate within a coordinated work team
- ability to use search engines and adopt search strategies on the Internet as well as in databases
- ability to check the authenticity of information
- ability to identify and enhance competences
- inclination to explore new subjects and broaden knowledge and skills
- adaptive and sense-making skills
- understanding of complexity
- ability to develop internal communication processes, also in intranets
Career opportunities:
Local authorities and public administrations; private companies; foundations, museums, libraries, archives, Superintendencies, enterprises, consulting firms, large and medium enterprises.

Publishing editor
Job function:
- collection of information on specific topics, also on the Internet
- verification of the reliability of data and news
- drafting texts from scratch, or based on sources and previous documents
- text editing
- selection of explanatory materials and images to accompany texts
- overseeing the formal structure of a text (division in chapters, paragraphs, tables of contents, graphs, links etc.)
- designing the layout of a text or article
- management of contacts with authors and editors
- language review and proofreading
- web editing
- acting as operation manager
- management of copyright and privacy matters
Professional skills:
- summarising skills and proper writing skills in Italian
- proficiency in the use of IT tools for writing and editing texts
- ability to cooperate and negotiate within a coordinated work team
- ability to select and organise information and documents from specialised sources
- ability to formalise information and data, also graphically
- ability to check the authenticity of information
- ability to speak fluently and interact with different stakeholders
- inclination to explore new subjects and broaden knowledge and skills
- ability to understand the different channels of communication and adapt communication accordingly
- creation of digital contents
- writing skills for multimedia and cross-media communication
- ability to revise translations
- ability to present arguments and reasoning
Career opportunities:
Publishing houses; multimedia publishers; editorial staff of journals, including academic and specialised journals, and newspapers; corporate and institutional press offices; public or private entities organising cultural events; communication agencies; film production companies.

Cultural operator
Job function:
- design, organisation and coordination of activities and projects
- coordination of professionals involved in the organisation of courses and educational activities for the dissemination of culture and philosophy
- storage and classification of documents
- organisation of information regarding certain topics
- setting-up and management of exhibitions, collections, expositions and other initiatives
- organisation of educational and dissemination initiatives in connection to cultural events, exhibitions etc.
Professional skills:
- summarising skills and proper writing skills in Italian
- ability to cooperate and negotiate within a coordinated work team
- ability to select and organise information and documents from specialised sources and catalogues
- ability to design and present proposals and contents
- proficiency in the use of IT tools
- ability to use search engines and adopt search strategies on the Internet as well as in relational databases
- inclination to explore new subjects and broaden knowledge and skills
- good presentation skills
- adaptive and sense-making skills
Career opportunities:
Local authorities and public administrations; private and public agencies and institutes operating in the field of cultural production and dissemination; foundations; museums; libraries, archives; Superintendencies; training providers; cultural enterprises.

External communications and press office assistant
Job function:
- management of communications related to events and activities
- production of informative texts for multimedia communication formats, paper publications or social media
- press review compilation and filing according to established criteria
- text editing and presentation of texts
- conduction of interviews
- management of communications with other companies and external stakeholders
- management of relations with journalists in the various sectors
- management of copyright and privacy matters
Professional skills:
- summarising skills and proper writing skills in Italian
- ability to cooperate and negotiate within a coordinated work team
- ability to select and organise information and documents from specialised sources
- proficiency in the use of IT tools
- ability to use search engines and adopt search strategies on the Internet as well as in relational databases
- ability to check the authenticity of information
- ability to speak fluently and interact with different stakeholders
- ability to profile mailing lists and newsletters based on journalists and journalism sectors
Career opportunities:
Publishing houses; multimedia publishers; editorial staff of journals, including academic and specialised journals, and newspapers; corporate and institutional press offices; public or private entities organising cultural events; communication agencies; film production companies.
The Degree Programme in Philosophy places great importance on international student mobility as an opportunity for learning enhancement and promotes stay abroad experiences as part of our University mobility programmes.
The degree programme tutor for international student mobility promotes the active participation of students in the programmes offered and provides educational assistance to selected students.
The tutor follows all the phases of international student mobility:
- urges the active participation of students on all locations and for all languages, advertises the Erasmus agreements and introduces them in dedicated meetings
- after the selection, receives the students individually to discuss the Learning Agreements and provides assistance, via email, during their stay abroad, taking care of any changes. Reductions or extensions of the stay may be authorized for study, health, economic reasons.
The selection interviews are conducted by a special panel of professors from the Department.
Current international agreements are available at the following link:
La frequenza degli insegnamenti non è obbligatoria, ma è consigliata.
I laboratori didattici hanno frequenza obbligatoria; alcuni si svolgono a distanza.

Iscrizione a tempo parziale e frequenza part time
È possibile l'iscrizione al CdS a tempo parziale, che permette di estendere il percorso formativo senza oneri aggiuntivi (il costo complessivo è infatti quello previsto per laurearsi entro la durata normale del corso). Il percorso formativo previsto dal regime di iscrizione a tempo parziale non può essere superiore al doppio del numero di anni previsti dal proprio corso di studio e dovrà rispettare la seguente durata a seconda del percorso scelto:
Corso di laurea (durata normale a tempo pieno 3 anni) Il percorso accademico è da completare in:
- 6 anni per gli iscritti al I anno di corso
- 5 anni per gli iscritti al II anno di corso
- 4 anni per gli iscritti al III anno di corso
- 3 anni per gli iscritti al I, II o III fuori corso
Per l'iscrizione fare riferimento a quanto riportato nello specifico Regolamento d'Ateneo:
Requirements and knowledge required for admission
Admission to the degree course requires a secondary school diploma or other recognised foreign qualification.
Admission to the degree course in Philosophy also requires an adequate basic preparation consisting of general knowledge, text comprehension and knowledge of the Italian language, logical reasoning, acquired in secondary school.

Methods for verifying knowledge and personal preparation
Admission is permitted only after having taken a compulsory non-selective test for orientation and self-assessment purposes. The University uses the CISIA Consortium's TOLC-SU test.
Students who matriculate with a score below the threshold specified in the admission notice must follow a course aimed at satisfying the OFAs (Additional Educational Obligations) required by law. In the event of failure to pass the OFA remedial tests, the career will be blocked at the end of the first year and only unlocked after the OFAs have been met. Information on how to complete the OFAs is published in the appropriate section of the degree programme website:
Candidates already graduated or enrolled in a degree course at the University of Milan or at another university may be exempted from the test only if admitted to years subsequent to the first. For admission to years subsequent to the first year, an application must be submitted for a prior career evaluation in accordance with the procedures and deadlines described in the admission notice.
Students may choose to enrol part-time, in accordance with the rules established by the University. By doing so, students will have the opportunity to extend their course of study at no additional cost, since the overall cost of the degree will be the same as that envisaged for graduating within the normal duration of the degree.

Credit recognition procedures
The Academic Board of the degree course decides on the recognition of CFUs from previous careers, in accordance with the deadlines and procedures outlined by the University. The criteria used to recognise CFUs, in accordance with the University's Student Regulations, are set out in ad hoc regulations approved by the Academic Board itself and published on the degree course website at the following link

Call for applications

Please refer to the call for admission test dates and contents, and how to register.

Application for matriculation: from 15/07/2025 to 16/09/2025

Read the Call


The call for applications is the only official document for admission to degree programmes. Please read it carefully. If you are reading this notice is because the call is available only in Italian as the programme is offered in Italian. Students wishing to enrol must be proficient in Italian.

Online services
Learn more:
Programme description and courses list
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Computer Science Course 3 30 Italian Open sessions INF/01
English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) 3 0 English Open sessions
Fondamenti di filosofia morale 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/03
Introduzione al ragionamento scientifico 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/02
Storia della filosofia antica 9 60 Italian First semester M-FIL/07
Storia della filosofia moderna i 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/06
Optional activities and study plan rules
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Ermeneutica filosofica 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Filosofia politica e teorie di genere 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/01
Ontologia 9 60 Italian Second semester M-FIL/01
Storia delle scienze fisico-matematiche 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/05
Storia delle scienze medico-biologiche 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/05
Teoria della giustizia 9 60 Italian Second semester IUS/20
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Bibliografia 9 60 Italian M-STO/08
Storia contemporanea 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Storia del pensiero politico 9 60 Italian Second semester SPS/02
Storia della filosofia politica 9 60 Italian First semester SPS/02
Storia greca 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Storia medievale 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Storia moderna 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/02
Storia romana 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/03
be activated by the A.Y. 2026/2027
Optional activities and study plan rules
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Antropologia filosofica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/03
Estetica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Filosofia morale 9 60 Italian M-FIL/03
Filosofia teoretica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Gnoseologia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Introduzione alla metafisica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Retorica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Storia dell'estetica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Filosofia del linguaggio 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Filosofia della fisica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Filosofia della psicologia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Filosofia della scienza 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Il linguaggio della filosofia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Logica i 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Semiotica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Teorie del linguaggio e della mente 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Classici della filosofia antica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/07
Classici della filosofia moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Filosofia medievale araba ed ebraica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/08
Storia del pensiero politico medievale 6 40 Italian M-FIL/08
Storia della filosofia del rinascimento 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Storia della filosofia dell'800 e del '900 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Storia della filosofia medievale 9 60 Italian M-FIL/08
Storia della filosofia moderna ii 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
- 3 CFU da acquisire in altre attività formative utili per l'inserimento nel mondo del lavoro (seminari, laboratori), ovvero in ulteriori competenze linguistiche (differenti da inglese B1), o ancora tramite tirocini.

Potranno essere riconosciute (sempre nell'ambito dei 3 CFU), ove giudicate congrue con le esigenze del corso di studi da un'apposita Commissione, ulteriori conoscenze e abilità, anche derivanti da tirocini o altre esperienze in ambienti di lavoro o dalla frequenza di altre attività formative professionalizzanti.
be activated by the A.Y. 2027/2028
Optional activities and study plan rules
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Antropologia filosofica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/03
Classici della filosofia antica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/07
Classici della filosofia moderna e contemporanea 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Estetica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Filosofia del linguaggio 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Filosofia della fisica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Filosofia della psicologia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Filosofia della scienza 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Filosofia medievale araba ed ebraica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/08
Filosofia morale 9 60 Italian M-FIL/03
Filosofia teoretica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Gnoseologia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Il linguaggio della filosofia 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Introduzione alla metafisica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/01
Logica ii 9 60 Italian M-FIL/02
Retorica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Semiotica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Storia del pensiero politico medievale 6 40 Italian M-FIL/08
Storia dell'estetica 9 60 Italian M-FIL/04
Storia della filosofia del rinascimento 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Storia della filosofia dell'800 e del '900 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Storia della filosofia medievale 9 60 Italian M-FIL/08
Storia della filosofia moderna ii 9 60 Italian M-FIL/06
Teorie del linguaggio e della mente 9 60 Italian M-FIL/05
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Antropologia culturale 9 60 Italian M-DEA/01
Didattica generale e dell'inclusione 9 60 Italian M-PED/03
Fondamenti di psicologia 6 40 Italian M-PSI/01
Philosophy of economics 9 60 Italian SECS-P/01
Teorie sociologiche 9 60 Italian SPS/07
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Analisi matematica 1 9 60 Italian MAT/05
Archeologia dei media 9 60 Italian L-ART/06
Cinema e teorie del visuale 6 40 Italian L-ART/06
Didattica generale e dell'inclusione 9 60 Italian M-PED/03
Filosofia del diritto e informatica giuridica 9 60 Italian IUS/20
Fondamenti di informatica per le scienze umanistiche 6 40 Italian INF/01
Gestione delle risorse umane 9 60 Italian SECS-P/10
Indologia 9 60 Italian L-OR/18
Introduzione alle neuroscienze cognitive 9 60 Italian M-PSI/02
Letteratura greca 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/02
Letteratura italiana 9 60 Italian L-FIL-LET/10
Lingua francese 9 60 Italian L-LIN/04
Lingua tedesca 9 60 Italian L-LIN/14
Linguistica generale 9 60 Italian L-LIN/01
Metodi della ricerca sociale 6 40 Italian SPS/07
Progettazione didattica e valutazione 9 60 Italian M-PED/03
Religioni del mondo classico 9 60 Italian M-STO/06
Storia contemporanea 9 60 Italian Second semester M-STO/04
Storia culturale del mediterraneo 9 40 Italian L-OR/10
Storia del diritto e del pensiero giuridico 6 40 Italian IUS/19
Storia dell'antropologia 9 60 Italian M-DEA/01
Storia dell'arte contemporanea 9 60 Italian L-ART/03
Storia dell'arte medievale 9 60 Italian L-ART/01
Storia della filosofia politica moderna 9 60 Italian SPS/02
Storia greca 9 60 Italian L-ANT/02
Storia medievale 9 60 Italian M-STO/01
Storia moderna 9 60 Italian First semester M-STO/02
Storia romana 9 60 Italian Second semester L-ANT/03
Teorie della fotografia e della postfotografia 9 60 Italian L-ART/06
Courses or activities Max ECTS Total hours Language Lesson period SSD
Prova finale 9 0 Italian Open sessions
Optional activities and study plan rules
Prescribed foundation courses
Learning activityPrescribed foundation courses
Classici della filosofia antica Storia della filosofia antica (optional)
Classici della filosofia moderna e contemporanea Storia della filosofia moderna i (optional)
Philosophy of economics English Assessment B1 (3 ECTS) (compulsory)
Storia della filosofia moderna ii Storia della filosofia moderna i (compulsory)
Learn more
Head of study programme
Erasmus and international mobility tutor 
Internship tutor
Seminar and workshop tutor
Dissertation tutor
University and programme transfer tutor

The tuition fees for students enrolled in Bachelor's, Master's and single-cycle degree programmes are divided into two instalments with different calculation methods and payment schedules:

  • The amount of the first instalment is the same for all students
  • The amount of the second instalment varies according to the ISEE University value, the degree programme and the student status (on track / off track for one year or off track for more than a year) 
  • An additional fee is due for online programmes

The University also offers:

  • Concessions for students meeting high merit requirements
  • Diversified tuition fees according to the student's home country for international students with assets/income abroad
  • Concessions for international students with refugee status

Scholarships and benefits

The University provides a range of financial benefits to students meeting special requirements (merit, financial or personal conditions, international students).

Learn more